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Messages - crazylegs_33

Quote from: CruAlum39 on September 27, 2006, 11:04:37 AM
CNU's long pass gains were on a fake punt and a toss pass.  Should we have covered the toss pass, yes, but that is a coverage issue that teams early in the year can make, not an issue of your athletic talent or speed over ours. 

Hey Crualum, one of the deep passes that our guys burnt UMHB on was indeed a toss pass for 95 yards. However, that play was sadly called back. One was on a fake punt that was covered fairly well, but Rob Rodriguez made an amazing move that left 2 UMHB defenders on the ground. So much for athletic talent being superior. The other one was legit straight up speed. UMHB has a great run defense, but against a great passing team I think they will struggle.
Quote from: PrideSportBBallGuy on September 27, 2006, 01:03:41 PMGreensboro's pass defense is tops in the USASAC

HAHAHAHAHA, Greensboro? pass defense? ummm I don't want to be the one to burst your bubble on that one so I'll just let Guilford do that on saturday. And then after that, CNU will clean up the mess left by them and tehn we can talk about your pass defense!

You guys really don't like CNU being in the conference huh? well, tough luck cause CNU is not going anywhere. Besides you guys should thank us for getting football. Our conference gets no respect as it is. CNU is the only team from the USA South to EVER  win  a playoff game. Just think what would happen if we left. The USA south would be known as the conference who gets stomped every year in the playoffs.

Nov 19, 2005  Wesley College 59, Ferrum 14  

I will say that shenandoah represented well in 2004 when the USA south had 2 playoff teams. They lost 21-17. Well fought but, we all know what happened to them since that. The solution for the cellar dwellers of the conference is not to look at CNU and say they need to get out, but instead they should look at themselves and try to find a way to get better. Afterall, if you cant beat CNU then how do you expect to compete at a national level?
Quote from: Ralph Turner on September 27, 2006, 12:18:54 AM
The USASAC men only have 7 members.

Hey bud, check your facts before you post. Last time i checked we had 8.

let shenandoah leave if they don't like taking the beating everyone is giving them. But what does that tell the students there? IMO quitting is the easiest thing you will ever do. Leaving the conference is not trying to make your squad better and it doesnt fix anything.

As for ODU getting a team, yeah it will draw plenty of kids. But you have to understand that the peninsula and southside has so much talent we dont know what to do with it. Hampton teams seem to always win the state championships in football year after year. You think Hampton University doesnt take away from CNU already? how about Maryland even? we just had a denfensive end (Dean Muhtadi) leave CNU to go play there. Sure other schools pull from our recruiting pool but CNU has always found a way to win bottom line.
money or no money, CNU has been dominant in the conference in most all sports. They were dominant before the money and dominant now. IMO they will continue to be dominant. The more success we have, the more the kids want to come.

But every winning tradition has to start somewhere. So there IS hope for the rest of the conference.
Newbie- When I referred to focusing on what you can control I was talking about the teams on the field. And as far as being knocked down, trust me, Ive had my share of bangs and bruises both past and present. Im not talking about people in the forrum in my posts, Im talking about on the field.
Thanks Llama-

Lets stop bickering and picking at the syntax of our posts and the technicalities of the play clock and refs. Or have you guys forgotten that this is about the greatest game on earth, FOOTBALL. Also, the last time i remember, a win was a win and a loss was a loss no matter how it came. Football isnt about bad calls and referee's mistakes. It is instead about a group of men working as a team to find a way to win, No matter what is thrown at them. In football you focus on what you can control and block the rest out. You are going to get knocked down, you are going to get bad calls, you are going to have to play tough games on the road. But no matter what you have to get back up and overcome. If you cant do that, you will lose.
I can't believe you guys are still talking about GC vs. SoVa. This was a game of such little significance and has generated far too much banter. It wasn't even a conference game and was between 2 bottom feeders.

Let us instead focus on a game that actually matters. Ferrum goes into Averett this saturday as conference play heats up. Should be a classic battle that will set the title chase in motion. More importantly, CNU opens conference play saturday and looks to take its first step toward the conference championship against a bruised Shenandoah.