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Messages - MCScotsFan

Missed the alumni game. :(

Can't wait for the season to start!  Love MC B-ball!!
Quote from: old_lion on March 12, 2009, 10:02:35 AM
Quote from: MCScotsFan on March 11, 2009, 11:02:33 PM
I added Bo before Raul because I had so much to say about Raul. ;D

I know ... I was just kidding about that ... sort of.  That was always a pet peeve of mine ... the pure PG (Killer, Green, Baize, etc.) Vs. the volume shooter (Bo) who happened to be playing the lead guard position ... IMHO, they don't even belong in the same conversation.  But, when he got hot, Bo could shoot ... I'll give him that.  And, he was going to keep shooting until he got hot ... so consequently, he scored a lot and , IMHO, he got more recognition than he deserved.  His shooting %s were always pretty poor ... he scored more than the typical PG, because he shot a lot, period.  Just my opinion ...

Quote from: MCScotsFan on March 11, 2009, 11:02:33 PM

"the straw that stirs the drink" type player "- I guess you'll have to explain that one to me, if you would. i have no idea what that means. Glad I did it, but don't know what I did.  ;)

The phrase was attributed to Reggie Jackson ... not surprisingly, he was talking about himself.  As in, "I'm the guy that makes the Yankees go."

I think the phrase is much more applicable in basketball, than in baseball.  It refers to a "synergy guy" (usually a PG) who does all the things (some intangible) that enables his team to function better. In short, he makes his teammates better.  That's why, if you look at the season stats of most teams, it's almost always the "straw that stirs the drink type players" that lead them in minutes played.  His coaches, and his teammates, don't like it when he's not on the floor ... guys don't want to play instead of this type player ... they want to play with him.

Thanks for those explanations!

I think the world of Bo Mason so no comment there.
Region 6 women's basketball / Re: GSAC
March 11, 2009, 11:10:10 PM
Quote from: scottiedoug on March 10, 2009, 05:00:31 PM
Anybody got any good rumors about who Coach Wright is recruiting?

He's got some major recruiting to do. Big job ahead, IMHO. We need some size and height and talent. I saw a lot fo young players watching in the stands at most games.

MC needs players and students in general! I am excited about next year's season.

I am proud of the job they did in Oglethorpe.
Region 6 women's basketball / Re: GSAC
March 11, 2009, 11:06:24 PM
Quote from: scottiedoug on March 05, 2009, 11:48:21 AM
Nice piece about Natalie Munday.  Not so nice about her former coach.

Great article about Nat. I think the truth's gotta hurt. I do not know what happened in all that. I had dinner with the man once and he was very nice. But somewhere, someplace, things went very wrong for him. I really hope he is doing well *today*.
Quote from: old_lion on March 04, 2009, 10:36:29 PM
Quote from: MCScotsFan on March 02, 2009, 06:01:51 PM

My favorite year before this one was definitely with Ellis, Calloway, Mason (who seems to be doing great if anyone ever wonders about him!), and Placeres along with Bobby Golden. While Andy Chaney could shoot like a crazy man,  when one of the 5 were out, in general, I was waiting for them to go back in.
Placeres will probably always be my favorite player to watch. He had this drive toward the basket that looked fast until he put it in overdrive! He was animated and worked the crowd, led the team and joked around with the refs. It was always a great show!

That was the best Murvul team I saw.  (But then, I never saw any of Grubb's teams ... I would really have liked to.)  But I have to chastise you for one thing ... NEVER mention Mason ahead of Paceres ... it just ain't right.   ;D  (I'm only semi-kidding ... you're welcome, Killer.)  BUT, you get extra credit for your appreciation of "the straw that stirs the drink" type player ... that's all too rare.

On a related topic ... you guys know how I love the #s ... well, kudos to whomever is doing the stats on the GSAC website ... I believe John Hughes, the LaGrange SID, is the lead dog.  They now have links to the last two season's stats ... and it includes some really nice sorts of the information.

It would be really cool if they could develop an extensive archive section ... and have this type of info back several seasons.  I would love to be able to see this type of info on some of the good teams from the past ... like the 2000 team Grubb mentioned ...

Quote from: mattgrubb on March 02, 2009, 11:07:54 PM
the 2000 team had Housewright then also on that team Watts GSAC player of the year, Ennen GSAC player of the year, Tummel GSAC Player of the year

and Huntingdon's good, senior-laden team from 05-06.

BTW, that 05-06 team was my favorite Piedmont team ... outstanding depth.  In 05-06, the gsac was much better overall, than any other season I've seen.

"the straw that stirs the drink" type player "- I guess you'll have to explain that one to me, if you would. i have no idea what that means. Glad I did it, but don't know what I did.  ;)

I added Bo before Raul because I had so much to say about Raul. ;D
Honestly, Raul was all that and really made watching D-III fun to me. I'd never watched a D-III men's game for the team he was on with Waldo Butram. I really enjoyd the team as a whole but Placeres drew the fan in.  Everyone loved watching him play at MC. Everyone still mentions him in the stands and everyone talks about him being up at G-P.

RDL/MC turns out some fine men as do all of y'all involved in D-III sports. Because when the game is over, life goes on for these men. THAT is the reason I love D-III basketball. (Except for Alex Bowers whose still playing! ). I know everyone interested in D-III sports loves the game but you just are so darned proud of these kids who come in as freshman kiddlets and leave as young men and women...ready, for life!!

I'm sorry the Scots lost but proud they go so far with such a young team.

So, how many more days until the next season??!!
quote " Watts, Houswright, and Matt Ennen "

---they were before my time. (I did say that I have seen.)

I was talking to someone in RL and they thought the team of Golden, Ellis, Placeres, Calloway, Mason etc. was the best also so I'm probably in the minority with my opinion of thinking it is this team.

I still think it though and I agree with Watts, wait a few years and see if I'm right.  ;D  I know RDL will do his part, the work is up to the guys. Frankly, I think they have what it takes. I cannot wait to see what RDL does with Maverick.
And like I said, I like that there is no star. We can talk and mention Watson and Hernandez all day long but the supporting cast won't bring on a yawn. It can be anyone's night. In fact, it might not be anyone's night. It might be a handful.

This team has what it takes. I watch Hernandez fire these guys up. It must be something they learn in Miami, lol, because I thought Placeres led the team too. I hope Raul passes that on to all of his GP players and someone "gets" it. I can't wait for the day that I see a GP player come on to the MC team. That'll be very cool!

Win or lose, MC will make us proud. They have got to fired up!

Go MC Fighting Scots!

(ETA--ScottieDoug is right. Shutting down one player won't help. That is the beauty of this team!)
Region 6 women's basketball / Re: GSAC
March 02, 2009, 06:04:59 PM
They've definitely go their work cut out for them. I really hope they can do it. That would be awesome! I'm just proud they made it this far. It has been such a rough road for them. It will great if they can come together, all be 'on" and play their hearts out.

Go Lady Scots!!
Quote from: old_lion on March 02, 2009, 04:54:37 PM
Quote from: MCScotsFan on February 28, 2009, 09:37:08 PM
This, IMHO, is the most talent RDL has had all at once.

MC, I don't think I can agree with that statement.  This team certainly has a lot of young talent ... but the most overall talent RDL has had?

Within my short memory ...

What about 06-07 ... GoldenBlair has to be one of the gsac's top all-time at the 5 position, Bowers was a complete all-around guard, and Bo was a prolific volume shooter who was unstoppable when his jumper was falling ...

05-06 was a very deep team ...

03-04 was no slouch either ...

And probably the best was 04-05 ... with the triumvirate of Raul, Sidney, & Monte ... backed by all that young talent ... Golden, Blair, Chaney, Bradley, Mason. etc.

I'm OK with agreeing to disagree.  ;)  I think RDL has had some great talent through the years but this team is sooo deep. To me, there is no star of the team. Every game you never know whose game it will be. Watson? Hernandez? Lambert? Damron?  Brown? This team has quiet talents like Shumate, Laverdaire, Willet, Blakely... it just goes on and on, imo.

I am not saying I think Golden and Blair weren't great post players, by no means. They were! Alex Bowers knocked my socks off the first time I saw him play. Honestly, he was all over the place, like in flight or something! But, I just think the talent is more spread out all over the court at all times, that's all. I don't sit in the stands and worry about performance if Damron or Watson are on the bench. Someone else is going to step up. That's just how it is this year.

My favorite year before this one was definitely with Ellis, Calloway, Mason (who seems to be doing great if anyone ever wonders about him!), and Placeres along with Bobby Golden. While Andy Chaney could shoot like a crazy man,  when one of the 5 were out, in general, I was waiting for them to go back in.
Placeres will probably always be my favorite player to watch. He had this drive toward the basket that looked fast until he put it in overdrive! He was animated and worked the crowd, led the team and joked around with the refs. It was always a great show!

I just still think RDL has more depth and talent all at once than ever before. they're young now, but  if they work as hard as Hernandez did in the off season last year, they'll be greater still.

Good luck, Fighting Scots!! We are so proud each time they get in  to the NCAA tourney!
I just think coaching this much talent must be a lot of fun.  ;D
This, IMHO, is the most talent RDL has had all at once. Since I've been watching the Scots. I just watch and think that he has got to be enjoying this! I hope they are doing well in the classroom too. That makes a player even better (no matter what level) to me but esp. in D-III.

So is it Monday morning when we'll know about both teams?
Region 6 women's basketball / Re: GSAC
February 28, 2009, 07:22:08 PM
Congrats to the Lady Scots winning the GSAC tourney!!

I was certainly proud of them! I'd title it the Natalie Munday Show. She certainly did a turnaround and got her groove back.

I hope people interested who could not be at MC for all the games knew it was on the internet. Sorry I didn't say that last night. hopefully, people knew and didn't miss their favorite team's action.

Congrats to the Scots!! Those 3's were awesome! I'm still saying Erik Waston.

So what are the chances of seeing the GSAC being represented in the first round of the NCAA tourney?
Old Lion, you are right. And if Sam had been able to play, I think Maryville would have been in BIG trouble. I think Sam was here his freshman year? Would that be right? He got some playing time becuase I remember him and thought he'd grow into an even better player. I saw him play this year and I thought he'd done just that. How hard to sit on the bench last night for him--I wondered what his injury was. I hope his knee heals soon enough.

Anyway, I thought the Lions had a lot of quickness and some fine shooters. That one kid's left handed shot for a three was awesome. Sorry I didn't catch his name.
Quote from: GSAC Killer on February 26, 2009, 09:40:56 AM
Watson nor Hernandez MVP????????????????????????? I don't care what stats that kid had.. MVP will their teams to wins!! Absolutely nuts!!!

A knowledgable basketball fan knows that the MVP should have been Hernandez or Watson!!

I totally agree with you. Hernandez is my favorite player out there. However, Erik Watson is the most amazingly awesome player on the court. The man comes through time, after time, after time. He thinks and stays calm. I just think he should have been the one. Rarely do we see a player like him in this conference.

FOY, not being Damron or Lambert? I sorta reminds me of how they do the karma on this board, LOL. Maybe they couldn't pick between the two so they just gave it to someone else.  :D Yeah, that's gotta be it.

FWIW, I thought Piedmont played their hearts out tonight. 
Region 6 women's basketball / Re: GSAC
February 27, 2009, 11:14:33 PM
Too close but I see what you mean with the reason you gave me. I watched a bit differently this evening but, yeah, "whew" is right. Piedmont wanted it so badly, you could see it out there.
Congrats Lady Scots. We'll be there tomorrow to see another win. I'm getting too old to watch these super close ballgames.
Region 6 women's basketball / Re: GSAC
February 25, 2009, 06:46:18 PM
Well, now, I think you might be right and I appreciate you taking the time to type that out. I think that is what I AM seeing...not being a b-ball coach or anything , just a fan, I had not thought of it that way. You make a lot of sense to me with that comment. I'm going to pay attention this weekend and I'm betting you're right! Thanks!