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Messages - gatiger

dubya -

Nothing is wrong.  Nothing is wrong with the horse and buggy either.

Just wanted to try to make Jim's life easier so he wouldn't have to keep track and tally.

If nobody is interested, that's fine.

Since the break is over and games are starting back up, I'll go back to mostly lurking so that things don't end up venturing too far off topic.  More than happy to continue via email if need be.

My boss now wants me to work on a query - time to get back to work. :(

Happy New Year everyone.
You know us younger guys and technology...

I was looking back through posts to see if I could find a particular one about last year's pick 'em and I wasn't having much luck.  Maybe I somehow slapped two posts together in my head when I saw a need for a solution.

Features though...  I thought (and I've thought wrong before) that it'd be kinda cool (younger and technology) to be able to see which person picked a team easily and see how many times they had picked said team(s), view how the person had done in last year or previous year(s) games and also limit the result set to the ODAC so that you'd still be able to win the RC Cola and Moon Pies :)

Jim:  It's easy enough to still have plenty of discussion about the pick 'em here.  It is possible to see which teams a user has picked.  It is possible to see results.  The "leaderboard" could still be posted here for further discussion.  There are no boards on the site and the boards link goes here.  The system just does the tallying of points instead of doing it by hand.  Games and winning teams still have to be entered manually though.  It's he, btw.

Everyone has free will.  I was just hoping to somehow enhance the Pick 'Em with some automation and more stats.  Cause stats are always a good thing in sports.  I've obviously drawn the wrath of some Guru's
Forgot to mention (well,  not mentioned clearly enough).

If sydney, algernon, or jimmy want to admin the conference (or any other conferences as well), no problem.  Just shoot me an email and I'll have em setup to admin the conference(s)
Like I said - wild hair.  Steely, algernon, and everyone else had no idea that I got the wild hair.

I don't wanna tick anyone off and if off site is too much change - eh, no big deal.
I know that there was some trouble with keeping up the pick 'em last season.

I lurk, what can I say.  Time flies and I just find it easier to read.

Back to the point.  I got a little bored though the other day and decided that I'd try a system to keep track of the pick 'ems for you - it just needs someone to enter the winning team to keep it up to date.  The site links back to the main forums here.

I have populated the odac in conference games starting in Jan.  You can select a winning team for a game any time up until game day.  Server is east coast time.

Once there are other conferences, you'll be able to filter by conference to see stats for just a conference.

Anyhow, the visual side of it isn't pretty b/c I'm no artist.  Just trying to make the whole pick 'em thing a little easier.

I hope that y'all enjoy it and yes, I know - strange wild hair to get.

I'm not trying to swipe people from this site and if Pat is interested in integration, he just needs to send me an email (use the one on the site as it fwds to an account that is checked more frequently than whatever I used to register here).