After a long hiatus, I am back to this board. I need some filling in as the standings for the E8. I'm dissapointed in Fisher but I think they can make the turn around...Smalt back will help. I have not been able to see a lot of games this year so I'm not up to speed as id like to be however I like the fact that the E8 seems to be doing better across the board this year. Stevens was #13 and Naz getting some votes. Also Ithaca seems stronger and Utica is always tough. Should be a lot more parody this year rather than the usual top two, and everyone else.
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Region 3 men's basketball / Re: Empire 8
February 22, 2007, 05:21:14 PMQuoteUR hasn't changed its offensive scheme in years. They've always been an inside-out team. Onyiruka does score points on post moves. You can't really tell me that Onyiruka's stats wouldn't go up playing in the E8 and McSweeney's stats wouldn't go down playing in the UAA. And if you do tell me that, I'll probably laugh and not take your posts seriously
I am well aware of UofR's offensive patterns. The argument is between Mcsweeneys and Onyirukas game. Sure Onyiruka does score some points in the post but his post moves are in no way refined. Mcsweeney scores in the post 2. Both of them seem to rely on the putbacks more so than anyother way of scoring. I do think Mcsweeney is the better player but I would not call either of their games refined. Both use their athleticism. An example of refined game is Seth Hauben and neither player possesses that. Oh well
Exciting Week for the E8
Are the Frosh for Fisher going to handle the pressure?
Will Utica crawl out of their late season woes?
Can RIT pull off another upset?
Will Ithaca kick Utica while they are down?
Who knows...its playoff time
Region 3 men's basketball / Re: Empire 8
February 22, 2007, 01:35:47 PMQuoteMcSweeney plays in a conference where he can get by on athletic ability alone. In watching him during his first three years, I never ONCE saw Fisher dump the ball in the post to him and him do a post move. Everything was alley-oops and putbacks. I don't think you can compare how refined McSweeney and Onyiruka's games are.
Just curious GB15, how do you think Onyiruka gets his points?
Region 3 men's basketball / Re: Empire 8
February 16, 2007, 11:38:42 AM
tonight will be a very exciting game. I believe that Fisher is going to win but it will be a battle. I am just hoping that it will not take doulbe overtime for someone to break the 60pt barrier this time around
Region 3 men's basketball / Re: Empire 8
February 12, 2007, 07:26:44 PM
Unless Utica drops 2 this weekend (shouldnt happen) Utica will host because Utica's losses are not as bad as Fishers (Mainly the Alfred Loss) and thats how the winner of the E8 is determined...
Region 3 men's basketball / Re: Empire 8
February 12, 2007, 07:24:41 PM
I have been away for sometime but i just caught the scores for this weekend. Fisher/Ithaca sounded like an exciting game. Question how does Fisher win by double digits in the fourth overtime. Good to see that even in a down year Fisher still sweeps Ithaca (I'm aware that comment could haunt me come tournament time). It appears as though the E8 tourney its going to be up for grabs for this first time since its inception. I still believe Fisher can pull it off however.
Coco should get player of the year because he is so dominate hes shooting overall 43% from the field to go along with his negative assist to turnover ratio and his awesome winning percentage. Actually, now that I had to look at Hartwicks stats a questions comes to mind. Who is Cory Carlson, he actually seems like he might be alright, 13.6 ppg, 48.6% shooting, atleast a positive assist to turnover ratio and he boards it. Has anyone seen him play and can vouch for that stats he puts up. Just curious
Moving along. Bryant should get POY--Hard to not give him considering hes almost avg. a double double and his team will inebitably win the regular season
ROY-Toss up, earlier I would have said hands down Cory Mc but Leahy might steal it
COY-Still up for grabs
lastly, Only one team from the E8 will go to the NCAA's simply because the E8 teams just didnt get enough done when they played out of schedule. Could argue that Fisher might get in if Utica wins the tourney but I think their 29 pt loss to U of R could cancel out the win they had previous. If Fisher or anyother team wins aside from Utica I doubt Utica will get in. There resume, keeps getting worse. There only chance to improve that would be to take Fisher down at Varisty gym. Anyways, looks like an exciting final weeks of E8 play
Coco should get player of the year because he is so dominate hes shooting overall 43% from the field to go along with his negative assist to turnover ratio and his awesome winning percentage. Actually, now that I had to look at Hartwicks stats a questions comes to mind. Who is Cory Carlson, he actually seems like he might be alright, 13.6 ppg, 48.6% shooting, atleast a positive assist to turnover ratio and he boards it. Has anyone seen him play and can vouch for that stats he puts up. Just curious
Moving along. Bryant should get POY--Hard to not give him considering hes almost avg. a double double and his team will inebitably win the regular season
ROY-Toss up, earlier I would have said hands down Cory Mc but Leahy might steal it
COY-Still up for grabs
lastly, Only one team from the E8 will go to the NCAA's simply because the E8 teams just didnt get enough done when they played out of schedule. Could argue that Fisher might get in if Utica wins the tourney but I think their 29 pt loss to U of R could cancel out the win they had previous. If Fisher or anyother team wins aside from Utica I doubt Utica will get in. There resume, keeps getting worse. There only chance to improve that would be to take Fisher down at Varisty gym. Anyways, looks like an exciting final weeks of E8 play
Region 3 men's basketball / Re: Empire 8
January 30, 2007, 03:01:24 PMQuoteAt what point do you stop disparaging or shrugging off a person's accomplishments for the lack of support surrounding him? Dude averaged 37.5 pts/game this weekend on the road against two solid teams (Naz, RIT). He singlehandedly keeps them in a lot of games. As I said, I can see how the award could be given to Bryant/Herring, but to deem Cocozziello unworthy simply because he plays on a bad team isn't right. I understand that if some of you Fisher guys had your druthers, no players who didn't finish on an elite team (Read Fisher, Utica) would make any of these teams, but you have to accept a person's accomplishments for what they are.
Yeah your right GB 15, a player on a team that has one win and who's average loss against an E8 opponent in the opening round is 14 should def be considered POY...I mean he really keeps them in those games, almost to within single digit losses...Look Coco is a good player and he had a tremendous weekend. I do not think that in all my years around the E8 I have witnessed someone avging 37.5 ppg in a weekend but still hes far from being considered POY...and if we are going on points why hasn't Canori's name been mentioned in POY...hes putting up the same amount of points and his team is doing terrible 2 so by your logic it should be coco and canori in the running...heck lets even throw in whoever the leading scorer from elmira's team in the mix so it can be a three way battle
Region 3 men's basketball / Re: Empire 8
January 30, 2007, 09:08:01 AM
I think that both lists are farely accurate, nothing is set in stone as of you except that Ray will make the first team and I definantly think herring should make it on there...mueller and mcsweeney will vie for first or second team and it will be interesting to see if canori or lil mcadam makes the 1st...I will say that with the numbers that Jan should probably make first if they get more wins but to consider him player of the year with his team having 1 conference win is a little farfetched...IF/probably when Utica wins the league, either Herring or Bryant should get it not someone from a bottom feeding team...However that could all change if hartwick goes undefeated the second time around (not likely)
Region 3 men's basketball / Re: Empire 8
January 29, 2007, 12:11:00 AMQuoteThird, when all is said and done, I think most conference followers WILL feel that Cocozziello is better than both SOB and, absolutely 100% better than Jeff Sidney (before we get on our knees for Jeff, keep in mind the guy couldn't even start his sophomore, junior and first half of his senior year because he was inconsistent...not because it was a tribute to Fisher's depth). I'll pause a moment to let some of you Fisher fans get back into your desk chairs that you just fell out, I'll give you a few more seconds to say a few hail mary's for reading what you all view as blasphemy. Ok, we're good.
You take a guy like Coco, who has probably seen every defensive look imaginable, then you look at his numbers and his shooting percentages and it's sick how well he has done so far in his career. If he keeps this pace up, I'd assume (w/out looking) that he has a real shot, albeit an outside one, at 2,000 points. You Fisher guys can poo-poo his accomplishments all you want because he's on a bad team, but I promise you that nobody who has been at Fisher in the last 5-10 years could put up those type of numbers on that team.
Obviously the Fisher issue is a sensitive subject, all i was trying to do was convey the point that a measure of a players can be solely on stats...I have seen coco play and nothing he ever did screamed to me to be this unstoppable force...also, if he is so unstoppable his team shouldnt have what 1 win in the E8...sorry but the most important column I look at is the W one, and it is just my opinion that if someone is so good like you are hyping up coco to be than his team should have a little more w's...sorry I just can't look past it...and by the way, you can no longer call out anyone for being all over a players since your recents rants about coco
Region 3 men's basketball / Re: Empire 8
January 28, 2007, 07:51:54 PMQuoteYou lose credibility each time you talk and say garbage like that. If you think Mike McGee is even in the same league as Bellis as a basketball player, I suggest you take off maroon and gold-tinted glasses and learn a bit about basketball. I can guarantee you eight coaches in the conference disagree with your statement about Bellis not being able to start on Fisher. What a joke.
I think Bostic is a better player than McSweeney right now and, after one round through the E8, that's being shown. Also, in two years when Bostic is a senior, everyone will be laughing that this is even a conversation. You "know" Bostic? What do you know about him? What the box score tells you?
The kid is a sophomore who didn't even participate in a preseason practice because he was playing football and he's STILL putting up better numbers than McSweeney. How many guys do you think could do that? Sure, everyone on Fisher played better than Ithaca yesterday, but does that mean they're all better players? Of course not. It means they played better yesterday. It was a game for about two minutes. I don't know how many conclusions you can make from a game like that and I think it's a joke that you make such blanket statements like "it's not even a comparison between McSweeney and Bostic" after a game like that.
Remember how you talked about McSweeney "dominating" Bacon in their first matchup and then Bacon handed it to him about four days later? I suggest you temper your statements a little if you want anyone to think you know what you're talking about.
Time for me to throw my two cents...whether I think mcsweeney dominates anyone in the E8 is irrelevant...However I do think he is the best big man in the league....I have seen Bacon and Bostic play...Bacon more so since he has been in the league longer...I like Bacons game but I would pick Mcsweeney over him anyday...I have not done any reserach on bostic but I did see Fisher games last year and I do not really remember him playing...he was a freshman however and bellis was their stud...I would easily take mcsweeney over bostic just because he is more experienced and a better player...Comparing stats against Fisher is not a valid argument...No one from Fisher ever has knock you out numbers because usually Fisher is blowing teams out and their starters do not play entire in point, the last to E8 POY's average only 14pts = Sydney and like 12 = SOB so from your argument Jan Coco would be better since his stats were higher...If there was more parity in the league (IE Fisher having more than 1-2 losses per year in the E8) then we can compare stats around the board...but because Fisher and now Utica are the two frontrunners of the league you can really only compare what your players did against the best competition...I am not interested in any stats against teams like Hartwick and Elmira...because those are usually gimme games...Also, Ithaca got blown out at Fisher...B4 anymore arguments against Bostic being better lets wait and see the game at Ithaca...Lastly, taking Bellis over Mike Mcgee, I am not sure if this is clear cut...Do I think Bellis would have started over Mike at Fisher, no because Mike was the better fit at the position...There is no way you can argue that Bellis is a better shooter than Mike...You could make an argument that Bellis is the better player overall, but since FIsher already had the other attributes and MIke (no debate) was a better shooter I think all the other E8 coaches, given the exact fisher team, would have bellis coming off the bench...anyways...sorry for the rant,
Lastly...predictions the rest of the way, Fisher will not lose another E8 game...Utica will have one loss and that will be to Fisher at home and will host the tourney...Normally I would say RIT would be a shoe in the tournament but who knows after another crucial loss...The 3-6 spots I would have to say that Alfred and Naz will be left out of the tourney...(another dissapointing year for them)----and I am sorry but Jan Coco is nowhere near the best player in the league...he is a little above average player playing on a terrible team...anyone who is good is going to put up numbers because who else do they have...
Region 3 men's basketball / Re: Empire 8
January 24, 2007, 04:02:31 PM
hahaha...i can't hate postup...the fact that he is still fighting the goodfight for a laughable program is kind of admirable...rumble on postup rumble on....anyways what are the matchups for this week...who does utica play and where...and what about the other 2-6 teams in the empire 6...i mean 8...sorry elmira and hartwick...
Region 3 men's basketball / Re: Empire 8
January 23, 2007, 11:57:55 PM
I wouldnt go as far as saying the 2-6 spot are up for grabs...i would say the 3-6 are...Fisher had a let down game hopefully...i would be shocked if FIsher finished anything but 2...Yes i know they were behind in games and came back...they just do not seem to show up for the first half...Utica could only manage a victory in double OT at home to knock of the Fish...This loss does hurt Fisher and utica just has to go undefeated against everyone else to host but i do not think that will happen...I can see RIT at home beating Utica...anyways, its way to early to say that 2-6 is open but one more fall by Fisher and I might be agreeing...
Region 3 men's basketball / Re: Empire 8
January 23, 2007, 09:57:29 PM
Lolly gaggin in the first half has finally gotten the best of Fisher...As a fan I can not remember the last time Fisher lost to Alfred but my memory only dates back a couple years ago...Hopefully this is a wake up call for them...because if not, then Alfred will not be the last loss of conference play and I do not feel comfortable having Fisher play at Utica for the E8 championship...Could Fisher really relinquish the regular season and post season crown? A lot of questions are now in the air...
Region 3 men's basketball / Re: Empire 8
January 20, 2007, 10:38:26 AMQuoteIthaca's new live stats interface is terrific. Other things that are terrific include the Bombers whipping Nazareth 75-68, which happened tonight at the Bulb. Jeff Bostic with 20 points, 7 boards, 4 blocks on 8 of 12 shooting to lead IC. Sean Stahn 6 of 9 from the floor for 14 points and Sean Burton adds 14 of his own with 6 assists and 3 steals. Tyler Smith doing the work for Naz with 22 and 9. 14 and 6 for Rayvon Higdon and 13 points for Corey McAdam
Great win for Ithaca...Alright it I think its time to start giving up on Naz being anything in the E8...Sure they might pull an upset on someone here and there but do they ever really come to play unless its against Fisher...There should be no talk about Canori (if there was any) getting E8 POY...his team just does not win...Also, it seems as though he does not care if they win more so than him looking good in the game...I like little Mcadams game but Naz has to start pulling out some w's. At some point this team has to understand that winning is more important than individuality...We have been waiting for this NAZ team to mature and see what they are made...I know the older Mcadam is injured but still...I am not seeing any progression and they are 3 years in the making...
Region 3 men's basketball / Re: Empire 8
January 19, 2007, 12:10:17 PMQuoteBeating Norwich and Lebanon Valley at home are not the kind of wins that grab anyone's attention. You complain about seeding and home court advantage, but Fisher has done nothing in recent NCAA runs that makes anyone think they deserved to be a #1 seed and regional host.
Potsdam destroyed them offensively and defensively. Amherst beat them by 23. Until the Cards win a regional -- errr, at least until they look competitive in a regional -- expect to be traveling, gaudy record or not.
Yeah I guess getting farther than Fisher ever has before has been accomplished without having one quality...Beating Springfield at Springfield and a good Rutgers Newark team do not qualify aside from going 28-0. I am not saying Fisher 100% deserved Home court but neither did Amherst...Lets look at Amhert's run. They have hosted 2 years in a row. They were the one seed and had home court advantage so they are expected to win. They lost against u of r, Dissapointing, and they went to the Final Four last year and lost both games...(but I will not count the 3rd place game since I think this game is ridiculous...who really wants to play a game after they just had their titles taken away)so what has Amherst really done aside from performing expectedly at best. The only way for this argument could go undisputed would be if Fisher hosted the one year and still got waxed...Than No one would be talking...However since that didnt happen and my time travel device has not been completed yet for me to go back and change who hosts that year, this will always be questioned...Now lets move on...this week is a big week for seeing who could be numero uno (u know i dont speak spanish) and #2...Also big games for the possible 3-6 teams (Alfred, Ithaca, RIT, NAZ)...Elmira hartwick sorry they are just not good...there playoff game is when they face each other...only Prediction, Fisher beats Utica...
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