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Messages - NMKnights

Quote from: hawk'ster on November 19, 2006, 01:50:31 PM
Here's another shocker.  Where were Reynolds and Zwagerman in 2006? 
Calvin drops 37 with two guys from 2005 on the IL....scary.

NCAA Division III Men's 8K Championship
Dornoch Golf Club, Delaware, OH
Nov. 19, 2005

2. Calvin College
    1  Tim Finnegan, Jr            25:28.9 
   19  Jed Christiansen, Fr        26:20.7 
   20  Harrison Jorritsma, Jr      26:20.7 
   33  Jon Gries, So               26:49.2 
   44  Bill Reynolds, So           26:57.9 
   52  Tyler Zwagerman, Jr         27:03.6 
   77  Tad Hulst, So               27:25.9 
Time = 2:11:57.4     Places = 11

Zwagerman was injured this season, and Reynolds is taking some time off of running.  Early in the season that left a gap.  When the sophomores DeHaan and Van Kampen stepped up late in the season, it put the nails in the coffin of Calvin's competition, so to speak.  With losing their two seniors (Finnegan and Jorritsma). that will leave 5 of Calvin's top seven as returners next year.  And there are some hungry under-classmen waiting for their chance... so things look positive for the Knights for next season. 
Qualifiers posted here:

Anyone have any insight about Muhlenburg being included?  They flew under our radar screen.
Results for Great Lakes Region:

Calvin 17
Heidelberg 119 (!)
Ohio Northern 123
Mt. Union 133
Hope 152
Anderson 159
DePauw 171

1. Finnegan, Calvin
'2. Christianson, Calvin
3.  Gries, Calvin
4.  Jorritsma, Calvin
5.  Turlouw, Hope

1.  Case Western 53
2.  Calvin 57
3.  DePauw ??
4.  Ohio Northern ??

1.  Wieferich,  Wooster
2.  Case Western, Erb (?)
3.  Case Western (?)
4.  Medema, Calvin
5.  Overbeck, Calvin
It is interesting to note that at the Oshkosh Invitational the Oshkosh Alums put together a team featuring Nick Boehlke, Eamon McKenna, David Cisewski. Paul Brown, and Matt Groose.  They did an amazing job for a bunch of "old" guys!  :P  If they had been scored as a team, they would have come in with something like 67 points, and taken second place.  Amazing!

Quote from: Harrier on October 06, 2006, 01:39:05 PM
Quote from: NMKnights on October 04, 2006, 11:34:12 AM

I think one thing the coaches do really well at Calvin is to mentor their athlete.....

NMKnights, you seem to know some of the Calvin folks.  Could you post of list of coaches and what they coach?  I can't figure out who does what from the website information.

I do not have all of the details, but I can tell you what I think is the case:

Al Hoekstra and Brian Diemer are co-head coaches for men and women (I think).

Rick Otti (middle-distance track coach) and Nancy Meyer (former women's coach and  current women's AD) and Laura Scholma (former women's grad assistant) are all assistant  coaches for both teams. 

Jeff Engbers, alum, is grad assistant for both teams. 

Rob Hyde, who volunteered as an assistant for several years, is now the JV coach.

What I hear is that they are all helping each other really.
Quote from: Cowman on October 04, 2006, 01:54:21 AM
Quote from: Bilk on October 04, 2006, 01:37:43 AM

edited for grammar

Quote from: Bilk on October 04, 2006, 01:37:43 AM

But I don't know too much.

Quote from: Bilk on October 04, 2006, 01:49:47 AM

Maybe, just maybe, they know better than you.

Is there a limit to the amount of smartass comments that can be written made in one day?

I think one thing the coaches do really well at Calvin is to mentor their athletes.  They seem to come beside them, not just as runners, but as people, and help them learn how to be fine adults.  They emphasize getting outside of themselves and thinking about their teammates.  That sets them apart from other teams in many ways.  And while there are tensions at times, like on any team, they work at resolving them and working together.   You can get a good picture of the inner working of the team in this interview with Finnegan:
On the MIAA Jamboree:

This is one of two conference meets for Calvin.  The other, held at the end of October is called the MIAA CHampionships.  They both figure towards the conference accolades.