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Messages - oldhawk

Quote from: BrowardRaider on December 19, 2009, 07:38:12 PM
Congratulations to Whitewater on a hard fought smash mouth win, these 18-22 yr old men all brought "IT" today and Mount certainly has nothing to hang their heads about. I will look forward to what I hope is VI next year, maybe a little less snow. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all, safe travels back through the snow

Well said B.R.

As much as I enjoyed seeing the Hawks win, I've enjoyed even more watching the MUC football team the past few years and all that it brings.  Toughness, class and one hell of a football team.  Congrats and props to Raider Nation on everything!

See you next year? ;)
"Should your weather front last more than 4 hours,a sudden loss of vision or hearing occur you may need to see a doctor." 

Quote from: BoBo on Yesterday at 07:42:33 pm



If your're looking for options to view todays delayed Stagg Bowl, you can view it on either ESPN 360 or on ESPN Classic.  ESPN Classic is not available as a free standing channel.  It is only available as part of Directv's "Sports Pack" which gives something like 34 additional sports channels.  It's normally $12.99/month, but it's being offered as a 90 day trail for $7.99.  You have to keep it for a minimum of 1 month, where at that time you may cancel the package.  Since I don't have ESPN 360 available to me in my area, this is the option I opted for.

Hope this info helps some people out.  With all of that siad.....GO HAWKS!!! ;D

Oh, and although I've already offered up my congrats over on "the other" board, let me do the same here.
#10 has to taste pretty sweet.  I've got a funny feeling we'll be there again next year trying to keep you from #11. ;)
Congrats to the Purple Raiders on their 10th National Championship.  Looked like it might be a blowout early on, but the Hawks hung in there.

Is it my imagination or is Micheli a possible NFL prospect?
Congrats to a very gritty Warhawk team.  Down early they could have faded away into the sunset, but this team showed that they don't know the meaning of quit. :)
Not making excuses here as Mount Union is playing excellent ball, but the refs really need to get in the game. ???
Congratulations to the machine they call Mount Union from this Wisconsin resident.  An extra huge congrats to Mr. Kmic on becoming the NCAA's ALL TIME rushing leader.  Looking forward to round four of UWW/Mount Union
Quote from: seventiesraider on December 20, 2007, 10:52:23 PM

And we're still the only school in recent years to win multiple DIII National Championships and you gotta respect that.

Without a doubt seventiesraider.  MU's program is still the one that everyone wants to emulate.  The last game of the season has in no way has changed that.
Quote from: Goal Line Stand on December 20, 2007, 08:41:42 AM
Quote from: kirasdad on December 20, 2007, 06:46:50 AM
Quote from: oldhawk on December 20, 2007, 12:08:39 AM
If it weren't so sad, it would almost be comical that in the wake of such a monumental and historic accomplishment with UWW beating the Goliath of D3 that there would be so much argument on this thread.  My guess is that the Warhawk players, that some on this thread feel were slighted by the AA selection comittee, are far more satisfied with winning the championship than they are upset with the fact that some comittee failed to name them as an All American.  Debating the hypothetical is an exercise in futility.

As a sidenote, has anyone else been on the OAC forum and seen the ongoing P and moan session going on about what many MU fans are calling an illegal push of Jones into the endzone by Beaver on their final score??  Interesting that they don't mention or acknowledge the fact that Kmic was aided on one of his TD runs( I believe it was the one halfway through the 3rd quarter) by a blatant hold that wasn't called.  Even the ESPN announcers remarked about it.  Bottom line is that UWW wins with or without the inconsistent calls by the refs.

Try stirring up the pot some more.  No one on the OAC board said that if that call was made, then MTU would win.   The main discussion is on if everyone likes or dislikes Vince Kehres, the coach complaining, and if that should have been called or not.  Get the facts straight before trying to get everyone up in a tizzy.

UWW won, we all agree that MTU was outplayed.  Enjoy the championship.

Ya but, you got to admit, Oldhawk's got a great point.  Considered making it myself over there.  Both teams suffered the non calls and both teams benefited from at least one TD a piece because of it. 

Actually kirasdad and raiderfan1983 are 100% correct in their response to my original post from last night.  A bit of alcohol was talking there, hence, I have rightfully deleted my original post on this matter.

I emailed and asked them what feed the DVD was recorded from and their reply was this.

-Actually, the DVD is the ESPN game broadcast. The NCAA actually owns
the copyright on all of the tournament games.

NCAA On Demand-

So as much as we may not totally appreciate the two commentators, at least we can be fairly certain that the video quality will be more than adequate.  I'll be ordering mine right now.
Quote from: footballfan413 on December 18, 2007, 02:11:19 PM

Just found this link on UWW's football page.  You can order a copy of the Championship Broadcast from the NCAA.

I've been wondering where I could get a DVD of the game.  Has anyone had any experience with these guys?  I'm assuming that due to copywrite laws, this is not the ESPN braodcast(?)  If not, do you know whose feed it is?
Man, This thread is really starting to head  in a bad direction.  I have to wholeheartedly agree that the Warhawk nation needs to celebrate their well deserved victory and leave all that other crap alone.   Empty accusations and finger pointing will only serve to diminish what the Hawks accomplished.  As there are gracious losers, there are also gracious winners.  Up to this point, I've seen plenty of both.  Let's keep it real guys.
Just wanted to pop over to see the take on the game from Mount Unions perpective and offer up my congratulations on a great season(decade??).  You guys have been and are the best football program in D3 and I think most people with any football knowledge at all know you're not going away anytime soon.  I would certainly expect to see you guys going after #10 again next year. 

How it is that the success of your teams hasn't prompted a D1 team to try and lure away coach K is beyond me.  Or maybe they have and he's just that loyal??

As for the UWW poster that made the comment about Michelli(sp?) transfering to WW so he can win a national championship, I assure you that it was tongue in cheek, and in reality a reference to Danny Jones transfering to WW.   As many of you may know, the true story is that he told the coaches that he wanted to transfer from California to UWW so that he could play for the Hawks to have a legitimate chance to play for a National championship contender.  Believe me when I tell you that there was no disrespect for Mount Union, it's program or Michelli intended with that post.  Again, congrats to The Purple Raiders on a fantastic season.
All I can say is WOW!!!!!  From the first plays of the game today it was obvious that this years version of the Warhawks was on a major mission.  As a long time, transplanted to the northwoods, Whitewater native, Warhawk fan and UWW ulumni, I have to say it's been a really long time since I've been this happy and proud.  The entire team, from the players to the coaches to the equipment managers to the media guys, should be congratulated on accomplishing what I will always consider a Hurculean feat.  Beating those monsters from MU was no easy task, but YOU DID IT!!!!  A special shout out to Justin Beaver for overcoming so much adversity and being a huge reason why the ALONZO STAGG trophy is now where it rightly belongs.   This is absolutely huge for the school, the community and the entire great state of Wisconsin.

Another shout out to all of the fans of other teams that have been so classy in their support and congratulating of the Warhawks.  You guys are the best! ;D
Would it be safe to assume that ESPN will be carrying the Stagg Bowl once again this year?  Having recently moved from my longtime(45 years)hometown of Whitewater, to the northwoods, I sure would like to be able to see them play again.