First post by me, I have read this forum for years but never posted before so I hope this first post comes out looking correct. Well just wanted to say first off, that the great Norwich SJF game a couple years back was unbelievable. A few facts are mixed up though. Garcon had an UNREAL game although it wasnt him that made the final catch of the game. It was Andreas Craig. Garcon did have a sick catch on the sideline the play before to set up the final pass which although SJF fans say was caught further and further from the goalline each time its posted was actually caught at about the half yard line before Andreas Craig was pulled back and tackled. He did not catch it at the 2 yard line or even at the 1 yard line, nor was it across the goalline. Craig was a 6'4 reciever and came down the with the ball and turned and turned and stretched out his arms before the SJF players grabbed him and tackled him back. Did the ball cross the line or not? Depends on if you ask the SJF fans or Norwich fans. The referee was standing no more than 6 yards away and was on the goalline and immediately ran in with his arms raised saying he stretched the ball across the line. He was closer than anyone and with the best line of sight. Anyways, it is past history and it was Craig that made that catch not Garcon. As far as people saying Garcon has a bad attitude. From my experience, he was very shy off the field and quiet and was a great kid. On the field he was a different animal, and VERY intense. He wasnt getting in fights with his teammates at Norwich and was a nice kid to be around. Best of luck to SJF and have fun, what an experience that will be to play at Mount Union