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Messages - the_great

Quote from: South Willy on November 06, 2006, 02:38:08 PM

Interesting, BC receivers are 1st & 3rd in the PAC in yardage and TD's but they aren't worth Willis's time. Cruse at 6'3" and 200 will match physical with any db and few are faster. His 45yard TD at TMC first left a db stuck in his tracks and then trailing badly to the endzone. Not sure which BD???

I'm not up to date on most PAC players but Waynesburg secondary was the toughest on BC.
whats ur address ill send u the tape of that game and u can see ur self that the kill TMC with crossin routes and TMC didnt make the adjustments to it what TMC should have done to stop that is went to Man to Man....  But u can watch any film from this year and see that Willis has never been "stuck in his tracks and then trailing badly to the endzone." as u stated.. But ur right Willis should have been on him unstead of Parker.. but o wait then maybe Parker would have been the one with the 45 yard TD with DB's stuck in his tracks and then trailing badly to the endzone. Ur full of it.. just give the kid he credit he cant cover all there WR at some point Toone has to step up an make some plays.. I know everyone else can agree except Mr. South Willy because he think that one DB can cover Two people at the same time..  Ur right thats y ur on ESPN making prediction on the games  this is crazy I am
Quote from: EC Warrior on November 06, 2006, 02:04:00 PM
How does Carlisle getting double teamed have anything to do with Willis making tackles?  And if you're TMC defensive coaches, then wouldn't you put Willis on 24 not 88.  W&J receivers are not as talented as last years like you said, and #24 is clearly the top threat, so Willis should have been on him.  You said he was matched up last year, who was he matched up on?? If any CB is to match up on a W&J receiver, then this is the year to do it, not last year.  There was too much talent at the position for anyone to match up.
You also said that he is breaking up and trying to break up every pass, so then why does he have only 4 breakups? I am not sure what you were trying to say there.  And even if Toone has sat out a few games, 21-8 is still a big difference.  If you say teams are trying to avoid Willis so much, then Toone would have way more tackles.  
Willis was invisible Saturday, not because W&J avoided going to him.  He was just another body out there.  Carlisle was the only player to stand out on the D, which is fine, you need role players as well.  But I wouldn't expect Willis to be a role player, he should be a star along with Carlisle.
Well first of all Toone is not makin Tkl as u can see if you did watch the game u seen the SS comming down to make them Tkls and if you know D then you will also know that some times when ur in  a coverage the LBs will have to get underneath some of them routes so Willis comes up and make Tkls but im not goin to get in do a debate about this like "oldtimer4774" said (Talkin about the best Corner in the PAC.........quietly but surely it is Steve Boyle from Thiel) so thats is that i was just tryin to make a point that Willis is not seeing passes like he did last year and teams are sayin that they will throw on the other side rather than throw to Wilis side.. He is 6'2 very physical and runs fast so i just think that any coach in the PAC would make him a Starter on any of there teams..  The point about Mark is that last year Willis didnt have a chance to make a tkl cuz Mark would aready make them but now that he is gettin Double team Willis is able to come up and make that tkl... but I am going to let it go because if you seen Willis was hurt with a hamy injury since FSU which he didnt play after that int he got and he didnt finsh the hunting game either...
but he bit on the hich and go which was smart by there coach cuz he is a physical CB so it was smart to do that.. but #24 didnt catch the ball so really dont matter but the pass that was thrown he had him cover good..  I have said what i had to say about that and in the end W&J is goin to the playoffs so I wish all the luck to them..
Quote from: EC Warrior on November 06, 2006, 01:19:22 PM
If teams are so afraid of Willis, then can you explain to me why he is the 2nd leading tackler out of the TMC DBs and first among corners?  He has 21 solo tackles compared to Toone's 8 and has only 4 PBUs.  Against W&J, Willis was seldom on McCafferty's side, instead he was lined up on the weak side receiver, who from what I can see, has been a decoy this year.  Please explain to me how such an impact player is making no impact at all.  Walsh is a much better tackler than Willis and plays way more disciplined, therefore I would trust him more in a matchup situation.
Well first of all Willis & Toone are two different players and they felt as if W&J WR were no where as good as they were last year and you know it to.. Toone did a good job on #24 he Was on top of every route with the exception of the one that he broke under because the ball look as if it was goin to fall.. W&J WR were not as fast as last year so there is not need to move Willis around..  Willis had come up and make more Tkls because of the Double teams that Mark is seeing this year..  Plus Toone sat out 2 game and played a half in a 3rd so please know the facts before you ask questions like that.... O and one other thing when Willis was on 24 side the ball was knock down... Willis is a physical CB so of course he will come up to try and get a pic or a pass break up that is the type of D that TMC runs...  I just see now that Willis is trying to break on any pass so he can get his pic and I can see that its a frustrated year for him and Mark to not be able to help the team like they want.. so thats why he is the best returner on the team he wants the ball and he is a play maker when every u get done... not to take anything away from Walsh Maybe if Willis had some help on the other side then team will have to try him  more have anyone ever thought of that???  Toone is a ok player but he gets scored on a lot and i seen a few games where it has happen.. 
Well first of all Willis & Toone are two different players and they felt as if W&J WR were no where as good as they were last year and you know it to.. Toone did a good job on #24 he Was on top of every route with the exception of the one that he broke under because the ball look as if it was goin to fall.. W&J WR were not as fast as last year so there is not need to move Willis around..  Willis had come up and make more Tkls because of the Double teams that Mark is seeing this year..  Plus Toone sat out 2 game and played a half in a 3rd so please know the facts before you ask questions like that.... O and one other thing when Willis was on 24 side the ball was knock down... Willis is a physical CB so of course he will come up to try and get a pic or a pass break up that is the type of D that TMC runs...  I just see now that Willis is trying to break on any pass so he can get his pic and I can see that its a frustrated year for him and Mark to not be able to help the team like they want.. so thats why he is the best returner on the team he wants the ball and he is a play maker when every u get done... not to take anything away from Walsh Maybe if Willis had some help on the other side then team will have to try him  more have anyone ever thought of that???  Toone is a ok player but he gets scored on a lot and i seen a few games where it has happen.. 
Quote from: South Willy on November 05, 2006, 10:44:24 PM

Where was your star CB Willis when a freshman Bison WR Cruse went 8 catches for 97 yds and 2 scores to upset TMC.
Mr. South Willy

Well as for BC beating TMC they were lookin ahead for W&J and took them as a walk over team.. that was TMC fault at hand.. We all know that BC is no where near as good a TMC..  As for the freshman having them catches: On film he was never a threat so Y would Willis cover him??  Answer that for me.. For two BC had no WR that were worth Willis following around the whole game not even the #12 kid parker i think his name is.. TMC felt like there DB could match up with all them guys and did that Freshman catch any of them passes on Willis i dont think so i believe that where all across the middle of the field.. You so you still havent answer the question y does every team in the PAC throw away from Willis..

Mr. South Willy
Quote from: the_great on November 05, 2006, 08:44:15 PM
Quote from: EC Warrior on November 04, 2006, 11:44:50 AM
If W&J corner Cory Walsh wants to move into the elite of DBs in the country, he will need to seriously consider wearing gloves.  That is the key.  He is already the best corner in the PAC, with Mullen close behind.  Willis is underachieving and will not be able to keep up with the Prez receivers for the 2nd year in a row. 

I have something to say about that right there...  Willis is not seeing the balls that he seen last year... Teams are goin away from him and going the other way.. Willis face one of the top WR from HUNTINGDON (AL) Colson, Mark which i believe is better than any WR in the PAC.  Willis held him to 67 yards which half of them came on screens. Willis had 6 tkls 3 pass brk ups.. he is by far the most fear CB in the PAC..  Most team in that PAC will not pass his way.. Agains Hanover he was move around to face one of there best WR Bobby Smarts which Willis again held him in check, by doin so Willis was moved inside to cover the slot WR..  Willis also held FSU leading WR/TE Fred Howze to one catch.. While pickin one off and RT a punt for the game winning TD.. So by far I dont believe that any other CB in the PAC is being asked to do some of the things that Willis is being ask.. And Its nothing that he can do if teams dont want to throw the ball his way... Plus W&J only threw one pass his way and he broke it up so by far he is one of the best CB in the PAC and could Start on any team in the PAC...  I cant say that Cory Walsh has shut down anyone like that.. NOT AT ALL..
Quote from: EC Warrior on November 04, 2006, 11:44:50 AM
If W&J corner Cory Walsh wants to move into the elite of DBs in the country, he will need to seriously consider wearing gloves.  That is the key.  He is already the best corner in the PAC, with Mullen close behind.  Willis is underachieving and will not be able to keep up with the Prez receivers for the 2nd year in a row. 