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Messages - Cap87Champs

Just a quick note of congrats to the Warhawks and their fans.   Spent most of the week reading up on the deep program and tradion you have up North in Whitewater.   Was planning to get up to see the Perk and experience another D3 environment but an small time emergency kept me in Chicago.  Our boys from Columbus made us proud once again despite the injuries but they met a tougher foe today.  Best of luck to you.  I wish you the best all the way through the playoffs....that is until you possibly meet the OAC again.  Peace.
any thoughts on why cap drew the #1 seed vs. #2 like all other regions?  probably trying to save widener a little gas money so they sent them half way to cleveland instead?
interesting move i'd agree but mount will fair well regardless.  too bad the ncaa didn't make this move last year or the year before because it may have been an all-oac championship with muc and cap. 

as for the crusaders at uw-w, i sure as heck hope they find some offense or it'll be a very long bus ride from to columbus from whitewater.
hat's off to rocky and the other seniors...they've certainly brought life back into the cap program. maybe some of the muc fans take it for granted that they should be there every year because, well because they're mount.  but let me tell you, it's that much sweeter to be there and do something when others don't expect was the case today...we're disappointed cause we were so close...ur just happy to escape with a win.  collins has done a wonderful job and i wish him continued success.

and lastly, on the rocky-front, as much fun as most have had here at his expense i don't think anyone who has worn a uniform at any level in college football wouldn't want to play as long as you can.  it's a special time that you'll always cherish, ring or not, and for most the friendships that come off that field live a very long time.

very proud of the kids from cap today and this season.  it's been 19 years since we've won a conference crown but i know it'll happen again and sooner than most think.

keep up the good banter and bring it home muc...OAC is the king of D3 football.

it was a great game....just wrong outcome for us cap fans..  nothing to be ashamed of correct but this loss stings deeply...they're probably the second best team in the country...again, but have to go home empty handed. good luck muc...bring it home so there's some solace down the road in the loss today
said a prayer to the god of doug flutie but it didn't work...
3rd and 5 ..2:20 left..cap calls timeout.
Quote from: joelmama on December 02, 2006, 02:28:15 PM
Piece of constructive critism Gordon should mention the time left more than once every five minutes or so especially in the 4th Quarter.

Ok as soon as I post this he mentions the time twice in one minute.

just switch to the cap commentary joelmama...ur hear it all the
Huge TD Pass...let's GO CAP
Quote from: desertraider on December 02, 2006, 02:23:17 PM
All the talk (leading up to this game) has been about Rocky - but the CAP D is absolutely amazing! Regardless of the outcome CAPs D has been incredible.

agreed desert...thanks for the compliment...haven't seen many doled out to the crusaders..yes, d has played exceptionally well.  cap o is moving now...let's see if they can make the final few minutes interesting.
gotta love the mount d rushing only 2 and putting 9 in pass
220-135 total yards..muc with the edge.  Cap defense is playing great...need a hold here and for Rocky to connect on a few
way to go defense...i'll take a field goal and the ball again after the kickoff
sounds like mount got away with an interference ric didn't see it that way
Quote from: JK on December 02, 2006, 01:57:01 PM
HUGE stop by Cap

7-7 going tot he 4th

are you kidding me?  what a defensive stand...unreal.  way to go defense...let's go Rocky