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Messages - CC Backer

Well the Cobbers all but ended their playoff hopes this weekend with the loss to UST.  Concordia was able to move the ball very well on the ground, behind Cory Johnson's 180 yds. but could never get it in the endzone when they got inside the red zone.  As CobberNation said the passing game needs some fundamental work.  The two plays that stick out the most are the dropped ball with no DB insight at mid field, and the fumble after a short out, that was picked up and ran back inside the 20 I believe and led to the go ahead score for the Tommies.  Nelson played well both running and throwing although he still needs to work on the passing game quite a bit. 

The defense played ok, nothing stellar.  Wartman just over 120 yds i believe on about 30 carries or so and the Tommies threw for just over 200.  But as a defender, you're still bummed when you play a tough game like that, only give up 14 points and lose.  The dropped balls, fumbles and timely penalties really hurt Concordia.  They will have to win out in my mind to have a chance at the Playoffs, and that won't be an easy task as they still have Carelton and Augsburg on the schedule. 

UST has a solid team this year and Coach Caruso (sp?) has them playing well.  I feel the Tommie vs. Johnnie game this season could be a good one for UST.  They have a nicely balanced offense and a solid defense.  If they keep improving weekly, they could be atop the MIAC at seasons end....
Ok, so i need to explain my comments about the Cobber offense i guess.

First of all I wasn't saying that we weren't able to run the ball on saturday.  I was stating that I thought that some of the play calling was questionable.  We were able to run on Bethel so why were we trying to throw as much as we did???? There were a handful of series where CC tried to throw the football instead of run and it ended up in punting situations.  I agree we need to work on the passing game, its no where near where it needs to be if we want to get through the rest of the MIAC and have a chance in a playoff game.  But if we're able to run the ball then run the damn ball!!  Use the pounding running game to set up our play action passing game thats what I'm saying.  Nelson is not Schumacher and our recievers aren't Pace or Reile!! So lets give them as much help as possible and try to catch the DB's getting sucked up toward the line.  I just think they tried to get a little to pass happy in the wrong situations. 

As for the rest of the MIAC schedule....I feel we have the ability to beat the remaining teams on our schedule but the Cobbers definately can't take any of them lightly.  Especailly the Auggies.  A good passing game has always created trouble for CC defenses, and we don't have the offense to try and get back in a game if we fall behind by a few scores early.  I hope they are able to get everyone prepared for the up coming games and get some more Ws.  They are a good team, but its to soon to tell if they're a great one.
Well here is a few thoughts from the CC vs BU game yesterday.....
The Cobbers D looked pretty good again for the second straight week.  Had only one or two break downs all day and none of them really hurt the team.  Offensively...not impressed with CC.  Not sure why or when it happened but apparently the O coordinators don't think that the Cobbers are a RUNNING team anymore.  Guess what guys thats your bread and butter!!  Pound the ball to wear down defenses and use some play action to burn the D occationally.  We could've run the ball a lot more in the game, in my eyes at least.  Still not sure if the Cobbers can run the table, but if the defense can hold teams to as low of scoring like the past two games, then we've got a chance.

As for the Bethel Royals.....they really miss Wetzel (sp).  They weren't able to get much going offensively all day.  Their defense played pretty well in the first half, but gave up some points in the second.   

As usual, I was not impressed with the BU players over all demeanor.  At one point during the second half I wittnessed a BU starter relieve himself on the field!!  Thats right, he took a piss on the sideline in plain view of everyone.  I don't know if this player has some sort of medical issues or not, but taking a leak on the playing surface from the sideline is absolutely ridiculous!!! Especially when you are the visiting team.  Pissing on someone else's field is immature and pathetic.  I can't believe that a player would even think of doing something like that.  Way to go BU, once again you are the class of the MIAC!!!  WOW
Morning gents,
Just reading through some of the posts about the behavior of the Cobber fans yesterday.  I wasn't at Clemen's Stadium myself but it sounds like Johnnie fans didn't get a lot of respect from CC fans during or after the game.  For that I apologize.  This match has been, in my eyes, CC's best MIAC rivalry game especially the last 5 years or so.  For lots of reasons but the biggest one is the fact the that two programs have tremendous respect for each other.  And in my four years of games againts SJU I never heard a bad word spoken about either side during or after the game from CC or SJU.  I hope that the fans yesterday realize this and don't let it happen again.  I can see getting crazy when you walk out of Clemen's Stadium with a W, as I myself was a part of a victory there in 04, but you have to keep it respectful.  When a handfull of fans act like that it gives the college a bad rap, and that is inexcusable.

As for the was another Cobber Johnnie slugging match.  With the exception of last seasons Cobber sluttering in Collegeville the recent games have been defensive games, like yesterday.  I think that CC has the "ability" to run the table, however, they have to get some kind of passing game going if they want a shot at the MIAC crown.  I was happy with the defense yesterday.  Giving up 300+ yards isn't great, but we've always had more trouble with the passing game, and the D bent but never broke, so that was nice to see.  Next week's game against BU is big now.  CC should've beaten the Royals last year at the Jake, and I don't believe they are as good as they were a year ago.  But I'm also not sure where to rank the Cobbers yet either so it will be an interesting game.  As for the Johnnie' QB's?!?!? that isn't gonna get it done.  They need to go with one guy, and get whoever it is some confidence.  Also their running game was nonexistent.  Obviously SJU has lived through the air durring their success, but they have always had respectable ground game to go with it.  Finally, WTF was the O-coordinator thinking on the Safety play!!!  that one left me scratching my head.  
This first weekend is going to make for an interesting season in the MIAC.  Good luck to all as the season continues!!
Here is a topic to discuss.   The NFL Network.  I thinks it is a great channel, lots of great inside info on what is going on around the league year round.  However, it isn't on the cable network and when they televise games most of the country doesn't see them.  I feel it is a loss for football fans in that way.  I would love to see the GB vs DAL game but since I don't have Dish I can't see one of the best games in the NFC this season, and that is bullsh!t.  I guess I'll have to settle for highlights on SC.  I'm picking the Pack over the Boys 24-20.

On another note, I'm wishing the Royals luck weekend, eventhough its killing to say it.  As much as some of us don't like to admit it, they are part of the MIAC and for that reason I wish them the best, but they are still on top of my **** list among MIAC teams.

And finally, my Chuck Norris joke of the day:

Chuck Norris beat the sun in a staring contest........twice!!
Here is your Chuck Norris fact of the day

The last time Chuck Norris farted.......

Hurricane Katrina
Johnnie Fans,

What happened in Arden Hills today???
CN- Tell your bus you want those tickets for a weekend game this winter so i can go.  I would love to see Boogaard get up in someone's grill  ;D
Well its Homecoming this Saturday at Concordia and nobody brings back alumni like the Cobbers.  I expect a great crowd for the game and a W for the maroon and gold.  Its nice that we're playing Hamline this year for homecoming instead of the Oles like last season.  Losing a HC game is bad enough but losing it big and to STO and coach Miedt is like getting kicked when you're down.  Good luck to the Cobbers.

Also this week's match up between STO and SJU isn't going to be as good of a game as STO faithful would hope.  I see the Johnnies executing well and winning big!!
CN - You know I'm down with whatever, as long as there is good snow and cute ski bunnys  ;)
"I'm saying that a score like that is good for the game, i'm saying that sometimes it just happens"  Excuse me, I'm NOT saying that a score like that is good for the game - is what i meant to type, sorry
Quote from: janesvilleflash on September 24, 2007, 07:25:31 PM
81-8 is NOT part of a game. A coach has better control of the score than that. 81-8 is just poor sportsmanship.

Actually, no it wasn't, yes the score seem like it, but it was a case one team playing flawless and the other team making many mistakes.  Out of the 81 points 6 of them came through the air, freshman and sophomores just played great football and unless you expected us to start taking knees in the beginning of the 3rd quarter, thats what can happen.  I'm saying that a score like that is good for the game, i'm saying that sometimes it just happens
On the talk of running up scores this past weekend.....St. John's did not run the score up, CC kept our 1st teamers in until very late in the fourth and you can't knock the Johnnie's 2nd and 3rd stringers for scoring on our 1st team D.  As for the other scores, i really have no comment seeing as i was not at the game, but sometimes scores can get outa hand without any disrespectful play.  I mean i was part of a HS playoff game that ended up 81-8 and we didn't run the score up we just quickly and often.  It's part of the game, deal with it.
Well I've had to time to take in all of Saturday's events and this is what I've concluded.

Stifftungfestivities - What a great experience that was.  Thank you to all of the Johnnie faithful that made that experience a memorable one.  The food and company was absolutely amazing.  It's great to see how much pride people have in the MIAC and DIII football.  I would recomend attending the pregame festivities to anyone.  It was a wonderful time and something I will definately take part in again.

The game - WOW.....what can I say about it that hasn't already been said by M&G and other Cobber faithful??  It just didn't look like traditional Concordia football to me and that is what made the game so hard to take.  The team didn't show me the type of intensity and pride that I have both seen and been a part of in the past.  Even when you're down on the scoreboard you still bust your a$$ and give it everything you have until that final whistle blows.  Also the QB situation....I think J. Nelson is a great guy, but don't think he is our man on the field.  He hasn't shown enough bright spots this year or last year and I believe his time is up.  Do I think that A. Larson is the answer? Not necessarily, but I do think that it is time to give someone else the opportunity to get on the field and make some plays.  Yes the season is somewhat of a loss (little to no playoff chance) but that doesn't mean that we just roll over and start playing for next season.  I think those boys need to realize what kind of tradition they are a part of and start playing Concordia style football.  St. John's is a hell of a football team and play mistake free ball on Saturday.  They may not have that standout name at WR or RB but they put 11 good football players on the field and they get things done.  As usual the crowd and scenery at Clemen's Stadium was great, one of my favorate places to play on the road no doubt.  I wish the Johnnie's the best of luck the rest of the way.  I'm picking them to take the MIAC title with an undefeated season.  

To my Cobbers, I hope to see a different style of football out of you guys the rest of the way.  Play tough, play with intensity, and play with love for the game, after all that's what DIII is all about.  Good luck the rest of the season.  We're all still behind you!!
Well i just made it official, i'll be in Collegeville on saturday for the game.  If history tells us anything it should be a good one.  I'm also planning on attending the pregame festivities with Cobbernation and M&G, I've heard nothing but good things about it, so i'm very excited!!