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Messages - depauwtigers1


  I really do not have an opinion on the coaches.  I will have an opinion on them if they were part of the e-mail scandal, but we will find out on that matter in the near future.
  I take issue with 2 people in the administrative sector.  They made our life miserable when I was there.  While we tried desperately to improve our program by hiring talented coaches that fit our system, we were met with great opposition from certain individuals.  Truly a shame, that place has untapped potential to turn into national program.
  Thats all there is.  I could care less about the HC and his mission. 

  You may be referring to wabash's off - season conditioning cycle.  They do a good job of using the off season to develop strength and movement fundamentals.  Unlike the program to the South.

  A few years ago, the NCAA permitted D3 programs to set a Spring football period. It is simialr to D1/D2 allowances except involves no pads or helments.  Teams can still benefit from scheme install and individual, unit, and team drills.

  So, I am not sure what you mena by shake yourself & such.

  It is possible the NCAA may have changed these rules, but I doubt it.

Quote from: INQBScout on March 16, 2007, 10:06:46 PM
QuoteWhat do you think the plan is for Spring practice?  Who will be in charge of the offense this Spring and what will the Spring agenda be for the offense.

Is this the same Wabash that can't have a freaking football in "spring practice"?
Shake yourself, youngster...don't embarrass yourself......
  I appreciate your summary on the Tigers Spring agenda.

  The "horse will be put to rest" when some heads roll in that "high on the hill" administration.  Two of those people underestimate the perseverance and individual qualities of those that have been knicked by their juvenille decisions.
  People that get caught in the crossfire, don't take it personal, its just business!
  Has anyone noticed the job board feature on the home page?  What a great tool for people to use.  DePauw has not posted the new coaching job on this site.  Just another example of not moving with any urgency.

  It really is simple.  Take care of the things that affect your players.  Hiring coaches gets done within two weeks by programs that desire to be good.  This would be another example of the "little things" that build a winning program.  Creating search commitees, dragging decision time frames, & hiring with hidden agendas hamper the progress of securing quality coaches.  Waiting for June is a bad idea.  The coaches that are available at that point are usually around for a reason.  Quality hires usually do not drag past March.

Quote from: DPU3619 on March 16, 2007, 03:52:20 PM
Um... thanks for your input.  I guess.

I think you're handling this like the sky is falling, but to each his/her own I suppose.

  The sky is falling, and faster than one might think.  The problem here is that the DePauw puppet masters do not know how things should be done in a timely and efficient manner.  Head coaches know candidates for their openings, they are the best resource to get the task completed.  Plus, it's their job!


  No, your little self forecast is off!  I think the guy has a great opportunity in the CFL.  Best of luck to him.  His departure has nothing to do with DPU coaches  and administrators.

  You should be more worried about what is happening with the football teams achievements in strength development  this off season. 

  What do you think the plan is for Spring practice?  Who will be in charge of the offense this Spring and what will the Spring agenda be for the offense.

  What will the team look to achieve this Spring, goals for team improvement. Has there been a position and personal review, so that every positional segement can set performance goals, in order to field a team next season that will win more than 4 games?

  This is what the Mt. Union's, Whitewaters, Wesley's, and Wabash's are doing.

  Come on now 3619, lets give the guys a chance to be good again!  Stop thinking like Jimmy and the gang. 

  Who said anything about facts?  What gets posted are merely opinions.  Do you not think that families considering DPU will have an opinion on the sorority issue.
You can butt heads with me on T.R. all you want, but I do know what is wrong and/or right when it comes to the treatment of coaches by college administrations.
Hey 3619,

Apparently, also as in your day-to-day life.

  Please expand on this theory of life.
The top recruits will warrant major attention from the HFC and numerous assistants.  We will have an answere in late April to this discussion.  With KC leaving the boat will get rocked significantly.  DPU staff is down 2 coaches to battle for recruits in the "money down" recruiting period.
Do not think that the Sorority issue will not hurt the battle.  Those parents that finance their sons education will not take the situation jokingly.  As in sales, "perception is reality."
To 3619:
  Read your post of frustration on the Bell board.  Game is over, so I will bring this to the normal board.
  You never agree with me on the situation at DePauw, thats O.K.  I can read into your posts and I am 99% sure that you are the extended mouthpiece of the current Head FB/BB coach.
  Think about this before you get burred up:
    1.  The Hanover and Trinity coaches were just instituting leverage measures when they were toying with the DePauw Job.  These candidates simply wanted more from their current Schools than they were getting.
    2.  How you would find out information on T. Rogers being an admin. hire leads me to speculate you are attending information sessions with the current HC, maybe Asst. HC, and/or the SID.
    3.  You must know that someone on DPU's athletic staff turned an unapproved/illegally obtained e-mail into the administration from TR's computer, leading to his dismissal.  Who do you think would have pulled something off like that (surely in the plan with the vice president/possibly with the AD)?
    4.  Be careful with those current coaches you so fondly support.  They may not be the upstanding pillars of society you believe them to be.  Would not want you to get lumped in with a devient because you did not have enough infromation.
    5.  If Coach Rogers would have gotten the support he was promised when he took the job at DePauw, they would have been the Millsaps of the 2006 Season.  He needed to make changes within the staff to improve the program, and was met with a ton of backlash from the current people still involved with the program and administration.

  I understand your dis-satisfactions with DPU and the Football program.  The reason it remains this way is because of the people still there and the dismissal of Coach Rogers and HIS coaches.  Now with what you know, do you understand that when a new HC is hired - he must be extended the opportunity to bring his people in and not retain current Asst. coaches?  Those current assistants are the ones who cost Rogers his JOB, and they should have never been in position to do so!
To my fello posters,
  If my passionate posts offend any, sorry.  I just believe it is important
to understand the actions of a few sorry individuals, that led to putting
a damn good football coaches family out on the street, and unemployed.
And why? Because he wanted to push the program to make it more productive
and hire the type of coaches he could trust, and make the team better.
Two of the individuals are pegged, but I believe there are two more.  Time will
disclose the others, but I have a hunch who they are.
DPU Guys,
  The Defense of 2006 is equally gifted if not better than the 2005 personnel.  The whole secondary (except Pruitt who is a great talent at D3 level) was all conference last season (1st,2nd,HM).  Hertel / Davilla both returned.  The interior players (Grant and Mike) have better movement skills than last years inside players.  They are also stronger and match up with with Ht. and Wt.  The linebackers are the same guys minus Key - so the LB's are a push.
  Way I see it, this defense should out-perform last seasons defense because of experience and physical development. 

  So, why are they not living up to the standard?

  Not identical whatsoever!  Big difference in performance compared to last year.  Go look at the National statistics from last year and compare them to this years squad.  Start with Defense.
OK Radio Guy,
  Lets move the ball a bit more, not give up the option on the G.L. which should have never been down there because of the bad call on the fumble.  Use better sense on the shanked punt, and not miss 2 tackles on the bubble screen, and tackle the QB in pressure situations.  Is that a big enough hurricane for you?
Li'l Giant,
  I appreciate your honesty and truthful statement about that play!
  You remember last years game, 1st down and about 5 at our 5.  The QB mis-handled the center snap, started batting the ball around, C. Clark picks it up and is off to the races.  Ref called it dead ball.  That would have made the score 17-3, with Wabash going into the wind for 4th quarter.  Game would have been over.  Stripes robbed the Tigers.  Harbaugh could not throw consistently against our secondary last year.  They were only 3rd in the country in pass offense heading into the game.  But thats the game.  Giving up 17 points to the 3rd best passing offense in the country and a 3rd round playoff team is a different story than giving up 30+ in last 2 games.

In fact the 2 defeats were by 5 and 3.  The 5 point defeat came against a team that made it to the semi-finals of the national playoffs.  Eight points for the season against deep playoff teams, thats living!