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Messages - headlinesman

No disrespect intended, but why didn't you include number three in your rule recitation?  6-1-3-a of the NCAA football rules says that "No Team A player may touch a free kicked ball until after:
1.  It touches a Team B player (with certain exceptions);
2.  It breaks the plane of and remains beyond Team B's restraining line (with certain exceptions), OR,
3.  It touches any player, the ground, an official or anything else beyond Team B's restraining line.
Thereafter, all players of Team A become eligible to touch, recover or catch the kick.

Had it struck the ground at the 42, it would have been the Cru's ball.  period.
I, too, was present at the Wind Bowl this afternoon, and I must agree with a couple of the other posters that talked about how Whitewater physically dominated the game.  I believe UMHB got outplayed in all aspects of the game, and that, as sacrireligious as this might be, they also got outcoached.  The kids were confused in the kicking game, and the secondary never did adjust, and a lot of that is coaching.

What I wanted to address, however, is the opening kickoff of the 2nd half.  We all know the rule that says the ball has to travel 10 yards before a member of the kicking team can legally touch the ball.  The Field Judge (FJ) (the guy with the F on his back) was straddling the 40 yd line, also known as the kicking team's restraining liine.  His main job is to make sure the ball travels 10 yards.  Here's where it gets hinky.  Any restraining line is treated as a line, not as a plane, as the goal line is treated.  A kicked ball, by rule, is deemed not to have crossed a line until it touches the ground, a player, or an official on or beyond that line.  In all the confusion, you miay not have noticed, but the FJ had dropped his bean bag on the UMHB 39, signifying that being the spot where the kick first touched the ground.  Of course, we all know that once the ball hit the ground, it looked like a Tiger Woods wedge shot, and shot back toward the UMHB goal line, so the ball, by rule, never crossed the restraining line, hence it never traveled the required 10 yards, hence when the CRU recovered, it constitited illegal touching, giving Whitewater the ball at the spot of the illegal touching.  If the FJ was right, the call was absolutely correct, inasmuch as the home crowd protested.

Some of the confusion occurred up in our part of the stands when some folks started sayint that the ball actually hit the ground at the 42, not the 39.  If that were the case, then the ball crossed the restraining line, and the Cru should have been allowed to keep the ball.  However, without replay, the only way to know will be to look at the game film much after the fact.

I agree with the other poster who said that this game also pointed out the difference in the level of play between us and the Wisconsin/Ohio area.  Obviously, the Cru is the best DIII team in this part of the country, but they've only beaten Mount Union once, and are o-for against Whitewater.  Still, all in all, a great and wonderfully entertaining season for Coach Pete and his student athletes.

Not edited, but "cut-and-pasted" on the Year in Review board.  Sorry. Ralph Turner
It was a great 1st half.  Defense played wonderfully.  Video stream is almost perfect.  I wish the Cru could/would open it up a bit.  With 7 of theirs guarding 3 or 4 of ours, it doesn't bode well.  What is old adage, "you've got to be able to pass the ball at a time that you don't HAVE to pass the ball," or some such.  I think the D will make good adjustments at half time - I hope they will take the reins off the O a bit in the second half as well.

The only negative on the video is having to listen to the homer announcers from UWW ;D
Quote from: mhb8904 on November 21, 2007, 06:47:54 AM
Quote from: yessir on November 21, 2007, 04:48:24 AM
Quote from: umhb2001 on November 20, 2007, 07:42:23 PM
I sit on the 50, 17 rows up, and I try to get the crowd going, and a lot of times, they sit there quiet.  I start chanting "D-Fence" and they sit there eating their dog and DP.  The crowd needs to step it up big time!

I sit on the 50 three rows up and a lady in front of me asked me to quiet stomping my feet cause it was giving her a headache. LOL So instead I started yelling really loud. She was not very happy at all. The UMHB fans really get on my nerves most of the time. Specially the ones who have never stepped on the field. Fans are so critical. Perfect example......UMHB ran the options alot last saturday. Probably 70% of the time. Everyone in the stands around me were fussing about the option. Then they run the option pass and score. Some dude behind me says...."That's been wide open all day long.....why were they running the option so much.". I turn around to the guy and let him know that all the option run plays set up the pass play that they just scored off of. He just looked at me dumbfounded. If you don't understand football, you shouldn't try and be a critic of it. I can't sit with the "regular" fans anymore. It's just too frustrating. For now on i'm going to go sit with all the black guys.......LOL

For the playoffs I am buying reserved seats, but normally I get gen. admission.  I like general admission because I can always find family of players which gets entertaining.  For homecoming I sat near Jarell Freeman's family, what a hoot.  Last week I sat next to a former UMHB volleyball coach.  That was fun.  This week could be bad though, my sports hating father-in-law wants to go to the game with me.  He knows nothing about football, but is very loud and supportive of "the real baylor" so might be interesting.

Is that "the real baylor" whose had as many head coaches as victories the last several years?
The really sad thing about the current state of McMurry football is that, of all the schools in the conference, McM probably has the longest and proudest football history of them all.  The Tribe used to back down, and take second seat, to no one of a similar size.  I was actually in attendance the last year McM and ACU (then ACC) played a real game.  The final score wasn't pretty, but the Indians never once cowered to the Christians from the Hill.  It used to be said of the ole' Soutwest Conference that a team from the Dallas area (either TCU or  SMU) needed to be competitive for the league to be fan-healthy.  I think the same can be said for Abilene/Brownwood - for the sake of the league's fan health, one of those schools needs to be competitive every year, and wouldn't it be interesting if McM and HPU could narrow the competitive gap a bit.
Quote from: CruAlum90 on September 28, 2007, 10:24:41 AM
I'm Back baby!  Its been a while, but I feel the need to give an update on the Crusaders!  The last time we spoke it was the Crusader defense and thier coaching staff that was the topic of conversation, not that they aren't doing great, but I think it's time to focus on the crusader offense, I know their opponents are!  We'll start with the backfeild and running backs coach, Jeff "too tall, Hoo Whaa" Shinn, this guy has a stable this year, with Thrasher pounding the rock, and Daniels speed, they are a tandem to be reckoned with, and Coach Shinn has em playin, and believe it or not, they are not taking after their coach this year, they are all passing thier classes! Great Job Coach.  Running the offensive line is Coach Joe "alright, um K" George, what a great guy, and for those of you that don't know he's a lobo, as is DT coach coach agnew, former coach Vernon Fuel, and Coach Agnew.  Coach George has one of the best linemen in the country in Caleb Woodall, a hass at left tackle that was recruited out of Harligen by one, Coach Layton Lively!!!  Woodall  is joined by the rest of the hogs upfront in forming one of the best offensive lines in the country, and why wouldn't they be, they have one of the best coaches in the country in George!  Leading the Crusader offense is Matt "Awall" Robinson.  As offensive coordinator, Coach Robinson has settled in quite nicely, and you may have noticed that his players have all trimmed down due to the diet implemented by Coach Rob of soy burgers, lettuce, and Brussell Sprouts, yes sir, Coach Robinson has em slimmed up and playin hard, and his players feed off his passion for the game.  He has also implemented a stretch routine that the Saders have used to become more flexible, its an akward stretch that involves slightly bending the knees, locking your arms with your hands on your knees, sticking your butt out, and shaking you rear behind you, it's worked for him for years, and it appears to be working for the CRU.  Josh Welch has been steadily effective this year as he has always been as well.  The McMurray game should be a blowout as the rest of them have been, thats all I'll say on that, I dont want to upset Mr. Ralph Turner too much.  Shout outs to Larry "The Hitman" Harmon, Keith "Spelunker" Zunker, and David"They get at ya latley" Branscom, that Defense looks great.  Shout outs to my boy Jack Johnson, hes got that Bridgewater D playing, good luck this weekend against Hampden-Sydney.  Also shout outs to Cody Fredenburg at Ok. State, nice win last week, and an even better post game speach, I love a coach standing up for his players.  Also shout outs to Layton Lively, I hear your ballin buddy, keep it up, and I can't leave out Tony Salazar at Dripping Springs, winning games and breeding all americans, that what we do.  Cru Family, Love yall!!!
CRUALUM - you really need to get a real job, a woman, or both - you have WAY TOO much time on your hands, young man!! ;D
Given the CRU defense, they will probably fare better if they DO break down in Brady.  Maybe they can break down in Llano, at least they'll get some good bar-b-que!
Josh, you are, as usual, right on!  Besides, those kids taller than 6' who can catch and run are at schools where they don't have to apply for financial aid!  If it was on a Thursday, I'm betting they were scrimmaging themselves, as UMHB did yesterday.
Austin would definitely be more fun as a place to stay, and if you've never been down here, Austin probably needs to be experienced, and from Belton to downtown Austin is just under one hour, with normal traffic.

However, Belton is a small town that does close up pretty early.  In Temple, 10 minutes away, you can at least find a couple of places where you can get something to drink besides Dr. Pepper, and has the usual bevy of chain restaurants:  Chili's, IHOP, and one locally owned (but overly expensive) steak house in downtown Temple.  Killeen, on the other hand, has pretty much all the amenities of a big city, because it has sorta become a big city.  A lot of places to eat, with a lot of places to imbibe, and their high school football is pretty salty as well.  Temple and Belton High Schools, both, are undergoing a bit of a slump right now, but if you're into small town football, the really small towns like Salado, Rogers, Cameron, Gatesville all play pretty decent football for their class.

I guess your attending the Friday night UMHB pep rally is out of the question. . .
Quote from: CNU85 on August 16, 2007, 09:12:17 PM
I'm coming to the UMHB/CNU game. Anybody have ideas as to what I can do Friday night to get in trouble in Belton?

I think Wal-Mart is open until midnight!
"The taxpayers who foot the bill for the state institutions are entitled to a better product being produced out of the athletic programs than what they are getting right now."  headlinesman. 
If they let Mack Brown , Spurrier and bigtime coaches run there program , taxpayers will get a winner and not cost them a penny.  Bowl games and TV .  Look at Young, I promise he did not score a 25 on his ACTs

He has not drug the program through the mud no more than Texas or anywhere else.  Texas suspended two players yesterday. 

OK, Sender, you are right.  Please forgive me for expressing an honest opinion - I should have known better.  Since we don't know each other, I should just accept your opinion as gospel and remain in my little office and mind my own business.  I just don't know what got into me, and what I was thinking!

Hell, if you berate me enough, I might just come around to your way of thinking.
Except CNU is coming to BELTON, not Benton, which is somewhere is the hills of Arkansas, right? ;)
This is an interesting discussion.  I have just recently completed a paper for a summer school course that had to do with a Division I university's compliance office.  Among the many things I researched, was the compliance office's role in the admissions process.  The compliance officer and the four or five coaches interviewed all said the first and foremost question for any recruit, academically, is "Can we get this kid in school?"

Sender, I don't think you're going to find a lot of sympathy on this board for guys like Spurrier, whose job is to win football games, not graduate kids.  All the D3 schools in our conference really strive to emphasize the "student" in studen-athlete.  Right now, our friend Mack Brown, who probably sits on the right hand of the Father, is finding out the perils of recruiting kids who are just fine athletes.  The taxpayers who foot the bill for the state institutions are entitled to a better product being produced out of the athletic programs than what they are getting right now.
Guys, this REALLY is a no brainer.  Between my two daughters and I, we have two bachelor degrees from HSU and one from HPU.  I have two graduate degrees from private institutions, and am working on a Ph.D. from a state school.  I can tell you direct experience:  there is no comparison of cost between private and state schools.  State schools are still not cheap, but they pale in comparison to what private schools have to charge to stay in business.

Besides, I've been to Alpiine.  It is a beautiful place with lots of recreational amenities very close by - just not very many other PEOPLE very close by.  SRU should get all the kids that can't play on UTEP, UNM and New Mexico State's level.
This isn't high school, where the schools with the larger numbers have a bigger field to choose from.  Last time I checked, HPU, TLU, or McM are probably recruiting the same kids that HSU recruits.  I'm not sure what the location of the school has to do with it either?  Abilene and Belton are not just necessarily the entertainment capitals of Texas.  I think you have to look at a lot of things, not just size and location:  tradition of program (if that's the case, McM beats everyone in the league), stability of the coaching staff, support from the administration, etc.  If anyone had a built in advantage, it should be SRU, because they charge only state school tuition.  So, the criteria are literally too many to enumerate.