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Messages - MissChoctaw

Ralph, Before (McM) can win the ASC they need to make it to the tourney. You seem to be a tad bit confident in a team that is struggling to defend their home court.
I totally agree that MC needs to speed up the tempo a lot more. But in the last four or five minutes the game slows down. This is where your teams half court offense and defense must be exceptional in order to win a national championship. IMHO, it is not wise to shoot the first available shot when the game is tied with two minutes left in the game. I believe this hurt McMurry in the tournament last year.
If you ramp up the intensity to the levels that you saw at McMurry in 1999-2001, then you need 10-11 deep.

Everyone plays and everyone sweats!  When you are getting that level of intensity in the short spurts that you can run in an real up-tempo defense,  with short ball control cycles (you know shoot at 7 secs into the cycle instead of 7 seconds remaining on the possession clock, so you are running 80 possesions per game instead of 40-50) then everyone plays.  Otherwise, you have players that are disgruntled.

The old traditonal MC half court that I have seen just doesn't stress the opposing teams athletes.

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Not sure I did the whole copy paste thing right but anyway. Ralph I agree that MC needs to play at least ten guys. However shooting seven seconds into the shot clock that is asking for someone shoot layups on the other end. If you have guards that can get a good shot for someone within seven seconds of the shot clock the by all means play with that philosiphy. But since there is no Steve Nash in college basketball this philosiphy should not be used. Should MC push the ball more? YES. Should they press more? YES. But not at the expense of their half court execution.
MC looked very good against Millsapps. It was good to see them do well against a zone since that will be the defense that teams will try to play against MC this year. MC boy, I agree the chocs are very deep however the key will be knowing who to play and when to play them. That is a good problem for Coach Jones to have.
Kidnice, I agree that the post seems to have been written by Blevins or a family member. However Blevins did playwell and is at best a solid backup. I will keep everyone posted on how the Chocs look this year. We have a scrimmage on Sunday at two o'clock against Millsapps. How are the other teams lokking this year. I know about the returners but what about the transfers and freshman. Any impact players coming to the ASC this season?
MC looked sluggish against William Carey in the first half. However they ended up winning by about ten. The chocs have great talent and depth again this year. Collins looked good leading the chocs in scoring with sixteen.Broomefield,Eugene, Jones, Evans, and Hudson all had solid games. Winford had a subpar night but we know he will be solid as always. Its scary but the chocs have a great chance to be even better than last year. They will definitely be the team to beat in the ASC and hopefully in the NATION. Good luck to all the teams as the ASC season gets ready to begin.