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Messages - 4thANDaLONG4

Hey Kelly,
Please email me via my profile, I would very much like to speak with you.
hey Fripp, looked at your profile, I know you well, how are things going?
You played for Tim Hreha and Ed Meyer, I am coach Meyer's youngest son, wondered if I remembered you.
Hey Fripp, what position did you play?
Hey DPU3619,

I agree completely, well stated.
I don't know anything about the any other evidence coming out, don't really care.  However, the V.P was dismissed yesterday afternoon, and they will be having a send off for him on Monday at 4:00 pm in the student union.  How he left, who knows, who cares, but DPU will be much better without him, and now the rest of them can get down to business and not look over their shoulders every 2 seconds.
So to lighten the mood, One very important question!!!!

Who will have the best looking cheerleaders?

DePauw or Wabash?

Sorry, thought it was funny, 3619 good post, we can all just agree to disagree and move on to more important things (not football) cheerleaders.
Hey 3619,

Very valid point, hopefully they get a long term solution into help them out, no need rushing and making a strange situation even worse.  Oh well, another day in paradise, let's go Little Giants.
Hey DPU 3619, haven't been on in a while, but that rant was funny.  I am tring to picture Abrahms getting into any sort of uniform and trying to block someone.

Region 4 football (Great Lakes-ish) / The Berg
December 11, 2006, 07:10:37 PM
Anyone know who is getting this job?  Interviews were last week, would love to know.
Point Taken Wes, guess I should post while having a beer.  By thew way I don't know much about football, but I was on role with the whole "Spud" thing.
Hey Lefty,

Did you play at DePauw?  I know a few leftys that played both.  I know where you are coming from.
Hey Wes,

Alluding to our previous conversations, you know nothing of what it takes to play quarterback, let alone trombone.  Look at the stats all you want, your opinion is irrelevant.  Let the coaches decide.  I know more about coaching than you, and I gladly keep my mouth shut.  Both kids are good kids.  If I was a betting man, i'd bet on a DICK any time ( I realize I just opened myself up for some good ones).  Stick to the AM/FM dial "Disc Jockey."
DePauwTigers1- They won the SCAC in 2005 not 2006.
Scotty- "Rogers was not ready for the position", you must be good friends with current HFC or a relative because that is what he was telling the Crawfordsville natives. I would be interested in what evidence exists that he was not ready. These are the facts that I am aware of: winningest coach in the modern era at Kalamazoo College, offensive coordinator at Cornell University who posted the biggest turnaround in Ivy League history while he was there and took the DePauw Tigers to an undefeated SCAC Championship in 2005. Why was he not qualified? How is the current ADEQUATE HFC more qualified?
Radio Guy,

Let's not be so literal, and please take things in context.  The previous discussion concerned the fights and so on at the Monon games.  My view, a simple view, keep the fight on the field.  Also, let the bragging be done by those that have earned it.  Those who don't participate should enjoy it, but enjoy it only.  There is no reason for those who don't participate to throw the perverbial punch.  Stay in the stands and keep your distance. Please keep your enthusiasm, but appreciate those who truly fight the battle and shed their sweat.  Also, I said earlier, i am sure you did your job, and i know you did it well, i heard you on the radio.  But, you never made a tackle, ran a  yard or served as a practice dummy, either did the frat boys who flexed their beach muscles.  i wasn't singling you out, just the NON-ROSTER athletes.