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Messages - joeyice

BV    16
Cornell    0

with less than :52 in the game

Score was 3-0 at half....great defensive struggle and looks like the Beavers will notch their first win.

Cornell had 4 turnovers now in the second half with a fumble just recovered by the BV squad.

Great jobs BEAVERS!

I must admit...the trains on the radio sure made the backs sound like they were running hard....
Since we're adding other places played:

let's not forget the ol' favorite Upper Iowa Fayette-name Peacocks....all I can hear is Cartman in the back of my mind singing 'in the ghetto...", while we all wondered if and when the creaks and groans of the steel above would finally give way.
Central - home, home in the corn
Luther - make the field baby blue and finish 'er off - give Boise a run for their money
Simpson - fluff the grass, watch for the ripple on the 30
BV - official windtunnel testing site for NASA
Cornell - don't remember, no hard feelings
Coe - are we there yet? oh yeah, keep walking, got it.
Dubuque - don't look down
Loras - win or lose, the steep walk down the hill always blew
Wartburg - nice field, chewy too, I'll remember to close my mouth next time

OK, phrase association, not so much word association......and is it just me, or does 'youcan'tseeme' 'notseetherealschedule' ?  I thought the dutch were at stormy pond this week?
My picks: BV, Wartburg, Luther, Cornell.  I hate to be redundant with the Nirvana'esque motif - but I just want everybody to know how much I enjoy the message boards...every time I get on here, I can't help but think,"here we are now, entertain us."

Tony - "always faithful" - Soprano, talked to your pops a few days ago, let me know the news - couldn't believe it, but just fits knowing you.  Let me be the first to say thanks.  I can't help the way your posts always crack me up - and make a splash regardless of your aim (no offense WH...and not to be nitpicky, but in what format is this a chatroom?).  Guess it helps if I can put it in the context of heavy helmet.

I'll always side with the team who keeps grass growing on the homefield - but from a cost standpoint it just doesn't make sense anymore.  You're not pulling speculation out of the air when it comes to finances, it just makes sense.  Rumors are going around the pond with a few new initiatives that may continue improvements and be a huge difference maker, but I'm sure pops has filled you in.  I've also heard the 'burg financial "woes," I work with a former Knight.  Evidently their bonds have been downgraded to junk bonds and there is quite a bit of debt.  However I will tip my hat to them for making the effort - definately one of the most modern campuses in the conference and what the students needed, right up there with BV's new digs.
Show - congrats!

I hope you're getting to spend some quality time with the new little one and not running yourself too ragged.  It shouldn't take you too long to figure out who this older beaver who had your back in a 24 ice or fourty...and that was in a half.

I'm new to the postpattern game - hopefully welcomed with open arms as a guy who knows maybe a little, or at least can offer a little insight.  As for BV, didn't make it up north on Saturday but had a good picture painted by SL's commentator from the local station making the trip up- if anybody has had the pleasure of listening to him he does one of the better jobs I've heard in a while.  Judging by the boxscores and commentary, BV just kept fighting to start something but kept getting snuffed out.  It sounded much like The Show put it, the defense looked tough and put up a great fight, but when you're on the field that long it takes its toll.  The offense had it's moments, but they need to put the moments together consistently - Hawkins is one of the best QB's I've seen in a while, so I hope to see some big things from him and the Beaver O.  I look for them to put their nose to the grindstone and utilize the off-week as a time to get back on top of the dam and defend against the dutch. 

Good luck to the rest of the conference this week....