Quote from: enginegro on September 19, 2006, 11:44:32 AM
being 1000 miles away from Troy Hills 12180 (I just made that up, pretty gay huh? I like it) I don't know whats going on at RPI, but I know coach king. Today might be the most intense practice this team has seen in years. I feel bad for the one kid that jogs when he should run, or blows a simple read, or just looks at coach wrong... because that kid is getting jacked up like you read about.
And if kinger misses a kid when he messes up, look for Ort to follow through.
So I recently heard a story about Coach King from the father of a former player. The player was a standout OL at a local H.S. and was recruited by King. Kid thinks he's all that, so he takes it easy over the summer. Shows up on campus, Joe takes one look at him and asks "Why haven't you been working out over the summer?" "Didn't really think I needed to." King shakes his head a bit and shrugs.
A bit later, they're suited up for practice. First play, a noticeably smaller defensive lineman LAUNCHES this kid back several yards and onto his back - just about knocks the wind out of him. King comes over, stands over the kid, and says "THAT's why you should have been working out all summer!"