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Messages - baller116

Congrats to the Jackets!! Looking at the box score, it amazes me how 4 of the starters played 34+ minutes last night, probaly due to Arial being out... LaHaye must of done a heck of a job conditioning them to get ready for this.
starting a new topic... whos able to go watch RMC play this weekend?? And can we expect the same crowd thats been in Crenshaw in the past?
Quote from: Old School Marlin on February 28, 2007, 05:05:02 AM
Doesn't seem like anybody ever started talking about how "unclassy" VWC teams were until we actually starting pulling towards the top of the league in pretty much every sport.

No, they were just as bad two years ago when they didn't win either. And if VWC is so great like you so assertively say, why didnt they take home an ODAC championship on the mens or womens side this year? You know that saying about karma.. it really applies here. :)
agreed....this hasnt been the first year that VWC has been like this either and I know from experience playing them in the past. I am sure from time to time teams can start to demonstrate unsportsmanlike behavior but when it is repetitive several years running, then something needs to change. 
Quote from: odac fan 4 life on February 26, 2007, 09:35:38 PM
I was dissapointed with our men's team as I sat near them at the game and they acted like middle school boys yelling and being inappropiate, as well as some of the fans...however...I think anywhere you go you will find that.

You shouldn't find that from returning national champions at all.
Quote from: Old School Marlin on February 26, 2007, 03:39:22 PM
From that article:

"With the Marlins within striking distance, LaHaye said the Yellow Jackets only had to remember how they were laughed at after losing at Virginia Wesleyan on Dec. 6.

"We remember sitting in the Virginia Wesleyan locker room, and they were cheering and running up and down the hallways," LaHaye said. "I just looked at my very hurting team and said to them, 'they are cheering now, but let's see who's cheering at the end of the season.'"

Guess being happy to beat a team who they NEVER did in four+ years is not kosher with Lahaye.  But hey, I guess she'll say whatever it takes for them to come out and win their third straight ODAC tournament.  I really don't know who was "laughing" at her team for losing to the first/second place team all year (VWC).  I might be a little oversensitive to it, but that comment really bothers me.

They were most definitly "laughed" at.... Even though VWC was ranked above them, because of the previous two years in which RMC had done so well it still was a little surprising for VWC to get the win even if it took 4 years. I think the win got to their heads too much which is maybe why they were running up and down the halls cheering... you would never see RMC doing that after a victory... even when they beat scranton two years ago to make it to the national championship, you save it for the locker room to celebrate. I think instead of criticsizing LaHaye's statement, we should celebrate RMC's victory and hope that they represent the ODAC well in the NCAA's.
Quote from: Old School Marlin on February 25, 2007, 05:31:01 PM
Randolph-Macon 76
Virginia Wesleyan 65

The Marlins fought hard to cut a 21 point lead by Macon down to 4, but some bad turnovers and missed shots in the end let the Jackets pull away.  Nicole Thurston tried to carry the team on her back and just couldn't anybody else to help put points on the board.  Broke her career points record last night and today.  She will be sorely missed, as will Dove, Rector, and Churchill.  Macon just couldn't be stopped at certain points during the game - they made everything they shot.  It was so awesome to watch it on the internet! 

Fingers crossed for an at large bid for my Marlins  :-\

way to go jackets!!! ODAC champs three years in a row...
I have to say I'm very impressed with Mike Edwards of HSC the past few games.. As a senior he has really stepped up and I would love to see him get MVP if HSC were to win it all...
Quote from: RMCAlum30 on February 23, 2007, 02:40:50 PM
Final Score:
R-MC -- 70
LC -- 59

R-MC pulls it out in the last 5 minutes... great job Jackets!!!

Shaffer with a GREAT game for R-MC... 22 points, 8 rebounds, 6 steals, 5 assists. Three other Jackets in double figures: Morgan (10), Hiltunen (13) and Riesbeck (15). Ariail with 8 points... she fouled out with a few minutes left in the game.

Caroline Wesley with a HUGE effort for LC -- 26 points, 17 rebounds... she should be commended for a great game... the last of her career.

too bad I missed you at the game RMCAlum30... it was most definitly a good one! :)

what's your honest, no bias take on it, baller116? is RMC less confident this year then the past two years? the past two years they had a total of 1 ODAC loss. this year they have three and several close calls.

My take on it is that RMC may be less dangerous than years in the past, but they have proven this year that with or without Silva, they can win. I really believe these girls have what it takes to win the whole thing. People that say RMC was overconfident never must have interacted with the team themself the past two years because the whole motto was to take one game at a time.. never to get too confident and the girls never did. These were a classy group of players and I feel honored to have known them.
Quote from: odac fan 4 life on February 20, 2007, 03:03:47 PM
She was telling me that the past two years when RMC was ranked nationally in the top 10 and was dominant in the ODAC, that they were always overly confident about their chances in the ODAC tournament.

I know from first hand experience that RMC was not overly confident.. maybe just confident that they had what it took to win which they ended up proving.. and I am sure from there season this year with the 20 wins, they have confidence in themselves to do it again..
Quote from: valleybballfan on February 19, 2007, 11:33:22 AM

I agree, you do not pick POY or COY on career accomplishments, but I still go with KHL because she has had a very impressive season and ranks in more statistical categories then any other player, which shows a very all-around player. That is also why you have to forget about Coach LaHaye reaching her 400th win. Its about the season's accomplishments.

If we arent basing this on careers, I would say Erin Hanson would be the pick for POY as far as the season goes. She is averaging 19 pts per game and almost 10 rebounds.. nearly a double double and leading the conference in scoring and third in rebounding. Not to mention her team had wins against RMC, BC, and EMU. And no you dont need to forget LaHaye's 400th win to make her a candidate for COY.. thats one more thing to add to her accomplishments this season alone.
Quote from: fairmont1113 on February 17, 2007, 04:48:59 PM

I know Coach LaHaye got her 400th win, but COY is because of accomplishments done during the season, not the career. RMC, despite what people say, was expected to do well, they even received a #1 vote in the preseason poll and they were preseason nationally ranked, so you can't say that they were not expected to be good this season. People knew they were going to be good. Nobody thought EMU would do this good. This is only their coach's second year and look at what he has done.

Coach LaHaye and her team have overcome many things this season to make her a primary candidate, not even including the 400 wins. Like I said before, they lost 7 players as opposed to EMU's 2 players. Not only did RMC lose Silva, they lost 2 other starters as well. LaHaye truley started from scratch (with the exception of some solid returning players) with new freshman and transfers and made this team something special. And I agree with GAVA, they just beat EMU by 30, which really just sums it up I think.
Quote from: odac fan 4 life on February 14, 2007, 01:58:15 PM

For COY....if I could vote I would go with Coach Griffin of EMU...I am surprised more people are not talking about him. RMC was picked to finish 3rd, had some extremely talented players returning off of last years championship team (even though no Silva) and actually got a 1st place vote. EMU however was picked to finish 7th and is now 3rd....Coach Griffin is in only his second year and is making this much noise after losing two 1,000 point scorers from last year's squad (Amanda Reynolds and Stephanie Matthews). So...that is my COY.

I would still go for Coach LaHaye...She reached the 400th win marker this year which is huge for any coach in DIII and after she lost 7 players last year and an assistant coach, she turned a rebuilding year into a regular season champion team with mainly underclassmen. She has done a heck of a job and is most deserving of COY.
Quote from: fairmont1113 on February 12, 2007, 11:33:17 AM
Quote from: jmill07 on February 11, 2007, 07:03:45 PM
I think there's still some "Silva" envy going on. 

Do you RMC fans use every excuse you can to talk about Silva? Everyone on this board has agreed that Silva was an AMAZING player...even vwcbeachbum admitted that, but she is no longer playing in the ODAC. No one has "Silva envy" and I am pretty sure not that many people even think about Silva (except you RMC fans) because Silva is in the past! RMC fans, you all have a very good team THIS YEAR to celebrate and be proud of. Talk about that and drop the constant Silva chatter.

I know this post will probaby create some more "silva-envy-conspiracy-theories" and everyone will think fairmont is envious of Silva, but such is not true....I am just sick of always hearing RMC fans bring up Silva.

You know what....I wonder what Jennifer King from Guilford did against VWC? or Laura Ludholtz of EMU? Hmmmm.......

The only reason Silva has been brought up consistently is because people have been comparing Herr-Lovell to her, like there is even a comparison?? And FYI, there is nothing wrong with bringing up a player who had such a huge lasting impact on the ODAC, like Megan Silva did. We are very proud of our team this year and we have posted saying so, so dont undermine our excitment for them (who wasn't supposed to be that good anyway with Silva). You are getting sick of hearing about Silva? Then find a player just as talented who can win DIII POY, three times ODAC POY and take her team to the national championship and then I promise we will talk about her just as much :)