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Messages - cornking


Cobbers coach Terry Horan, was spotted at the Jake dragging a garden hose and a cart full of sprinklers.  Johnnies better bring their "stick-um."
I was shocked to learn the cobbers were saving their strongest "O Line" for their JV match-up with St. Olaf.  I guess they realize that it will take until this years soph.'s are seniors to return to the top of the MAIC.  Congrats Royals, you played well and got the "W'.

Karma: 15

Posts: 131

Its time for some Royal Pain

    Re: Minnesota Intercollegiate Athletic Conference
« Reply #16965 on: Yesterday at 08:45:31 pm »   


Cornhole, great name, what changed this week to bring back the run attack of old out of concordiaville?? 

The chance to destroy the hope filled dreams of Bethel fans everywhere.
Not even close the Cobbers in a route!!!  Phone it in!
I was also at the CM - RF scrimage.  The majority of the offense plays the cobbers ran were with their 2nd and 3rd string backs and line.  RF rarely stopped them.  On offense the Falcons didn't move the ball until the backup defense came in, and then only made a couple of plays.  I don't think they will be close to the Johnnie's.
From what I saw,  they could make a close game of it with Northwestern.