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Messages - Hoopsallthetime

Quote from: stag44 on March 02, 2012, 07:55:50 AM
Quote from: dahlby on March 01, 2012, 09:33:27 PM
Wooster Booster:

From the games that I have seen, most of the ref's in SoCal don't let the players play the game, and feel that the game is all about them. I am used to the Midwest ref's that let a little hand-checking go as part of the game. With so few colleges around here, most of the ref's call it like a high school game. Good ref's are in the minority. The other problem is the consistancy among the 3 ref's in the same game.

CMS hopefully will learn fast that contact will be a part of the game in the Midwest.

Nice observation. In fact, a decent amount of the refs that do SCIAC games also ref local HS games. On the other side of it, for CMS-PP games they usually draw D1 refs, which is why those games seem far more physical. I think that given the Stags have played in that rivalry game 2 out of the last 3 games, they will be more prepared for the type of physicality that is allowed by the referees.

My preview coming up shortly..

Being from the Midwest and playing college basketball as well in Kansas, believe me when I say this...CMS will be up for the challenge when it comes to the physical part of the game. Coach Scalmanini's practices are one of the toughest practices I have ever seen. As a player if you don't come ready to practice ready to get hit in some way, then you will end up watching practice from the sidlines. Coach Scalmanini teaches his players to not allow a player to cut through the lane without being bumped,shoved, or even chucked. This type of physical play you will see tonight when cutters go through the lane against the Stag Defense. Ask STAG44 how many injuries or bruises he was given every day at practice. Hell... he  tore his ACL and MCL on a defensive rebounding drill where contact was preached! 
My only hope tonight is that St. Thomas looks at CMS as pretty boys from California who love to play Intramural Ball, because they will find out real quick how mean and nasty the CMS defense can really be when allowed to play physical. Our HS officials out here just don't let us play that physical...sad but true.

Look for Blees, Maceira, and Gaffeney to have big games tonight! I think it will be close, but I hope CMS pulls away in the second half behind Blees! Score St. Thomas 67- Stags 72

Good Luck GUYS!!!
Quote from: West Coast Bias on February 23, 2012, 02:26:28 PM
There is NO WAY you can see if he got fouled from the tape.  The angle of the camera in the CMS gym is in the 2nd deck and the shot happened right in front of the PP bench.  So the camera is 30 feet away, with the entire PP bench standing.  And unless our friend Hoopsallthetime is a CMS assistant, he has only seen the web stream of the replay.  I have seen many a web stream, and last I checked CMS isn't broadcasting in HD.  Meanwhile the official who made the call is standing there 5 feet from the play.  The official saw a foul and called it.  He didn't make it up.  Contrary to your conspiracy theories, the officials don't care who wins.  They just call what they see.  Call me crazy. 

I am shocked to hear a CMS fan say that he does not believe that CMS got the benefit of the calls!  Meanwhile BballJunkie seemed to think CMS did have the game called their way.  Sounds to me like it was probably called pretty evenly.

The only certainties in life are death, taxes, and the losing team crying about the officials! are really doing a disservice to the regular CMS posters like Stag44 and CMSfan.  They cheer unabashedly for their team, show their support, but they don't come on here and slam officials and other teams student bodies.  No doubt the PP fans said some vulgar things, but if you think the CMS fans are any different you are completely delusional.  Its an intense college basketball rivalry.  With intoxicated college students.  There are some that say some crude things.  AT EVERY SCHOOL.  Take your sour grapes somewhere else.

I watched on the webcast and could hear almost all of the PP fans chants.  You are probably referring to these horribly offensive chats.


And when the CMS fans chanted "SCOREBOARD!"  They were met with a rousing "WHATS YOUR REAL SCORE?" from the PP side.

Oh the vulgarity!

I'm done talking about the bad call. I clearly thought it was a bad call and that is my opinion. There is a better view to the foul, but you will never see it. I'm ready to move on....

As for me being a disservice to the CMS family, you are completely wrong. You don't know me...and personally you can keep your thoughts to yourself. I am as passionate as there is for the Stags and the coaching staff. Clearly i was disgusted with how the game ended, but in no means am I taking away anything from the PP players and coaching staff. Katz did a great job preparing his kids to play, and I would never want to take that away from him. I just hope that CMS gets another chance at PP, and the students enjoy the game from both sides while being classy. I personally don't like the official that I referenced, and probably shouldn't have opened my mouth about how bad he is as a official. it is what it is...
As for the chants...I did hear the chants you suggested above, and I clearly thought they were funny. But you probably can only catch about 1/3 of the chants on webcast because of the noise.But how about this for example,Cody M was on the free throw line and the kids clearly wanted to talk about his man parts. Was that appropriate? Does the words F*## or P$$$y have to be cried out every five seconds with children clearly present. Did you hear that on the webcast or just not want to talk about it. Either way it got out of hand and should be cleaned up moving forward. At least for the young kids who attend the game..give me that.

I dont agree with the CMS students behavior and if you look at some my earlier posts you will clearly see that I think everyone of both sides should clean it up. West coast about this...why don't you come sit with me at the game on Saturday (if CMS and PP play)or possibly next year behind the CMS bench and you tell me if you come away from the game only hearing "CalState Claremont or "whats your real score" because if that is all that was chanted I wouldn't be slamming the PP or CMS students who attended the game. Either way..I can guarantee you won't come away thinking a young child should be at the game...regardless of who is playing!
Quote from: BBallJunkie81 on February 23, 2012, 01:27:38 AM
Great game last night...very entertaining!  I didn't get a great look at the Pinson foul on McAndrews, but I'll take Hoopsallthetime word that reviewing it on film revealed Pinson didn't touch him.  It is a shame when a game is decided on a bad last second call.  I will also agree with Hoopsallthetime  that the PP students went overboard (although I didn't hear some of the more outrageous things Hoopsallthetime heard). 

Where I differ from Hoopsallthetime is that prior to that last second call, it certainly seemed to me CMS was getting the benefit of the calls that night.  IMO, had the game been called evenly, PP would have had a 6-8 point lead and the last second heroics would not have been necessary. 

I am hoping Whittier and Redlands don't spoil the party and we get a rematch Saturday night.  What an atmosphere!

I sat behind the CMS bench and underneath the PP students, so maybe I heard a couple of vulgorous things that maybe the general public didn't hear because of the noise in the gym. Overall the chants were out of line. Enough said about that.

As for the foul the first half PP only committed 2 fouls (the first foul by Jack Klukas at teh 18:13 mark and the second by John Weiss with 1:53 remaining in the second half) 1st foul in the second half I believe came at the 14 minute mark with both teams playing more physical. The foul count at the end of the game was 13-9 with PP committing 7 of there 9 fouls in the second half. It was a physical game and CMS fans were yelling about the foul count from the very beginning...and i went back and looked at the tape again and the official in question called 5 fouls on CMS and 1 on PP (which just happened to be the easiest over the back call that i have seen). Just saying!!!! Believe me...CMS was not getting the benefit of the calls...they were just more physical going to the basket with created more contact. I thought the game was officiated for the most part very evenly throughout the just took one knucklehead to determine the game at the end.

Well enough about the game that was...the point is CMS has to take it out of everyone else's hand and take care of business this weekend. I see them beating Redlands easily on Friday night and playing Whittier Sat night at Ducey. I just don't see PP beating Whittier three times this year...

Any thoughts?
Stag44 is exactly right...they went away from Blees towards the end. Blees was doing everything he could to provide points on the offensive end. I'm sure Scali and Levi will have the boys ready for this weekend because a loss in the tournament may not get them in.

Oxybob- what was oxy ranked the year they got an at large bid after CMS one the NCAA bid in 2005. I couldn't remember what they were ranked but I do remember OXY getting the home game against the Stags even though they didn't even win there own conference. I know we have a SCIAC tournament now, but say the Stags lose in the championship game to either Whittier or the Stags get a first round matchup (saying they get in the tourney) at home against the NCAA qualifier (PP or Whittier) or do all head up North to Washington together?
If I remember right, Oxy wasn't ranked as high as 11th were they?

Quote from: OxyBob on February 22, 2012, 03:20:02 PM
Quote from: Hoopsallthetime on February 22, 2012, 01:14:11 PM
It's great to show school pride, but there is a level in which school pride becomes disgusting and vulger. Please Clean it up!!!

A couple of years ago I was at a Claremont-Oxy game in Ducey. A large contingent of Oxy students came to the game and cheered loudly for the Tigers. In particular, they chanted "Let's Go Tigers!" The CMS students responded with "F**k the Tigers!"

Spare me your feigned outrage.

As for beefing about the referee (who you called a schmuck and a putz -- classy!), wah wah wah wah wah.



I will give you that Bob. I remember that game, and I have to say I was embarrassed then as I am now for the kids behavior. But the language that came out last in regards to men's and women's private parts, among a handful of other vulgarous things are over the line. I'm not saying "F*&$ the Tigers is okay, but that much better than what I heard last night. That's all I am saying. How would you like your child or grandchild hearing language like that at a basketball game. So if you want to take what I had to say as whining than maybe you should take your grandchild to the next CMS-PP game is see how you would feel afterwards. Talk is CHEAP!!!!

As for the referee that I attacked earlier with my "putz" (a person who lacks good judgment) reference, I am not going to apologize for that. He wasn't the reason for them losing the game last night, but he sure had a big part in it. I'm sure in the old days if "conner whitman and Co. had lost to CMS with a botched call like that you wouldn't be to happy about it either. As a former college basketball player, you never want a game to end in an officials hands. You work to hard to lose a game in that fashion. That's all I am saying!

You can call me a crybaby all you want bob, at least my team finishes in the top 4 every year and wins SCIAC championships. No excuse for losing, just hate losing that way and especially to Pomona!
Last nights game taught me one thing...and it should be a reminder to every team that will be playing this weekend. Never leave a game in an officials hands, because it can cost you. Last nights game was evident of that. I went back last night and watched the game online and realized that the bald schmuck (official) was way over his head being involved in this type of game. When you watch the video you can see that Penson did not make contact with the PP kid at the end of the game. Why bail out a fading away shot that was not even close to going in. It just shows that you have to put teams away and not allow an (official) especially that "putz" to make a crappy call and decide the outcome of the game. I don't want to take away from the PP kids because they played hard and made plays when they had too, but that final call had to have made Scali lose his sleep last night.

The Stags will regroup I'm sure and the CMS coaches will be hungry to end this season the way it started. #Winning!!!  Good luck Stags and if we get the chance to play those hens again...let's not leave it in the hands of the officials.

For the PP administrators and athletic director....You should probably send out an email or letter to all of your students soon. They were a complete embarrassment to your schools. I have been involved in the cross-street rivalry for last 6 years, and last nights display of sportsmanship and bad language should be left in the confines of their dorm rooms. As a president or administrator at PP I would be disgusted and embarrased to have our students speak with that kind of volgur language. There were a ton of young kids at the game and PP clearly has no class. It's great to show school pride, but there is a level in which school pride becomes disgusting and vulger. Please Clean it up!!!
Coach Ken Scalmanini will be on Hoopsville tonight at 6:30pm to discuss this year teams success. If you are interested in hearing his take on the 11 ranked CMS Stags and how he feels about the upcoming schedule please listen tonight!!!!

****Click on

Hoopsville is tonight from 8-10 PM EST. You can also follow @d3hoopsville on Twitter to get all the updates!

Quote from: stag44 on October 31, 2011, 03:49:20 PM
Quote from: OxyBob on October 31, 2011, 01:38:12 PM
Quote from: stag44 on October 30, 2011, 11:15:08 AM
Maciera: I was lucky enough to have played with him for 2 years, and to see him back really makes me happy.

Maybe if CMS looks very carefully they can find some unused eligibility for Miles Taylor, too.


Miles would love to come back - he's still active in the men's rec leagues and dominant as usual!

Maybe i'll start digging into it ;) just in time for the CMS Oxy game

Manny left after his Junior year and still had one year of eligibility left. The biggest thing that we should get out of all of that Manny not only got to come back and finish his career as a Stag, but also is going to complete his required hours to graduate and get his degree which I believe is the best thing to come out of this situation. But I'm not going to lie...I can't wait to see Blees and Manny kill it this year. Good luck SCIAC!

For those who don't know...Manny was SCIAC player of the year a couple of years ago before he left and 1st team along side Miles Taylor and John Parsons!
Quote from: dahlby on February 24, 2011, 02:45:43 PM

If Lewis and Clark, currently ranked regionally, is selected for the tourney, I would not be surprised to see Whitworth hosting a four team pod as what happened last year in the first round of the women's tourney where the SCIAC  champ and Chapman
were flown to the NW.

I easily could see that happen, but I can almost promise you that Chapman will host the 1st round game due to expenses. The NCAA does not want to spend the money to send two So. California teams up to the NW when they can save money and have one eliminated here. With the NCAA its all about money. I wish it wasn't this way because I think it takes away from the overall experience for the college athlete. It is what it is, so Chapman get ready to host a first round game. I can't see it happening any other way in my opinion!

I hope CMS makes the Tournament because I think they will be able to give Chapman a better overall game than Redlands, Cal Lu or Laverne. I think having Remy Penson will certainly help CMS chances, because it really hurt not having him the first time.
I have to say I thought the Champan posters would come at Oxybob a lot harder than they did. But you have to give him credit, he sticks behind his team and doesn't give any excuses. He is a proud supporter and we can only hope he continues to support them in the years to come. Hope to see you at the Tournament!

Congrats to Caltech on a great its time to turn our attention to the tournament this weekend.

Cal Lutheran @ Redlands
Laverne @ CMS

Cal Lutheran has a great opportunity to knock off the #1 seed Redlands in this game. I think Cal Lu is playing great basketball right now, and will not be nervous about this game at all. Heck, they have been playing for there lives the last 3 games just to make it into the tournament. Redlands will have a great atmosphere and I'm sure the crowd will be buzzing. I think the game will come down to whether or not Cal Lutheran can control the paint and not allow Redlands to get easy baskets. Cal Lu will also have to get in the faces of the Redlands 3-point shooters. I see this game being very close. My mind tells me that Cal Lutheran pulls this one out by 2. Final Score: 65-63

CMS goes for there third straight Conference Tournament Championship. The Stags came out and played very well against Pomona and will  be ready for Laverne's third shot. Laverne will play hard and will continue to go at the Stags. If the Stags can control  Trevor Woodland like they did the last time at Ducey Gym, then I see the Stags winning by 8. If Laverne can keep it close, they may have a chance to pull it out. I believe the last couple of minutes of the game will make the biggest impact. Once Laverne goes to there "hack a shaq" attack, CMS will have to bunker down and hit there free throws. CMS wins this game by 8 behind Lacey and Anderson. Score: 56-48

Congrats to the Stags for Sharing the SCIAC regular season title with Redlands. 3 years in a row as SCIAC champions is tough to do. Now let's win the SCIAC Tournament and get another shot at Chapman!
"And if that process includes celebrating your first conference win in 26 years with a press party the next day that includes balloons and doughnuts and messy-haired nerds talking breathlessly about redeeming last chances, well, surely no national title celebration has ever felt sweeter." -Bill Plaschke

I wonder want happened on the OXY campus. Was there a press conference, donuts and balloons? It would be nice to hear what the Oxy players and Coaches have to say about this historic night!!!!
After the stumble last night at Redlands, CMS looks to turn things around on Senior night against the Caltech Beavers with Pomona on Tuesday. I really believe CMS still has a good shot to win the conference and get the #1 seed for the tournament if they can take care of business in the next week.
Quote from: OxyBob on February 17, 2011, 09:48:54 AM
Wednesday night's scores:

Remaining games:

Redlands: Pomona, @ La Verne
Claremont: Caltech, @ Pomona
La Verne: @ Whittier, Redlands
Whittier: La Verne, @ CLU
Oxy: CLU, @ Caltech
CLU: @ Oxy, Whittier
Pomona: @ Redlands, Claremont
Caltech: @ Claremont, Oxy

After looking at the remaining schedule Redlands will have a tough road moving forward. Pomona matches well with Redlands and are playing spoiler throughout the remaining schedule. Hopefully, Pomona can come away with a win on Saturday to give CMS a chance at the number 1 seed. There final game at Laverne will not be an easy game either, because Laverne will possible be playing for there life and a chance to be in the tournament.
CMS has an easier road if you can say that with games against Caltech and Pomona. I believe they can get past Caltech on Saturday (which isn't as easy as it used to be) and then will have a battle on their hands Tuesday night in Rains. That game can go either way, but hopefully we will be fighting for a Conference championship and a #1 seed in the tourney.
All eyes will be on the contests between OXY vs. Cal Lu and Whittier vs. Laverne. All these teams have a shot at the 3 & 4 seeds in the tournament. Could shape up to be a great week in SCIAC basketball.

When it all pans out here is what I see happening:

Pomona @ Redlands (Winner: Redlands)
Caltech @ CMS (Winner: CMS)
Laverne @ Whittier (Winner: Whittier)
Cal Lu @ Oxy (Winner: OXY)

Redlands @ Laverne (Winner: Laverne)
CMS @ Pomona (Winner: CMS)
Cal Tech @ Oxy (Winner: Oxy)
Whittier @ Cal Lu (Winner: Cal Lu)

Final Results
CMS 11-3
Redlands 10-4
Whittier 8-6
Oxy 8-6

Laverne 8-6
Cal Lutheran 7-7
Pomona 4-10
Caltech 0-14
I have to agree with Oxy Bob...Redlands is in great shape to take over the conference with a huge win over CMS on Wednesday. Hopefully it doesn't happen, but we will soon find out. Redlands will still have two tough games remaining at home against Pomona on Saturday and what could be the biggest game of there season on Tuesday in Laverne. I see them winning maybe one or two of there final 3 games...Just my opinion based on past years.
Oxy is looking good the last two weeks and look to have put themselves in the hunt to take a run at the tournament title. It should be a good game Wednesday when the Poets try to end the run and remain in 4th place.

CMS @ Redlands
(I may be bias, but I believe the Stags go to Redlands and pull out a huge "W" on the road to remain in First place. Score 68-64

Caltech @ Cal Lutheran
I believe Caltech keeps it close for most of the game, but Cal Lu's experience pushes them to a 8 point victory keeping Caltech's losing streak alive. Score 72-64

Pomona Pitzer @ Laverne
After watching Reids kids play a tough game against CMS on Saturday, there is no way they let the chance to make the tournament slip out of there hands. Plus I know they want another shot at CMS based on there reactions after the game Saturday night. I don't think this game is even close...advantage Laverne! Score 65-54

Game of the Night
Whittier @ Occidental
I think this game will really come down to can Whittier focus for 40 minutes. We all know that Whittier has one of the most athletic teams in the conference, but can they keep there heads on straight for 40 mins. I just think Oxy is on to much of a roll lately, and with only one more big game ahead of them against Cal Lutheran on Saturday..I just don't see them slowing down. Whittier will keep it close, but I think free throw shooting puts them away and Oxy comes away with a big win to take over sole position for 4th place in the league. Score: 65-61
Quote from: cmsme on February 10, 2011, 09:32:25 PM
I hear Cody is hurt and may be back for the next game.  CMS needs him, but if there is any doubt, I would save him for the tournament.  (assuming CMS makes it.)

I asked my son what changes CMS made from the 1st half when Cal Lu scored 35 points and the 2nd half when they scored 12 points--he said the team played harder.   :D  I wonder if it is just that simple.
During the Cal Lu audio, there was a point where you could hear the CL coach yell--That's just NOT RIGHT.  And then there was a long referee conference.  It had to do with a bloody nose.  Does anyone remember what happened?

Oxy Bob--I thought your prediction was going to come true.  But the horror of your prediction was probably enough to goose Pomona into a win.  If you can make mincemeat out of that Caltech student, god knows what you can do with a Caltech win/Pomona lose.

I will tell you "What's Not Right" the fact that Cal Lutheran would have only scored 7 points in the second half if it wasn't for Grimms last 2 three's to end the game (which included one from half court at the Buzzer).

Let's hope Cal Lu can play a little better this weekend and come away with a big win against Redlands.

Upcoming games this weekend:

Redlands (11-10, 8-2 SCIAC) @ Cal Lutheran (10-11, 4-6) My pick: Cal Lu by 3
Whittier (10-11, 5-5) @ Caltech (4-17, 0-10) My pick: Cal Tech by 2
La Verne (12-9, 7-3) @ Claremont (12-8, 8-2) Mhy pick: CMS by 7
Oxy (11-10, 5-5) @ Pomona (7-14, 3-7) My Pick: Oxy by 2

Caltech will not win at Pomona...I will guarantee that. Katz will not let that happen to his team nor to his program. The Sagehens may be having a bad year, but that will not include losing to the Beavers. It will be a good game I believe, but Pomona will pull it out in the end. I would look more towards the Whittier game if you are looking for a first win. Just my opinion...and let's not get to ahead of ourselves!