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Messages - retiredole


  I would also like to say that the views expressed by ConcussedOle are not necessarily the views of the St. Olaf student body. We are a simple people who dine on such delicacies as lutefisk and lefsa. Usually, we do not try to dabble in the political and legal taboos that come our way via school, life or MIAC football (or is it that MIAC football is life?  ;) ). ConcussedOle has made some statements that may have not been in the best taste or may have insinuated unwarranted successes. Let us not shun or ridicule, but guide in a way to make more informed decisions. Remember, (whether you are religious or not) "Do not judge, lest be judged yourself. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." Matthew 7:1-2    This passage is intended for everyone, including ConcussedOle.


p.s. If the passage was too much for anyone, I am sorry. Let me know and I will be sure to refrain from using them in future posts

   As a person who knows about Coach Sinclair, he is a smart football mind and I think he will be a great leader at the high school level. I also have a feeling he will be liked a lot by his players. He commands the respect he needs from his players by being sociable enough to relate and treat them like humans yet he makes sure what needs to be done is done. Little Falls is giving a good guy a chance to show what he's got as a head coach. I'm sure he will be successful.

Olaf down 6 with 3:30 left
FG NDSU...6-3...shoulda been 10-3 but the Bison are killing themselves with 2 turnovers and a 15 yard clipping penalty on their 2
29-29 BU/Olaf...6:00 left
3-3 NDSU/Gophs...NDSU has more yards and more 1st downs then Minn... 13:00 left in half
Porta fumbles and Olaf recovers on BU 20
TD BU...Wetzel on the keep...his 3rd of the day...go for 2, get it...10:39 left...BU 29-Olaf 26
13:26 left in 4th...Fortman missed FG...still Olaf 26 BU 21
TDT: 1:36 left in the 3rd...   also, 3-0 NDSU
Feehan stops Bethel on 4th and goal from the 3...
Olaf/Bethel score is 26-21 Oles in the was 21-19 BU at half
   I don't know how many of you were at the Olaf/CC game, but there was nothing done by either team that seemed out of place for a MIAC football game. MIAC rules state that only 55 players can dress for away games, (except in rivalry game such as SJU/UST and Olaf/Carleton) so many starters may have to stay in the game for a longer time than they would a home game. I know for a fact that Olaf had their O-line and starting QB out before the end of the 3rd quarter and Olaf only travels 5 LBs so Mylrea and Rydberg would have to stay in for the game.
 I played 2 and a half years for Coach Meidt (including this season until I had to leave because of a career ending concussion and I would agree that he is an intense coach, but would NEVER wish harm upon any opponent. I don't know what CC players made those comments about Meidt and the CC fullback, but I can assure you they either made up the comments or THOUGHT they heard that. Coach Meidt is a genuinely good man, he is devoted to what he does and he likes to win. He treats his players with respect and makes sure they treat other teams with respect as may not see it, and the reprimand may not take place on the sideline in front of everyone but all negative actions are attoned for.

I have a question for Johnnies... does Gagliardi know the names of ALL his players?? Meidt knows all his players names, their parents names and is available ANYTIME anyone needs to talk about ANYTHING, not just football.

Until you actually meet the man, Chris Meidt...and all the coaches on his staff for that matter, please don't use what you see and hear, or think you see and hear to judge these one is perfect and no one should expect anyone else to be. You can only be expected to strive for it, which Meidt tries for.
Sorry about the format of my previous quote, I'm new...  :-\
Quote from: johnniepress on October 08, 2006, 03:11:07 PM
"when a heavy-set gentlemen (Ole fan) wheels over to us in a wheelchair. Evidently we had "hassle us" written on our foreheads, because he started badgering us verbally for being Johnnie fans. Right in the middle of a friendly conversation with my family, he starts in with "you don't have a chance today...good luck in a couple years...looks like you will be dreaming of a national championship in a couple won't be winning the MIAC this year or any years to come....must have been classy to take a knee against Ramler last week, etc." Meanwhile we stood there in shock and ignored him as he "rolled" away giggling like a 5-year old."

I know of the 'heavy-set' man you are referring to and he is actually a self-proclaimed Carleton fan. He used to work at the Wendy's in Northfield and would berate Ole players when they walked in to the restaurant in their team gear. He also was at our Ole/Knight Homecoming game in 2004 and was screaming obscenities at the Ole fans and players as well. He may live in Northfield, but he is definitely not an Ole fan. As for the people in the '50 yard line' incident, that is a poor represtentation of people at Olaf and would hope that others would realize that one small group does not define an entire population.

As for the game, the Johnnies flat out played well and Olaf had some letdowns. People make mistakes, maybe Meidt's 4th down calls weren't the greatest, but if Johnnie fans can honestly say that Gagliardi and Co. haven't made some costly play calls in his 50+ years of coaching, I'd be utterly surprised!