Good luck to the CRU this season, they definately look national title calibre.
As for Sul Ross, it was their best outing against UMHB in ten years, and, like I said, the offensive and defensive lines were the deal breakers this weekend.
I do feel sorry for Sully, because they do have an up-n-coming program, but because of several strong factors they'll never be able to compete year-in-year-out with programs like UMHB or HSU. The first of those factors is the booster base. Sul Ross boosters aren't a particularly affluent bunch, nor are they numerous, and it shows in the amenities at SRSU (as anyone who's been to Jackson Field can attest to). Hopefully, a younger generation used to winning and having deeper pockets will strive to change this in years to come.
Secondly, the school has to appoint people to positions that expect production. Coach Steve Wright is one of those people. AD Kay Whitley is most assuredly not. She only attends the most mandatory of football functions, and almost seems to go out of her way to display her apathy towards football (and men's sports in general). In the last four years, Sully has gone from a 0-10 program to a 6-4 program, and could very possibly go 9-1 or 8-2 this year. But I don't know if the AD could possibly care less. Which is dumb, because football (especially successful football) is a cash-cow. But you can't argue with someone more concerned with Title IX statutes than winning championships.
Third is raw distance. It takes a lot to talk a competetive player into going to a school a hundred miles from nowhere, in a town a mile wide with little to do on a saturday night. If they're any good, some other school has to look better just due to proximity to civilization.
It's all a viscious circle, as a program can't pay the coaches if no one's winning, but no one will win if there aren't quality players, but no good players will come if there's nothing offered, and nothing is offered if no one's winning.
As for Sul Ross, it was their best outing against UMHB in ten years, and, like I said, the offensive and defensive lines were the deal breakers this weekend.
I do feel sorry for Sully, because they do have an up-n-coming program, but because of several strong factors they'll never be able to compete year-in-year-out with programs like UMHB or HSU. The first of those factors is the booster base. Sul Ross boosters aren't a particularly affluent bunch, nor are they numerous, and it shows in the amenities at SRSU (as anyone who's been to Jackson Field can attest to). Hopefully, a younger generation used to winning and having deeper pockets will strive to change this in years to come.
Secondly, the school has to appoint people to positions that expect production. Coach Steve Wright is one of those people. AD Kay Whitley is most assuredly not. She only attends the most mandatory of football functions, and almost seems to go out of her way to display her apathy towards football (and men's sports in general). In the last four years, Sully has gone from a 0-10 program to a 6-4 program, and could very possibly go 9-1 or 8-2 this year. But I don't know if the AD could possibly care less. Which is dumb, because football (especially successful football) is a cash-cow. But you can't argue with someone more concerned with Title IX statutes than winning championships.
Third is raw distance. It takes a lot to talk a competetive player into going to a school a hundred miles from nowhere, in a town a mile wide with little to do on a saturday night. If they're any good, some other school has to look better just due to proximity to civilization.
It's all a viscious circle, as a program can't pay the coaches if no one's winning, but no one will win if there aren't quality players, but no good players will come if there's nothing offered, and nothing is offered if no one's winning.