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Messages - TheBeast

Region 4 men's basketball / Re: CUNY
March 19, 2007, 01:16:46 PM
well it was a good year in cuny york are back to back champs Csi will win it next yr returning 4 staters
york will still compete for that third peat tho. I see that yorks Boone and Echols made all region team wow that is major for cuny the only two players on frist team. now its the offseaon let see who comes out ready next yr it should be a very good yr again holla
Region 4 men's basketball / Re: CUNY
February 25, 2007, 06:25:20 AM
well i been quiet for the past two weeks or more but york did wut i said they would do and that is win the cuny. i know it seem like it was a lucky shot but if it wasnt suppose to go in it wouldnt have and now york is ready for the ncaa. Echols would have been the mvp of that game he owned gari that game gari couldnt do anything with echols he carried his team on his bac the whole game. i told u all that york is the team that has the best chance in the ncaa now lets see
Region 4 men's basketball / Re: CUNY
February 09, 2007, 11:22:51 AM
yea i remeber that as well that city tech won a ncaa game but tonigh city tech play york and they need to win to make to playooff i dontknow its gonna turn out bc win york loss a game they usllay go on a win streak so lets see wut happen
Region 4 men's basketball / Re: CUNY
February 08, 2007, 11:30:40 AM
yea csi beat york they play a hell of a game lastnight mike jones who mike jones was on point csi is now the number 2 seed and they earn that last night good job but to mark every time york lose a game they come back with monster winning streaks they only need four to win it all
Region 4 men's basketball / Re: CUNY
February 07, 2007, 12:59:24 PM
york is at csi tonight  this is a very big game for york and csi. csi can take sole possesion of second place this is goin to be a very good game york better come to play bc i would hate for them to lose this battle Dennis return bac staten island i wonder how the crowd is goin to react to this. but dennis played well at the csi gym last yr so i think him and boone are goin to go to work but we just have to wait and see. Lets get ready to rumble!
Region 4 men's basketball / Re: CUNY
February 04, 2007, 07:34:31 PM
yea are right Rhode S i agree with you with Boone being MVP and Echols is right up there with him in my eyes they both make york what they are but we also have to look at york record last they are much improve then last yr team how is that not an impact that what am wondering Coach AG yes gettting Echols Was A major plus for york. If echols would have stay at CSI i could only imagine how good they would have been if they had there whole team bac from last they would have knocked off york in my eyes with Echols and luna on there roster but there not and york got echols and john jay  got luna and both made major impacts on there team this yr
Region 4 men's basketball / Re: CUNY
February 03, 2007, 10:25:00 PM
did u coach at csi last yr how do you know all of that about echols and i feel that the coach of the yr should go to the coach he has the best record that yr i agree he got luck landing echols this any school would have been luck to get a player of that caliber but that dont take nothing away from the team they played with every top rank team they play they never had a double digit loss to any rank team so i think they can play with the best out there. so coach ag if u really dont know the storie about the echols situtaion i feel we leave it alone and we shouldnt speak about it he is playing and the NCAA knows it so if its ok with them it ok with cuny. so i say give it to st john he earned it this yr. his team is the in cuny possible the region they are rank 4 in that field
Region 4 men's basketball / Re: CUNY
February 03, 2007, 09:14:42 AM
Coach ag rhodes scholar got a point njac man handle the cuny this yr but look at the region ranking york is up there with the best of them they are rank 4 and should move up to 2nd by the end of the year if they keep on handling there businessok iam done with that now to cuny. york is now 10-1 and it looks like the are goin to be the number 1 seed in the cunyac tournment. they are 15-8 matching the win total from last year. york beat medger last night boone is hands down the player of the yr he finished with 30pts while echols had his third double double in row with 19pts and 12 rebs arron wilson looks like he broke his slump with 16pts. they play CSI wed at staten island echols is makeing his return trip back ther and should make out for a good game but the way york is ballin right all favor york college in the one. baruch lost and hunter lost 7str games i told u they where in trouble. and they makes it obvious the Coach st john will and should be the coach of the yr win ws the last that the player of the yr and the coach of the yr were form the same school?
Region 4 men's basketball / Re: CUNY
February 01, 2007, 01:02:14 PM
i saw the hunter game againt york last night york dominated hunter inside and out hunter was missin alot of player but i reall think that wouldnt have mad much of a difference york play with heart and as a team now they are play they way we expected them to play. dennis echols had another big game 25pts and 12 rebs he had 21 and 18 reb against brooklyn he back to his old ways and boone of course his doin wat he do he is the player of the yr in my eyes. york play medger on friday i will be there for that one. oh yea to all that want to know York is 4 in the region rankings if they keep winnig and the other teams keep losing they can be number by the end of the yr lets go york you my support like you had all yr
Region 4 men's basketball / Re: CUNY
January 27, 2007, 07:43:56 PM
york won today by 17 i think baruch is the new number 1 team in the north john jay lost the north side of the conference is in a battle while york got the south on lock they are now 8-1 and should run the the floor with everbody else they play echols had 21 and 18 rebs boone 17 and 11 they did what i though they were goin to do and they won by double digits
Region 4 men's basketball / Re: CUNY
January 27, 2007, 09:33:12 AM
RS you are so right since john jay beat york they are flying high right now but i do agree with u  that york is still yhe most powerful team in cuny today they brooklyn college i know they goin to come out throwing punches bc john jay beat them there 5 games left for i saw the region ranking they are 8 no other cuny team is that close so if they win the rest of there games and i think the playoofs games will help them to possible win the region and get a number 1 or 2 seed finshing with 20-5 region if they come play the rest of the yr. hunter loss there best player and baruch and john jay are right there fighting fot the north title. every game counts for every one now it is crunch time lets see who wants it more?
Region 4 men's basketball / Re: CUNY
January 24, 2007, 10:09:17 PM
Hunter is in real trouble they lost two str8 cuny games york dont play untill sat vs brooklyn  i hope they come bac on top of there games. john jay won another cuny looks like that win aganist york go them ballin right now i just hope york dont follow hunter and they come bac ready to play holla
Region 4 men's basketball / Re: CUNY
January 23, 2007, 03:59:22 PM
well hunter loss another game with one of there star player on the roster nomore it looks like hunter might be in some trouble i just hope york fix what ever they had to fix to get back on track after that silly lose to john jay but i know that they are goin to right there ship bc they cant have anymore slip up like john jay again. lets see how hunter play against brooklyn on wed with out chris
Region 4 men's basketball / Re: CUNY
January 20, 2007, 06:07:43 PM
am back once again i see that hunter lost this is the week of upset well both team lost in york and hunter lets see how they are goin to bounce back from these loses
Region 4 men's basketball / Re: CUNY
January 20, 2007, 12:09:06 PM
omg omg wtf happen to york losing to john jay somthing must have went wrong i wonder what happen there goes the undefeated yr in cuny im so shock we all know that cant lose nomore game. but i must say i rather them get a awake call now then in the playoffs. hunter plays lehman tonight that goes to show that any team can lose on any night york yall need to wake up from this lose and start playing like yalll are suppose to play i still cant believe it damn am upset i lost some money on this one well it happens time to move on