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Messages - JamIt

Region 1 men's basketball / Re: GNAC
March 17, 2007, 11:46:41 PM
Creek Hoops...your attempt at humor to lighten up the ongoing talk between myself and PAT was very successful.  I laughed and enjoyed it alot so thanks.  That's what this should be about...people writing what they want to write...not censorship.  And again, even though you were indirectly probably taking a shot at me I appreciate your candid way with words.  Take care....
Region 1 men's basketball / Re: GNAC
March 16, 2007, 12:31:13 AM
Thanks Hoops Fan for your comments.  Believe it or not they were taken with respect and I appreciate your taking the time to comment.   From my standpoint, I would not have minded if Pat simply had informed me of the terms of service and the proper "posting rules" but instead he chose to inform me in a very unprofessional way and I responded.   They were simply my thoughtsand opinions and I shared them.  The truth of the matter is that I wasn't whining.  I was actually thrilled this year with RIV's success in spite of their horrible head coach. 
Region 1 men's basketball / Re: GNAC
March 14, 2007, 10:52:10 PM
Now what fun would that be PAT if I were to just go away that easily.  I honestly and sincerely am not really sure what prompted you to react like you did to my postings but I suppose it gives you job security.  And I'm not sure what your comments about "he/she" were about.  I suppose that makes you feel pretty darn superior huh?  Again, not very professional Pat.  Tsk! Tsk!  I would apologize for doing so much dissing to your buddy DM but the thing is, I'm not sorry at all!  Again, have a good one!!!
Region 1 men's basketball / Re: GNAC
March 12, 2007, 03:43:40 PM
This will be my shortest post ever and hopefully my last one for now....PAT I'm thinking YOU are the one who can't handle it and I'm also thinking you have way too much time on your hands that of all the postings you have cared so much about mine.  Have a Great Day!!!
Region 1 men's basketball / Re: GNAC
March 11, 2007, 07:48:23 PM
Well Pat, I have to admit with my head hung low that NO I did NOT read the "Terms of Agreement" when I registered for this posting board.  I am guilty as charged.  I have to guess that if you were to take a poll that 99% of the registered members would be guilty of not reading the terms as well.  As far as my not looking below your name to see what your importance was in my life, I had no reason to look and again, nor did I nor do I care who you are or what you do.  I will take accountability for not following the "terms of service" by repeating my comments about Riv's coach but that's all I will take accountability for here.  I was an observer on this board for a year before I registered to post my comments and in that time I saw many postings where opionions were given, some factual, but alot were not.   That's why when I registered to post I was under the assumption that it was an opinion board.  That's what makes it interesting.  If we wanted to see scores or standings we could read the newspaper.  A message board such as this should be for opinions, but as I said I apologize if I disrespected the "terms of agreement".  :) 

The thing I would like to point out "Pat" is that if you were so bent on your "rule" of not bashing anyone, then I'm wondering why you have chosen to continually bash me and my comments.  I am not sure that I have done anything different from what you have done.  Difference being that my comments were about basketball.  A truly professional "administrator" would have respectfully sent a response to me and asked that I please refrain from breaking the terms of agreement by continually bashing someone.  That would have been something I could have respected.

As far as your comments Creekhoops, I sincerely appreciate your comments because they were your opinions of which I do respect.  I loved your story about your "piece of net" and congrats for that accomplishment.  You are obviously a well respected coach and I'm sure your players appreciate you.  Ever think of replacing DM? :)  :)
I do have to admit that I was confused at first over your MacDonald story but it dawned on me that your comparison of the almighty Pat and his Administrator title are similar to those of the almighty Ronald MacDonald. :)

Rest easy Pat, my work is done here (for this year).  I will close by giving these last very factual opinions and pardon me if I am being "repetitive".    Congrats RIV for an incredible, unforgettable year.  I love you guys, especially, JOHN, CHRIS & JAMES.

And congrats to Mike Theulen for winning Coach of the Year.  I guess DM's peers didn't think he had as much influence on Riv's miracle year either.  I rest my case!!!!

Oh and by the way "guys"....I'm not sure whether to be flattered or insulted but I am not one of you.  I'm a woman!!!!  Go figure. :) 
Region 1 men's basketball / Re: GNAC
March 10, 2007, 07:55:21 PM
First let me say that I was very entertained by creekhoops comments which is what posting boards are about.   Although I'm not quite sure why the MacDonalds story was told.   I suppose there should be some rules and regulations stated upfront so that people such as I would know what makes you gentlemen happy and what doesn't.  It's interesting to me that no comment was made how I continuously congratulated the players with each post along with the assistant coaches (because I am aware that every team has to be coached), but instead I was reprimanded for continuously making negative comments about "DM".  Opinions are opinions and those are mine.   For the record I have in the past commended "DM" for one thing, he is very good at recruiting players.  Unfortunately he doesn't know what to do with them once he gets them.  He should stay at Riv and continue to recruit and leave the coaching up to the Assistants. And Creekhoops I appreciate your comments explaining to me who the almightly "PAT" is but frankly I don't really care.  And even if I knew who he was my comments and opinions wouldn't change. 

If this message board is in fact only for factual information then I do apologize for posting my opinions.  Although I'm thinking Mr. Coleman's comments were not factual but his opinions so it sounds like there is a double standard going on here.

Either way, our communications have been fun and entertaining for sure.  Thanks to all of you for trying to help me see the proper posting procedures. :)  And Pat?  Your importance as the keeper of the board is duly noted.  Take care.
Region 1 men's basketball / Re: GNAC
March 09, 2007, 06:23:42 PM
Not sure what your beef with my comments are "Pat".   I am flattered that my opinions made you feel that you needed to become one of those that you so eloquently described as "whiners".  At least my comments and opinions were directed at basketball and not at someone's postings.  Not sure who made you master of the postings but your futile attempt to defend and protect Morrisette will most definitely fall on deaf ears all over Nashua and beyond.   Finally, I apologize if I annoyed or offended you with my comments but again, this board is created for comments and opinions on GNAC basketball and that's exactly what I contributed.  I didn't post to entertain, although I've been told by many that I did just that!
Region 1 men's basketball / Re: GNAC
March 08, 2007, 09:55:47 PM
Sorry "PAT"...Didn't mean to offend or annoy you but last I heard, message boards were for opinions and comments and that's what I used my time for.  Sorry my opinions don't agree with yours but that's what makes these message boards interesting...not everyone has the same opinion.   Truth of the matter is that anyone who knows Riv basketball agreed and applauded me.  Go figure!!!  I also find it interesting that you waited until the season was over before showing your "opinions".   
Region 1 men's basketball / Re: GNAC
March 01, 2007, 11:08:55 PM
Sorry to hear Riv lost at Keene tonite.  You guys had an incredible year and should be so proud.  I know all of us are proud of you.  Again, thanks for a great year and some wonderful memories.

Shame on you Morrisette for giving your Senior Captains only a few minutes of play in their last college game.  But it shouldn't surprise anyone.  Those seniors as well as the rest of your team carried you to the playoffs and you couldn't even show enough respect to give them the minutes they deserved.  The players and the Asst Coaches deserved the GNAC Title but you without a doubt DID NOT!!! 
Region 1 men's basketball / Re: GNAC
February 24, 2007, 10:10:17 PM
Great work Riv in winning the GNAC Title.  You guys were incredible.  Seniors John McMahon and Chris Giordano went out in style by leading their team thru the play-offs and also by making the All Tourney Team.  Geat work guys, we are all proud of you.  The Raiders found success against all odds and all their critics have been humbled. 

Morrisette didn't disappoint us either.  He was outcoached yet again.  Oh by the way Morrisette, Letterman called and wanted you to send him some material.  He's creating a Top Ten List of "How many ways can a coach lose a game". 

Lastly, on behalf of all your fans Raiders, thanks for all the incredible memories and for an incredible ride.  Good Luck in the NCAA Tourney.  Wow that even sounds great doesn't it??
Region 1 men's basketball / Re: GNAC
February 22, 2007, 10:37:36 PM
Another night of excitement at Riv.  Congrats once again to an incredible game.  Contributions were made by all.  Special congrats to Chris G for some unbelievable defense  and a key steal in the 2nd half which helped turn the game around.  Also huge congrats to Jeff Carpenter for not only helping Riv move on to the finals with his always consistent play but for achieving his 1000 point tonite.  Great timing Jeff!!!  And who put on a better show than Danny Ford with some incredible dunks at just the right time and a blocked shot that definitely turned things around.  And as always "The Finisher" John McMahon once again brought it home for Riv. You guys are awesome and thanks so much for giving us all an incredible night. 

What would a Jamit post be without a comment on  Morrisette??  Well because this nite was so special I have decided to use the old adage of "if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all".  Therefore I won't say anything at all about him. (WINK)

Can't wait until Saturday to see history in the making at Riv.  GOOD LUCK GUYS!!!
Region 1 men's basketball / Re: GNAC
February 20, 2007, 11:03:23 PM
Congratulations to Riv in beating J&W tonite in an incredible game that was won in overtime.  Riv took the first half with some incredible shooting and great defense.
The second half was J&W's as they came out in the second half ready to play. 
John McMahon single handedly saved the game by putting the game into overtime and then scoring at least half of the overtime points.  He wasn't letting his college career end just yet.  As per usual Morrisette was outcoached yet again but thanks to the Raiders and John McMahon they were not out-played.  Can't wait to see them beat Suffolk on Thursday!!! 
Region 1 men's basketball / Re: GNAC
February 08, 2007, 09:45:02 PM
With all due respect Purplepde, I am a firm believer in giving credit where credit is due but in this case there is no credit due Morrisette.  The credit belongs to his Asst. Coaches and the players who have finally figured out how to play as a team in spite of Morrisette who is getting a free ride to the play-offs. 
Region 1 men's basketball / Re: GNAC
February 06, 2007, 08:59:17 PM
A huge congrats to John McMahon for breaking the Riv scoring record.  Lots of hard work paid off.  Great Job John.  Wish I was their to see it happen.

And a huge congrats to Coach Morrisette for finding yet another way to lose a game.
Region 1 men's basketball / Re: GNAC
February 01, 2007, 08:55:19 PM
In response to the question about a Riv player hitting the coach in the face?  I'd like to know who did it too so I can shake his hand.  It was long over due.  I'm not one to believe in violence but if anyone deserved to be clocked it's the Riv coach and I'm guessing all players past and present were grateful.