Quote from: maddog8 on October 31, 2006, 02:56:26 AM
Second, who would be so foolish to leave any valuables in any locker room. You subject yourself to have your things stolen. These times are not like the 60/70;s when I was a kid, hell people stole then, so why why why would you leave a valuable in any locker room, LESSON LEARNED, and trust me if Z knew of this the player/s would be kicked off the team.
That is a great point it's a locker room, where your things should be safe. Now I know that isn't always true. What are you going to do with your things when you're at practice, you going to take them with you out to practice? I know I'm not going to; they are going to stay in my locker. So don't try and put the blame on the basketball players for their stuff getting taking.
Pat it did happen, you can talk to the people at Lakeland all you want about what happen. They don't know they weren't their. Put I will believe the basketball players that it happen to.
Also the almighty and power coach "Z" did celebrate, with #50, after the QB from CUC went down.