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Messages - mac_7_seven

Yes they removed it from the site.  Think they jumped the gun because nothing was on either conference web page?  Typical Mac though never respond to anyones question.
MacMurray Football moves to Upper Midwest Athletic Conference in Fall 2009
MacMurray College Football Highlanders will compete in the Upper Midwest Athletic Conference (UMAC) after spending one-year under the St. Louis Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (SLIAC). Read more

Any truth to this?  I got this from Mac's web site.  Story will not open on site.
I heard a rumor that MacMurray may be closing the whole school. 
I'm glad to see someone finally have something positive to say about Mac football.  I played and graduated from Mac 92-97.  We had some very lean times during the early part of my time @ Mac.  I hate to admit it but I was on the team that lost to Blackburn.  We had a horrible training staff and questionable coaches.  Our playing field was the worst in the IBC.  You just learned to deal with it.  We all choose Mac.  One differance that I see now is that past players never ripped on the current players and coaching staff like they do now. We are all part of the Mac football history some have better memories than others.  If your memories are bad you have no one but yourself to blame for that. Get behind your program.  We are the only school that bad mouths are own school.  I laugh at how we air all of our dirty laundry on this board.  A once proud program has hit a bad time.  Give the current coaches a chance to turn the program around.  We all know they are not working on the same playing field as others.  It is what it is.  We all got chance to play football for 4 more years and get a college education. 
yes McCray was there in the the glory yrs.  Some coachs are excellant position coach others are excellant cordinators and others are excellant HC. He may have been and from what i am told was a good pos & cord coach.  All I'm saying is he was not a good HC.
As a former Mac player from the mid 90's it shames me to read some of the posts and bashing that former players are doing.  Football is the ultimate team sport and to be worried about ind records is a joke.  Yes, I agree it sucks what the AD did by not giving those who earned their 4 yr letters the due repect they deserve.  I played on some real sh** teams, but we never complained and whinned like some on this board are doing.  I only saw 2 games this yr (Rockford & Lakeland) what I saw was horrible play.  A change had to be made with the coach the team looked like 22 individuals only worried about themselves.  Mac did the right thing by letting McCray go.  Now it's time to put your support behind the new coach and future players and hope they get back to the glory of the late 90's and early 2000's. 
i know it is early... Any ideas who Mac may hire as a new coach?
To the Bob Frey basher:
I want to start this off with stating that Frey and I did not see eye to eye with the way he punished or ran his team.  I being one of them did not always like the way I was always treated.  I felt I was being singled out and made an exapmle of.  As I have grown older I realized that I was just a punk college kid that did some stupid this.  Frey ruled with tough love.  His way or the highway.  Let me tell you I am a better person because of that.  Also all those football players that were @ that house that had its problems were all Hensley recruits like myself.  When the whole school turned their backs on those kids he did not.  They made a very were stupid choice and they were punished for it. ( I thought it was funny because if you knew them you would realize it was college kids acting stupid and making bad decisions)  Any coach will tell you that he has had kids that have disappointed and made bad decisions.  I can list all the bad choices FSU players have made over the years.  Frey installed two things that Mac did not have in its program before he was the head coach accountability and discipline.  I may be wrong but we had many more 1 year and gone players my first couple years @ Mac before Frey took over.  While I do believe that he burned to many bridges to get the job back they need someone like him as the next head coach.  I beleive the best person for the job is an alumni named Barry Creviston.  Head coach of Routt running through 1a playoffs rigth now. I know it was Frey's poster child but Frank Carter sure did well for himself. 
I read several days (weeks) ago that someone said this conference is going to be no more in a couple of years.  Is this true?  If so where are the teams going?  Have any already made commitments to others? 
Quote from: 7400West on October 16, 2006, 01:53:36 AM
regardless of the rest of the season you have to all admit that CUC has turned itself around!

A half of a season does not count as turing a program around.  I only know how we played @ Mac but they went 6-4 the year before I got there and all they could talk about is how we have turned the corner.  We went 3-7 the next year.  They may have taken a step in the right direction but ease up with all the love.  It will take 2-3 solid classes before they can say they have turned this program around.  My guess is that CUW did not take CUC very serious and then found themselves in a tight game.  You play that game 10 times and I would bet 8 of them are 20+ pt wins for CUW.
Quote from: footballisfun on October 14, 2006, 05:34:56 PM
Not going to lie, Mac Vs. Lake gets my vote for the game of the week this week.  Was a very exciting game.

This was a horrible game.  Mac did not cross mid field in the first half.  First time they crossed mid field was after an interception.  If LU could kick they would have had at least 5 more points.  Do not let the score miss lead you this game was never in question.  When LU had to have a drive they drove right down the field.  I want to be the first McCray has to go.  I do not know if McCray calls the off plays, but who ever does that should be fired as well.  He has ruined everything positive about this program.  I know this is only D#, but a fire McCray web site should be started.  Mac is a dirty undisciplne team that flat out SUCKS.  I went and played there and it pains me to say these things.  He has moved this program back 3 years
Why all the love for CUC?  So what that they have won a few games this year.  Let be honest Mac and Lakeland had a few good years, but CUW and AU are the cream of the crop.  This conferance has not even won a single game in the first round of the playoffs. Back to CUC and the love for the new coach.  He may be a breath of fresh air to a program that sucks, but let not make him out to be the next great coach of the conf.  Lets remember that Frey did not lose a conf game for at least 2 if not 3 years.  Slow your role about the next greatest coach of the IBC.