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Messages - ftbll4life

Quote from: maddog8 on October 31, 2006, 02:56:26 AM
Second, who would be so foolish to leave any valuables in any locker room. You subject yourself to have your things stolen. These times are not like the 60/70;s when I was a kid, hell people stole then, so why why why would you leave a valuable in any locker room, LESSON LEARNED, and trust me if Z knew of this the player/s would be kicked off the team.

That is a great point it's a locker room, where your things should be safe. Now I know that isn't always true. What are you going to do with your things when you're at practice, you going to take them with you out to practice? I know I'm not going to; they are going to stay in my locker. So don't try and put the blame on the basketball players for their stuff getting taking.

Pat it did happen, you can talk to the people at Lakeland all you want about what happen. They don't know they weren't their. Put I will believe the basketball players that it happen to.

Also the almighty and power coach "Z" did celebrate, with #50, after the QB from CUC went down.
Where would one find this list?

Quote from: Reeno10 on October 18, 2006, 08:46:37 PM
time out i was reading on here and some of guys are naming the best players in the IBFC right now and none of u named # 9 from MAC i think u should look at who is leading the IBFC in tackles, wait dont look there because all u have to do is look at the NCAA stats and see he is 3rd in the country look 3rd in the country  and a pre-season ALL-AMERICAN at LB to me makes him no doubt the #1  LB in the IBFC, i played highschool with the kid and college and i know how he plays so u guys are telling me from reading ur post that he isnt **** and everyone other LB in the IBFC is amazing look at the stats and ask ur RBs how they fell after playing 4 qts with a dude that makes sure his teeth are in ur throat every play thats LM football....and i could still come back and no DB will hold me down.....haha.....LETS GO MAC FINISH THE YEAR STRONG...>>>#22 U SUCK LOL......WALL STREET LARRY O MY O MY its a meat market bro so many wait until thanksgiving .....ooooo ahhh lake mary oooo ahhh lake mary ooo ahhh lake mary lets go # 9............
Quote from: Reeno10 on October 18, 2006, 09:41:39 PM
ooooooooo  so 7400west u like dick ur probably the one im talkn about that got his bell rung by #9.....3rd in the country in tackels no body in the IBFC is close to that sooo i think he will be LB of the year and also u will be seeing this kid play in the Atezc bowl.... i really doubt that u will get any votes arent u the guy that carries the coaches head set great job..... MIAMI joke HUH thats alil crazy on ur part it looks like MAC is n ur head that there dirty haha......

i seen this kid play......he jumps on piles at the end of plays and get a tackle for it....he is not the best LB in the IBC...not even the best LB on his team. That goes to #1 that kid can play play. If the gave awards for crying and talking he would win hands down!!!!
Quote from: FatalImpact on October 15, 2006, 09:21:51 PM
You're missing the point.....and let's keep the personal attacks to a minimum uh!, Anyway....My point is that a team that AU beat should beat a team that the team they just beat, should be able to beat a team they did......Plus the way I hear it CUW is slackin'....So CUC was able to get a few extra points.....Oh well.....I guess when you face CURF you could afford to and still win.....I realize that on ANy Given Day ANy given person can get beat....But trust me CUC WILL NEVER BEAT AU........NEVER

How was CUW Slackin'? All 22 of thier starters, started. Also with under 5 mins left. CUW was still trying to score instead of worrying about the clock, and trying to run it out. Why can't people see that CUC is start to become a good team. Lost a game in a complete down pour to BU, in which they only played a half of football, but a lost is a lost. Beat EU. Lost to Mac, with some questionable calls, lost to CUW by 11 but was with in 3 in late in the 4th......These young kids are starting to come around...

And if you know that any team can beat any other team any given day. Don't say it is simple logic. By the way never say never. Cause any thing can happen!!!! If CUC doesn't BEAT AU this will, which the should and hopefully will. They will do it next year.

CUC is just a step away. Think about this the coaching staff had just about 5 months to recurit. Let's see what they do with a whole year
Quote from: FatalImpact on October 15, 2006, 02:32:04 AM
Simple logic CUC loses to BU....BU loses to AU.....Odds are CUC loses to AU

this could be the dumbest thing i have seen in a while. There is a resaon you play the games cuz any thing can happen on anyday..If this was so true. You could play one week have have your NC.

CUC is a very young team, and is getting better in a hurry. they have been in every game but two all year. The "O" is being to show waht they can do. The "D" is not very far behind.

They shot them selves in the foot many times in the game yest. It seemed like everytime they were driving the would get a flag. I think they had 4 or 5 holding call on "O"..Which is the most I have ever seen in a college game.

Now I give CUW their due, every time they need to do something big they did. Which is a what a older team does. CUC has over 20 FR. and SO. that r either starting or getting a lot of playing time.