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Messages - Football Fan-atic

When a player purposesly fouls another player because he was beaten by him, he loses twice, once by the other player and once by himself because he just announced to the world that he was beaten and could only
compete by fouling.  I don't think it is even cheating - it is just self degradation.  Just suck it up like a man and come back stronger next time.  that's all I'm saying.  (I though I was done.)
Looks like I started a good arguement.  Going back a few pages...

Oxybob said.."The Redlands fans want it all ways. First they claim the game would have been tied if only the receiver had caught the 60-yard pass on their first play from scrimmage. Then they claim the Oxy DBs intentionally interferred with the receivers. Well, what is it, Redlands? Your receiver didn't catch the ball when he was open. What makes you think he'd have caught it if not for the pass interference? Bunch of whiners."

I'm not whining, Bob, I would be just as upset with a Redlands DB doing the same thing and judging from the Redlands receivers' (in general - I'm not singling anybody ouit here) past performance he probably would have dropped the ball anyway.  I was just expressing what was going through the DB's head at the moment.

As far as the pro's intentionally drawing penalties or the parallel to pro basketball players drawing fouls goes - I don't care of you are a pro or a pee wee player it still isn't right or good sportsmanship.  If you get beat try harder next time.  I'm just as guilty as anyone else.  if I get beat I feel like decking the guy and it's not right or moral.

I'm done on this topic.
You guys have summed up the Redlands/Oxy game pretty completely so I'll just add this... Once the Redlands receivers start hanging on to the bullet passes Saras throws Redlands will really start racking up points. 

One thing that really urked me was seeing an Oxy defensive back that was beaten by a Redlands receiver intentionally push the receiver so as not catch the ball and score a sure touchdown.  I believe it was during  the second quarter.  He chose to take the penalty to stop the touchdown.  Some may think that is good strategy.  I think it is poor sportmanship and there should have been 2 penalties, pi and unsportsmanlike conduct.  Anybody who disgrees with this doesn't belong in sports.  I think the pi penalty should be taken from the point of infraction like in the pro's.  That would discourage this kind of playing.

Ok, I'm ready to try another post.

In the Chapman game the Redlands defense kicked butt!  Offensively the Dogs started out strong but after a couple of possessions the Chapman defense had them pegged.  It was easy to see.  UOR was running 5 or 6 plays consistently and predictably.  The OC should have seen this and switched game plans or at least mixed up the plays, digging deeper into the play book.  That is where I agree with Dawg Fan 1.

Redlands Fan you say they were running numerous plays in a couple of zones but as a former defensive tackle I don't care what you call a play or what the backs are doing to throw me off, if I am confident the ball carrier is coming at me there's meat on my plate
and that is what was happening Saturday night. 

The few pass patterns run were shallow and sparse allowing for easy defending and even double teaming.  The failure to open up the secondary is what caused the interceptions in the prior two games.  I wouldn't blame the QB's for that.  Instead of analyzing the problem and adjusting pass plays the OC went to a safe but predictable ground game with a different QB.  Instead of throwing the opponents off he threw his own team off!

Well' let's hope they learn from this last game and really mix things up against Oxy or it could be ugly.
Hi, all.

This is my 3rd post.  The other 2 rather long ones disappeared before I could post them because of this #!&#!!##!!!!! bulletin board.  I'm not typing all that again other than to say DawgFan 1 has a veryy valid point.  You'll have to wait until I feel like typing again to hear why I think that.