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Messages - bombsaway

anyone going to the Buffalo/Green bay game this weekend?  I will be there, stop by the tailgate and give me some negative karma in person
I just got online for the first time since friday, how'd Rowan, the best team in the east, the school that dominates, the best team in the last decade, do this weekend?
Down goes Springfield
Down goes Alfred (not surprised as previously predicted,not that it's going out on a huge limb)
Down goes Rowan (never mind seeing that)

B27, I tuned in briefly to the ICTV webcast and you got some nice air time standing along the fence with the older scalice, you must be very proud.  I think the ICTV broadcasters are good, they throw out a lot of stats, but someone get those guys some coffee, they need to have a little more emotion, it's a football game fellas not a funeral..

I don't buy FA91's argument of the game being different if IC doesn't have a bye week.  Ithaca has seen Springfield's offense as much as, if not more than, anyone.  Yes the field slowed them down, but they played good assignment football from what I saw and shut them down.  Springfield might want to recruit a kicker, and so should IC while we're talking about it.
Frank, some lady just lost custody of her kids, a guy in a neck brace just lost a chance at millions, a guy just went to the chair for a crime he didn't commit, and a dead man's will was just violated all because of all the time you have spent on this board.  You, Mr. Rossi, should spend more time on your clients and less time on this board.... you make my brain hurt.  Ithaca wins out, they're in, end of story, let's do it!

Chase that ambulence Frank, it's getting away.......BOMBS-away!
All this debate is for not because I think Cortland is going to beat IC in the last game of the season, I don't like that thought, but needing to beat cortland to go 9-1 has not gone well in the past... and I don't think it's going to go well on Cortland soil this coming november..

Put your jacket on FA91! It's cold up there
I like football, and all of you... and sometimes I get frustrated at work, and I misplace my agressions from the office and direct them at the message board.  There is no place for such conduct and I am seeking professional intervention as we speak.  I would also like to thank Mel Gibson for lending a hand in writing this "typical public apology speech".  Go Ithaca, represent us in a dignified and sportsmen like manor.  Best of luck to all teams, and may the most deserving party emerge successful.
Yes, thank you soooo much FA91 for giving me "exactly what I want", oh how I sat by my computer all afternoon waiting, and waiting for the harsh replies to come in.  Max once again shows his ability to be all knowing...

Here's the deal, when a fan base made up of Fisher students taunts an IC player, especially one who is a close friend, because he is of middle east heritage, yeah, I'm going to throw that back at them.  Max of all people I thought you would take exception to such an event given your history as an activist (not to mention the senate campaign)

FA91, you my friend, have been out of the game a loooooong time.  I'm not sure IC kids had even heard of fisher when you went there so you don't understand the "new" rivalry.  Put on your smoking jacket, sit by the fire, have a pipe, and pet your golden retriever.

And certainly FA91, don't throw the other IC guys in the mudd because of what I did during my college years WHICH, I might add, you have NO understanding of what we're even talking about.  I don't rest on the laurels of my college days though you seem to be very interested in them, we'll try to get the DVd's out to you ASAP.
I think most people saw Fisher's undefeated mark coming to an end this past week and it couldn't be any more deserving.  I heard the McGee brothers and their gang took to the streets and rioted.  They also reportedly took their frustrations out on any Arab members of the community as they still believe "they" are to blame for everything.

Let's get the bombers a big win this weekend and force a tie at the top!
If TGP can't handle occasional criticsm, TGP shouldn't be posting of the D3MB.  It's very honorable that TGP has such great respect for his opponents and that's why TGP doesn't want to talk smack.  What TGP needs to realize is that I'm not looking to exchange smack, TGP needs to know that I think it's exhusting to over hype a program because they have won more games than in the past.  If TGP has grown up so much why does TGP take it so personally when a little D3 ribbing takes place? Sounds like TGP needs to re-examine what TGP is really all about.  Regardless, I appreciate that professionalism of TGP, and may TGP and all his alumni be treated with the same respect that TGP has shown others "back in the day".
If it was a hobart fan he needs to spend more time wandering about the william smith side of campus and less time in his dorm room looking up stats, because it's not working
I do want to add Alfred doesn't have a chance in hell of winning against Hobart this weekend... just incase any of my AU friends are getting excited.  One poster said Alfred is better on paper? Better on paper?? Hobart 6-0! RANKED (which was mentioned) Better on paper?? that's what I'm talking about guys, come on, what does that mean?? Hobart by 17..
I alomst pissed myself reading about Nik Busco.  Wow, a name I had long forgotten, but an appearance that will always be with me.  That was an individual who was very committed to his craft.  I wish I could have been on the sideline for the pants splitting episode. 

During a TV broadcast a member of our crew , whom some of you may know, was up in the press box behind me only to see some kid walking through butterfield and towards the exit with our crew member's bike.  I think the thief was about 10 years old and he jumped up and ran out of the press box after the kid and finally tracked him down.  Made for nice conversation during a bombers blow out..

There's no doubt IC plays spring better at home, and I remember sitting in Welch's office talking to him about defending the Trip Option and if memory serves it's nothing that scares him, they know how to defend it, it's just up to the players to be in their assigned spots and be disciplined... we'll see if they are this saturday, I think it's going to be a tough game..
I have no stomach to talk any sports after last night.... it just hurts too much, Endy Chavez went from being a historic Met to being forgotten... truly a day of remorse
Great , over the past 4 years they have played a few teams "close".  When they start winning that's when we talk them up.  I have cheered for a lot of teams that have increased their potential, but that doesn't mean anything until you get over the hump and beat some people.
Speaking of which....

BIG GAME 7 TONIGHT, might have to fly up to denver for this one yellow... and I like your retort, you're right, only one of them is still playing, let's hope he plays for another week..

PS... since when is narrowly LOSING to Alfred a good sign for your school budcrew?

so are the cubbies....