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Messages - Fisher_20_2004

I was just checking around the region and it has the top 4 schools in the east looking like this
1) Wesley
2) Cortland
3) Fisher
4) Springfeild

Where the hell is Wesley, they are under the south division in everything else but take the lead in the East Regional?  HOw does this happen and where are they really?
Quote from: fisheralum91 on November 07, 2006, 02:58:08 PM
yeah but the Schwam picks with his heart--ie the 49ers and bills every year...

Reality sets in ---
fisher 31
au 14

Taking hits on my team, danr 49ers, they won this week though 9-3, defensive struggle. Or just the most pathetic game I have watched this year.  Most likely the later.

I have to agree though, Boomer hasn't been as good at predicting like the past, maybe his age through his psychic ability ascew.  I like to stay away from predictions, bc i am never close and I dont want any jinxes.  I am just saying that is all fisher's D is healthy, it will be no cake walk.   FOR EITHER TEAM!!!!
Quote from: fisheralum91 on November 07, 2006, 02:00:08 PM
from all accounts on this thread- the week off has allowed the nicked up cards to heal....includuing Kramer and Stepnick...

Thank you very much.  So is it a start for Kramer or a start for Suchyana do you think?  Both cabale of winiing and both capable of leading that offense a long way.  What do you think would happen and who would you go with
So you guys feel as Keeley goes AU goes?  I hope Keeley all the best in the world every weekend except for SJF wekend, since he is a good kid and a fisher transfer to the Saxons. 

Any word on how healthy the SJF secondary is then, I know Stepnick has been hurt most of the season and I was wondering who is healty who is not, bc it sounds like they need all their starters.  SHould be a good game either way, maybe I will drive down to it.

Go Cards!!!!
to Any IC followers~

How did Au beat them last week.  I have no idea or need to follow IC, but I am wondering what AU did and what SJF has to stop in order to become co-champs of the empire 8 conference.  Both ofensively and defensively what is AU like and what do you think thier chances against SJF are.  Who in any of your opinions should win this saturday

If Au loses to Fisher they will not be co-champs, 2 losses equals second place
Quote from: Pat Coleman on November 07, 2006, 12:39:45 PM
Quote from: realistic on November 07, 2006, 11:24:17 AM
Beyond all of that....has anyone ever seen a College Field tarped?  A D-III college field tarped?

I know there was a SJU-UWSP game in the mud at St Johns that was the final straw to them getting the field that a conspiracy too SCgrad?

I have rarely seen full-field tarps in D-III. I had one well-heeled athletic department insist to me that it was the norm but I do not believe that to be the case.

I had the same statement as pat coleman, I feel so great now.  Well, minus the talking to the Ad, lol, but like i said, d3 teams dont tarp turf and it is a smart play on IC's half anyways.  Their home feild their advantage.  TooShey (sp)
Quote from: fisheralum91 on November 07, 2006, 12:10:48 PM
NH grad 87.
Fisher 91

Live in NH

I think I am going to make you feel old here, but I was 5 when you graduated, hahaha.  I am from the Mills actually, grew up around the corner from Kevin Cahill, that is why i know so much, followed him and talked to him and his family quite a bit.  He was not only a great athlete but he continues tobe a great person, not arogant or stuck up.  Anyone know how Sharpe is handling the on campus stardom??
Quote from: fisheralum91 on November 07, 2006, 11:57:27 AM
Fish2004- you sound like a Utica native--can it be ?
Another Utica native fisher alum?  Besides me?

Oh yes in deedy it is a Utica native.  2001 graduate from good ole Notre Dame.  U a public grad or what??  Where you at now?

Being from Fisher, I naturally despise IC.  It is in our blood now, like the yankee/redsox hate.  At least for fisher it is.

HOWEVER, I would like to thank you for pointing out and sticking up for a newbie, maybe you guys are not so bad.  Off the feild that is, lol, on the feild I'd probably still hate you.  I hope the feelingis mutual with you too.

And for some reason i wrote a reply to a quote and it put my words within the quote of my last post,  I dont know why either.  Anyon know??  I am assuming just bad typingon my part
Quote from: Upstate on November 07, 2006, 11:17:59 AM
Quote from: scgrad1999 on November 07, 2006, 11:08:35 AM
here is the one difference, SC didnt purposely put those SJF players out. IC purposely, from what i've been told, left the tarp off the field, and cut it short. Either way I understand thats the way the game goes but still that was a choice IC made, maybe not the best sportmanship, but hey they won right.


I started with -1 K as well

It is called home field advantage for a reason I believe.  As for a tarp, IC football is the only team to play onthat feild so it will no be torn up, and I don't know many d3 schools that use a tarp on a football feild.  If IC did do that to SC, kudos to them, smart thinking. SC better shorten and chop their steps the next time the run on wet grass, it is the only thing that helps. 

On a side note, any chance in he1$ that Norwich stands a chance at an upset.  I mean they play better at home,grass feild and senior day.  I think probably not, but what do you say?

Thats a stretch....
This is my first post here on post pattern so I hope I do not overstep a boundary at all with what I say now or what I say ever.  So lets see how this all goes.

Quote from: joseqviper on November 07, 2006, 10:53:13 AM
I never said he wasn't going to be the best.  All I am saying is, it isn't "ridiculous" to say that Cahill is the best or a close second.

It is in a first hand account that I know of Kevin Cahill to be an excellent athlete.  It is great to hear that Chris Sharpe is a two sport star,but I believe i am right and you should check SC's archives because Cahill was one of their best pitchers on their baseball team, and he came form a high school, New York Mills, that when he played had about a 50/50 run to pass ratio.  Which he adpated to about a 98 to 2 run to pas ratio in college.  Cahill had a tremendous arm and his running style was different then sharpes.  Sharpe is more speed, Cahill as a QB could punish defenders.  He had more size and strength then that of Sharpe, but he did not have the speed of Sharpe either.  To say that Cahill is not even a close number two is just wrong, he was a very good QB.

Hope I did ok for a first post.