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Messages - JRHarriel25

Mark Scopp- To the house
Wish all well for the 2007 IBFC season...Go GC Panthers

Dom- you is a beast....enough said

Justin Grant- you know what it takes, get it done

Garrett and Grant- Best LB duo in IBFC...BALL OUT  
CUW-was a very good team in the IBFC (2006) they will finish maybe 3rd in 2007.

LC- had and still have some very good talent on the squad top two in conference.

AU- good team but just cant get over the hill, wont come through in the cluch will battle for 3rd against CUW.

GC- the offence will be better than ever (will produce), lot of new talent (transfers), amazing QB he is a beast, the defence is going to hold it down like always...this team does not has the best players overall in the conferencd but...THEY PLAY AS A TEAM. Compete for 1st agaist LC.

Mac-has a lot of very good players if get a good coaching staff, they might turn some heads and get a couple of upsets

BU-May improve but still middle of the pack

EU-they will do what they can with what they have

CUC-is trying to move in the right direction but have to get more talent in order to produce.

These are my thoughts and prodictions not basic facts.
Congrats Mount Union on your perfect season.
Quote from: The Undertaker on December 13, 2006, 08:03:29 PM
First of all LARRY, Greg S. has more class than you ever will. He actually tried in practice where as you sat out with your thumb up your butt next to Smith holding onto him like he was your security blanket. You always wanted to sit out at practice and run your mouth, but hey what else is new with Larry P. I just want to know how you are graduating from Mac when you have the worst english and spelling in the world. I fear for the employer when they hire you. You have to acutally sound smart when talking. I also would like to know larry how the aztec bowl is going....Oh wait you didnt get invited. Which means you are an average d3 linebacker. Hey larry how is the pot smoking going, cause you have never stopped since you have been here, during the season is larrys only time he can smoke it to erase his memories of gettting run over by every team he faced.

As for mac 5 and 7 sorry i thought you were some other cry baby on the team. How can you say that Frey did any good here. He lowered standards to get scum into that college and was a bully to his players.

C'mon Undertaker now thats too much sounds to me that you have a problem with L.P. or what not, some of these things you should address him personally about, but IMO I think it's just foolish to say some of the things you are saying about your own teammate (I'm assuming). 

Quote from: Pat Coleman on December 11, 2006, 02:27:10 PM

JR -- dude, I'm sorry. You would've been a great All-Region candidate. As I have said, we do occasionally look at non-nominated players for All-American but I'm not sure what the linebacker field looks like yet.

Thanks Pat...once again I would like to apologies for comming off the way I did.  It was just a very upsetting moment for me.

Quote from: Mugsy on December 11, 2006, 11:11:28 AM
Quote from: JRHarriel25 on December 10, 2006, 10:49:18 PM
What more can you ask from a single player? I work my butt of this past season and have proven myself in D3 and I dont even make the all region team.

I may be wrong but, I dont think anyone could find a SINGLE player (LB) better than me (statistically) in all of D3 football.

I don't know what is more ridiculous and selfish than a player that spouts off ad nausea on their own personal accomplishments.  Not the kinda player I want on my team... 

I know what we can ask from "a single player".  SHUT UP!  It sounds like you had a great year and are worthy of consideration.  But your SID didn't nominate you and you can't say that those who were honored don't deserve it.  And I'll bet if we look at it, we probably can't find a SINGLE player who was better.  I'll bet we'd find at least 5!

No doubt you worked your tail off.  No doubt you had a great year.  But All-Region, All-Conference, All-American teams are not "self promoted, self-nominated" honors.  Otherwise they would be completely and utterly meaningless.  Even so... 10 years from now these honors mean very little in the overall scheme of things.  People don't remember who was on what team from 10 years ago.  I'd rather hold onto what my team accomplished.

Can you be anymore arrogant?  Do us a favor and don't answer that question, because you'll probably start ranting and expousing an endless stream of "diarrhera of the mouth" on how you stats support the fact that you are better than any All-Pro linebacker.  Look out Ray Lewis and Brian Urlacher... J.R Harriel is coming.  The best linebacker in the universe (in his own mind).

Sorry if I came off the wrong way, but just put yourselves into my shoes here.

All I was saying was that, give credit when credit is the time I did'nt know who was responsible for nominating the players, now I do.  At first I thought D3 were responsible. I apologies.

And yes, I did say it really don't mean much, in all it really don't...but i would telling a lie if I say I did'nt want post season awards.

Far as being selfish...not me at all.  Never was never will be.  


These are the three LB's who made 1st Team North Region

Category                  Player            Rank           Actual

Total Tackles     Adrian Pynenberg     41               10.1   
Solo Tackles      Adrian Pynenberg     44                   5.4   

Total Tackles        Jason Allen            11               11.8
Solo Tackles         Jason Allen              31                   5.8   

Total Tackles         Tom Brew             10               12.1
Tackles For Loss    Tom Brew              7                  2.2

Statistically I am by far better than every guy on the 1st Team North Region
Total Tackles         J.R. Harriel            15               11.5
Solo Tackles          J.R. Harriel              20                   6.2    
Pass Sacks            J.R. Harriel              30                 0.9    
Tackles For Loss    J.R. Harriel              10                   2.0    
Forced Fumbles     J.R. Harriel              8                 0.4   

What more can you ask from a single player? I work my butt of this past season and have proven myself in D3 and I dont even make the all region team.

I may be wrong but, I dont think anyone could find a SINGLE player (LB) better than me (statistically) in all of D3 football.

#9  ;D    Stats dont lie, nor does film...I got the shaft

Need I say more?

Congrats John Wagner
Quote from: PIROLLO9 on November 28, 2006, 11:20:21 PM
       I would like to say i have tremendous respect for JR Harriel, he balled this year and every post season award he will get, he is very deserving for it. Hats Off to ya.
       JR i hope we stay in contact through the years...if i ever coach you got a job wit me!!!

First I would like you say YOU ARE A BEAST regardless of what awards you was a honor playing against you and the dawgs, you already know how much respect I have for you.  Far as post season awards, not gonna lie...they will be great, but really dont mean much to me (may look nice to add to my collection). 

Far as staying in got my cell # hit me up.  I was thinking we could kick it for Spring Break or somethin, maybe even sooner. 

Just an idea L.P. : It would be nice if we could play on the same team...think about it. 
Quote from: 7400West on November 21, 2006, 04:47:57 PM
Can someone talk about something more exciting!

How about...Players to watch out for 2007 season:
(no perticular order)

Mac- Terry Martin
CUC- Jason Weeks
Mac- Rodney Payne...This dude is good
GC- Dom Kegel
CUW- Wilbur Allen
Mac- Antwain Jones
GC- Mark Schopp
LC- John Wagner

(Its more so help me out)
Quote from: FatalImpact on November 19, 2006, 05:40:56 PM
Whats ur beef dude, AUFB05 made his point, you're jumping on the GC bandwagon, that means your all joy now that they actually got some W's, AUFB05 stated that AU is traditionally better than GC....No-one knows how next season will go...Those are our perdictions.......Plus we can put GC that low theyre losing a major defensive player next year right?.....So thats a huge blow...that was like last year when LC lost Ryan....Face facts GC's defense will lack next year in the absence of that one special player.......AU 2007 IBFC Champs.....Oh yeah Genius you remind me of a person that used to post on here.......

Yeah GC is "losing a major defensive player" but u must also know that a lot of our success comes from a great D-Coordinator- Ordell Walker (I know the players have some impact too, but this guy knows his stuff) putting us in the right position to make plays...with a great offence on the rise and only losing 8 seniors total I feel GC still comes into the 2007 season being one of the two best teams in the conference...I know you may think its hard to replace "that one special person" but with the offence on the rise and also STILL a very good defense with some younger and older talent I personally think GC will be in great shape.

Don't get me wrong AU have some very talented athletes also and I do think much like this season the conference title will come down to the very last game. Who will win?  Well don't really know for sure...but I rolling with the Panthers.
Great season CUW

Congrats Mike Steinmetz for IBFC Player of the year

To all the underclassmen, your 2007 season starts now.

Quote from: sotha sil on November 16, 2006, 10:35:54 PM
I dont see how it is stupid for a 10-0 team  to get a lot of guys on the 1st was one of the amazing years...does anyone know the whole list...bc CUW just has 1st team posted and we dont have player of year posted

JR Harriel #25
Greenville Panthers

First, I would just like to thank all who supported me through out this season/my career.

Special thanks to Maddog for making his "Maddog POY".  But honestly I was just out there trying to have fun.  By the way tell Ryan I said what up.

Special thanks to TruCountry: you have been supporting me since day one...Big ups for that.  I'm still trying to figure out who you are.  

For the rest of you, I enjoy reading all of your post...some funny, some not, some interesting, some not, "Bobby" some even gay.  Great season by the way 92.  

As for me, it was great playing four years in the IBFC/Greenville, I had a lot of fun even got a chance to meet some great people/players such as: The whole GC Program, Ryan Maiuri, Larry P., Bobby L, Coach Z from LC, RB from Eureka, Peter E., Van da Loo from LC, Manny Mills, Mac White LC, Terry Martin, All the Coaches, Jon C., Aaron G., BU-RB's, CUC QB, AU- TE, AU-DB' I can go on forever. I know it's many more, sorry if I didn't get to you.  Hats off to each and every one of you.

Last but not least, CUW-Big game this weekend.  I pick you guys to come out on top by 10 pts.  Bobby they can't stop you, it your day.  O line and D line, you're the best I've ever seen, this game will be depending on your performances...Show me something Wilbert Allen.

"Make it a Great Day"