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Messages - tlugrad2000

TLU has two problems, 1) No Ground Game and 2) No defense.  As we say in Belton "'Nuff Said!"  I am sick and tired of getting hyped for football season only to be let down in the first three games of the season.  Heaven Help Us!
Quote from: Ralph Turner on September 21, 2008, 05:53:53 PM
Quote from: mhb8904 AKA Toby Taff on September 21, 2008, 05:48:43 PM
While looking through the TLU site I found this picture of Quincy Daniels lone carry.  Knees shouldn't bend like that.  Am I right Dr. Turner?
Knees were not meant to bend that way!

Official announcement ---

OUCH!  Reminds me of when Joe Theisman took that hit to the leg from Lawrence Taylor (Am I dating myself?)

Mothers, please do not let your children see that picture.

(I can handle blood and guts, congenital malformations, and most malignancies, but I have a weak spot where human carpentry is concerned.)
Quote from: yessir on September 21, 2008, 03:44:08 AM
Man I wish TLUGoat was still on the board.......

.....The Cru D played pretty good.....bending but not breaking. I seen countless holds that were not called....particularly No. 64 for TLU. He had no answer for Mark Manning other than a handful of jersey. Adam Aguilera  had a heck of a game....

As for TLU holds, check this TLU website pic out that a UMHB player with a handful of FACEMASK?? GOSH WALLY!

And in this one nobody has a football but there is a purple hand with a fistful of White jersey?? OH GOSH!!!

I only point these out because there are plenty of missed calls on both sides of the football that could have changed game dynamics.  However, good football players, coaches and fans should never use them as a reason for missed opportunities.  This is especially true of UMHB.  Any team UMHB plays in the ASC could hold and facemask all day long and UMHB has the perseverance and pride to win plain and simple.  They are what all D-III programs should attempt to emulate.

TLU sucked plain and simple.  And not just because they were expected to lose to UMHB.  They STRUGGLED with Sul Ross and had to go to OT to win!!!!!

When oh when will the football gods shine mercifully on Seguin,TX and TLU??? HMMMMMMMM
Quote from: texas2step on September 25, 2008, 04:25:33 PM
Quote from: mhb8904 AKA Toby Taff on September 25, 2008, 10:37:19 AM
Le me be the first to say . . .
Welcome to the board texas2step.  Always good to have another voice.  Are you a TLU supporter?  We don't get many of them around here.

I'm trying to be one.  Losing a game is not the end of the world and losing to UMHB is really okay because everybody loses to them.  But you have to compete to the end, coaches and players.  I didn't see that Saturday.  TLU needs to make a commitment to winning

I broadcasted TLU games in 99 and 2000.  Since then they have only posted one winning season to my knowledge and that was when Coach Mueller took them to 7-2.  TLU needs to make the committment to winning by spending some money to hire a coach with a winning COLLEGE record or eliminate the program all together.  I would rather have no team than have one that consistently hangs out in the basement of the ASC.  We are better than that.  Our Baseball team knows how to win on a regular basis and is one the most respected in Division III.  Our football program needs tofollow suit.

One key area where we miss out is that we do very little recruiting in Central Texas.  Coach Fred knows how to get these kids and they are ok with waiting 2 and 3 years to make the travel squad just to have the opportunity to say they were with "The Cru".  The more I learn about UMHB's football program and Coach Fred the more respect I have for them and understand why there is so much school spirit on and off campus and in the surrounding community.  You will not find the same in Seguin, TX.
Thank you Ralph!  It is another LONGGGGGGGG  season for TLU!
I am glad I did not pay for the viscious beat-down I knew UMHB would bring.  I am encouraged that TLU at least put 7 points on the board.  When will TLU learn to spend the money for coaches with stellar winning recors and not coaches who are friends of the university.  This is discouraging.  At least UMHB searched hard and found a high quality coach in Fred and was willing to pay for a coach that can produce results.

Did TLU look as bad as the score shows?
On any given Friday night, Saturday or Sunday any team can beat any other team.  Statistically it was anybody's to win or lose.   On the score-board it was a different story.  It is amazing how brains can win over braun in football because of poor mental mistakes unless the other team isn't smart to capitalize on those mistakes. 

UWW capitalized on turnovers that are totally uncharacteristic of this UMHB squad.  Without the mental mistakes this would have been a 10 or 14 point difference on either side of the ball and not the bloodletting that it was .  In Welch's defense, until we have walked a mile in his cleats it is hard for us to know what spooked him into 3 INTs and the other turnovers unless we were playing right beside him or if we were in his head. 

If wishes were fishes....  The past is the past. UMHB must look forward and correct the mental mistakes and I assure you they will not be repeated and if they are then UMHB has less discipline than I have given them credit for this year.  UMHB has beat most of its opponnents by 20 points or more this season.  What was the spread with UWW?  I would bet UMHB feels as bad as TLU did when UMHB beat them 48-0.  Even though UMHB did not get beat that bad, this loss was an embarassment to the program because of the lack of discipline UMHB is consistantly known for. 

Lack of discipline has kept TLU from being a UMHB caliber football team.  Now they have a coach that is bringing that brand of football to Seguin.

For the HSU fans, TLU beat Howard Payne who happened to beat HSU.  Don't be so sure we are a gimme there HSU fans! (LOL).  This is a total rebuild year for TLU with a new coaching staff and a new play book.  Watch us in two seasons for great things!
Dallas, this is the only game that UMHB has had all season that even remotely presented a threat to them.  However, it is a NON-CONFERENCE game and will get them to the playoffs where there are few, if any teams in the South or west that can stop them on the way to the Stagg Bowl.  Stats were very close for both teams.  The only major differences were poor judgements that could have been prevented by a team of such a high caliber.  They have been winning by such large margins all year they may have thought this not to be the fight they found it to be.  But, rest assured, they realize it now and are making adjustments.  Whoa be to the next few teams who think they can do what UWW did.
Many will want to take this opportunity to kick UMHB when they are down.  But let's take the high road and recognize that is the first time this year that UMHB has played a team any where close to their level of play.  While it is true that turnovers killed the Cru today, it also gives Mr. Welch the opportunity to see a much more skilled level of play that he must and will rise to when the playoffs come around.  Even though I am a "Rabid TLU Bulldog Fan", I also recognize a top shelf program when I see one.  Now that I have been working and living in the Belton area teaching and coaching JH and HS football I have had an opportunity to to see the UMHB program up close and respect it for the quality program that it is.  GOOD LUCK CRU!  Represent the ASC and TEXAS and show these Yankees how this game is played!
Quote from: yessir on September 21, 2007, 03:33:58 PM
I wouldn't say HSU will be coasting any week this year.......No team should ever coast threw a week. That's how you end up losing to an inferior team such as UMHB vs. HPU and HSU vs. TLU in 2005.

Short passes and ball control might work on some teams but it wont work on UMHB. SRSU knows that for a fact. BIG plays will be the only way UMHB loses. Both Wesley loses in the playoffs were because of big plays. Linfield capitalized off big plays in the Stagg Bowl. HSU's win over UMHB in 2004 stemed from big plays, (Galusha INT for a touchdown, etc)
It's hard for a team to drive consistantly on UMHB because they are so good at causing the opposing team to make mistakes. INT's, fumbles, blown blocking assignments, etc. Whenever you see a MLB line up in the A gap and he gets through untouched, that's a blocking assignment error. There for a while last week, I thought the SRSU QB was throwing passes to UMHB players. I can't wait till Oct. 6, 2007. I've never been to Abilene as a fan. I'm kind of excited about possilby being cornered in the bathroom, or getting cussed out by some nice drunken christian young men. Sounds like a blast!! Good thing is, this year if they have foul comments to share with my wife, they can share them with me as well. I can't wait!! Good luck to all teams and fans traveling this weekend. I hope you have a safe weekend. Good luck to the CRU let's take care of business in Sequin this weekend. Drink alot of Gatorade on the way up there, it's gonna be hot. Don't blow up the Church bathrooms to bad........LOL  GO CRU!!!!

TLU was not an inferior team in 2005.  They knew how to take advantage of HSU's weakness and sent UMHB to the Stagg Bowl.
First, my apologies to the coaches and athletes in Southeast texas.  However trying to recruit quality talent into a D-3 program from an area known for awesome D-I and D-II quality that offer FREE tuition is tough.  This is especially true when schools that cost in the neighborhood of $25,000 a year try to recruit these athletes most can't afford that neighborhood and opt for the free tuition. 

Second,  Coach Marmion, who never broke .500 in FOUR seasons,was asked to resign! Coach Meuller came in and turned the program around.  He left to be a dean of a Christian School in Ft. Worth.  He was a an AWESOME coach!  Nobody knows why he would do that unless he was specifically hired to turn the program around and then move on (which happens all the time). 

TLU has been fortunate to have talent the likes of Gransberry, Bozeman, Daley,Jerry Barbie,Jason Trahan and Salinas.  However the TLU coaches have not been able to use the talent they had to the full potential these atheletes are capable of. 

Yes I am very critical of a program that went through two coaches in 9 years and is on their third coach that starts off 0-3!  How many teams in the ASC have went through as many coaches in 9 years?  Now look at Coach Fred and Coach Keeling?  Two anomalies?  I think now, just two coaches who really know how to recruit and build championship teams in D-3 "non-scholarship" football.
Mr. Turner, look at this link and you will find it very hard to put Coach Parker even close.  Parker only has two state championships at the high school level and none at the collegiate level. Even with his experience at UNT he only won 4 games in 3 seasons ( So it hardly seems fair to even mention that these numbers do not bode well for a Texas Lutheran Football program that keeps recruiting out of Houst and Deep South Texas when everyone knows that the playmakers are in Central, East and North Texas.  Look at UMHB's roster and where do the majority come from?  Central, East and North Texas!  TLU's new president would do well to look at how UMHB has built a brand that has given the university tremendous recognition at the national level that few in the ASC have ever attained.  Kids want to play for a winning program that has consistancy, and not one that changes coaches every three or four years.
Well, stick a fork in 'em, TLU is toast for yet another season.  As long as TLU hires coaches with losing records that have close ties to influential alumni, they will NEVER build a program that will equal the one built by Coach Fred at UMHB.  Today proves that in football, thank God, the "L" stands for LOSER for TLU.  Coach Parker did not have to build a team from scratch like Coach Fred and Coach Marmion did for TLU in 1998 when he left the coaching staff at Cal Lutheran.
Well here we go again.  TLU rebuilding for the third time in 9 years.  I am waiting to see what Coach Parker has up his sleeve after having 400 plus yards forced on his defense. The first coach TLU had did not have the drive that coach Mueller had and hopefully Coach Parker will have.  Coach Fred should be the standard schools look to when searching for a new head football coach.  I teach in Belton which makes it even more frustrating to see a team like UMHB experience so much success while we have had 3 coaches in 9 years.  UMHB is a class act and I give them a lot of ribbing but in the end they are THE premier team in the ASC and I pray TLU will become that type of team.
TLU is experiencing success early in their 42-14 win over Univeristy of Mexico at Chihuahua in front of 22,400 people.  Now , with the new coaching staff at TLU hopefully this will give them the boost they need to compete in the ASC without giving them a "bighead".  New TLU Head Coach Dennis Parker is no stranger to football in Texas.  One of his best friends is Coach Jack Welch of Copperas Cove High School who has had some very good things to say about Coach Parkert.  Coach Mueller revived a program that was heading south fast and felt it was his time to to step aside.  The TLU football program is finally creating a reputation for quality since Coach Mueller took over and Coach Parker is off to a great start!

The true test for these 2007 Bulldogs will be how they compete against UMHB, HSU and Trinity.  My prediction is with the wholesale change in the coaching staff at TLU I see a very successful season ahead for TLU.  We probably won't get a ring but we will go 6-3 at worst.