Gentlemen, this is an area for commenting on college football. This child-like behavior is becoming quite annoying. I played for wilkes and enjoyed reading the post patterns because people posted about how good a team played, or how exciting a game was. You two just need to grow up. Best of luck to "ALL" teams. Looking forward to the games this weekend.
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Region 1 football (New England-ish) / Re: Middle Atlantic Conference
November 27, 2006, 08:31:18 PM #2
Region 1 football (New England-ish) / Re: Middle Atlantic Conference
November 20, 2006, 08:38:20 PM
SU you must realize that if you are going to post here that the Del Val fans do not take to kindly to losing. They express their frustration through the post patterns instead of on the field

Region 1 football (New England-ish) / Re: Middle Atlantic Conference
November 13, 2006, 06:59:34 PM
any predictions for the games this weekend???
Region 1 football (New England-ish) / Re: Middle Atlantic Conference
November 13, 2006, 06:57:01 PM
Llamaguy, at wilkes you are welcome to bring all the food you want, but you are not allowed alcoholic bev on the grounds...unless you are like me and just drink it out of a cup instead of the cans...there is plenty of parking at the have the wilkes lot at one endzone and then Kirby parking lot is right on the other side of the practice field
Region 1 football (New England-ish) / Re: Middle Atlantic Conference
November 12, 2006, 06:14:32 PM
Hangtime, please do not bash the wilkes fans. I am a former player and thank the fans for the support they give the team. The people are not "classless morons." They are people out cheering on their team. I was at the Del Val vs Wilkes game. I would like to inform you that I heard several delval fans yelling at wilkes players after the game was over (when the players are talking with family and friends on the field) about how they shouldnt be proud of anything because they didnt even play in the game. Classless??? There were also 3 delval fans that were clearly intoxicated that were trying to start a fight with wilkes fans that were visiting with their son on the field. Classless??? Maybe you should stop pointing the finger and take a look at yourself. Congrats to all the MAC teams on a great year and GO WILKES! Make sure you make a statement and represent the MAC in the playoffs.