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Messages - UWWFan

Quote from: kirasdad on August 06, 2009, 10:05:30 PM
Quote from: voice on August 06, 2009, 09:13:03 PM
Some down deep in the heart of Texas that think WW dodged the potential game with UMHB.  The real story was more logistics and budget concerns that resulted in passing on the intersectional non-conference game.  

Didn't the WIAC announce recently that the teams could only travel one game out of the region and there was a limit on how far/how much $?

We may be on a couple pages here. You are absolutely right, that limitation was made by the WIAC- just a couple months ago. However, as long as 02 Warhawk and I are on the same page, we are talking about immediately after that series ended, so a couple of years ago. Ergo, the restrictions would not be applicable. And, 02, if you're talking about more recently, sorry that I'm going somewhere else with this.
Quote from: 02 Warhawk on August 06, 2009, 08:39:06 PM
In an effort to get this board out from hibernation....I was reading the ASC board, and a poster mentioned that Whitewater was the one who pulled the plug on the MHB-UWW series. I was just curious, for all those in the know (Voice, Jvilleflash, badgerwarhawk. etc..), if there was any truth to that.

It seems odd that UWW would do that given its trouble filling its schedule the past couple of seasons. Or did they just not want to push their luck against the Cru after beating them 4 times in 3 years.  :P

Speaking of series, i would love to see a 4-5 season series between UWW and St. Johns..that would be a great opportunity for both squads to gain experience against quality teams, as well as a fun time for both fans. However, given the financial cutbacks lately, it doesn't seem likely.

I obviously can't confirm this, 02, but my roomate, who played for four years last year was '07 - was talking to Dinks about that after the game and if I recall correctly what he told me was that they could only afford one long trip everyother year.

NOW, I also believe him mentioning that UMHB wanted us to go down there in '08 but we couldn't afford that. I also wouldn't rule out that they already had Puget Sound on the schedule. Either way, the first part I'm 95% sure on (the money part) whether it was because of scenerio A or B, I couldn't tell you 100%, but I want to say its the former rather than the latter.
Quote from: BoBo on February 08, 2009, 09:57:25 AM
Just a quick scan on a few WIAC schools roster from 2008, I found Plattville (2), Oshkosh (6), Point (4) and Whitewater (4) have a total of 16 players out of the Milwaukee City Conference.  Doesn't appear to be a highly prized football recuiting territory for at least these schools closest to Milwaukee. UD must know that and with the new assistant coach from Bay View HS now at UD, looks to me like they are taking what they can get - really, what the others don't want.  Maybe they realize going up against the WIAC schools in the suburban schools, Madison, and in the small schools around the state would be an uphill battle at this time. The UD roster is filled with guys out of Florida, so it looks like coach Z might be making a major change in program recruiting philosophy. It will be interesting to see what they do from here on out. I wonder if the Florida connection will continue? Florida to Dubuque seems a little odd. 

First, as most of you know, Dubuque is only about 3 hours away from the Milwaukee area. Not the worst drive at all. Some athletes drive farther than that to play in the WIAC. So, I don't know - unless you look at Whitewater - that distance is going to be the determining factor. I know alot of you are talking mostly about UWW, but I thought I'd throw that out there.
Also, BoBo, as far as the FL-DU connection. Yeah, it may sound weird, but I know the coaches at Beloit go down there every year for a couple weeks, and there is a basically recruiting combine that many schools attend. From my understanding, they'll talk to the coaches of the schools that participate and they'll also have connections in that the coaches will nudge players to that school. Just a little 411 on that. I'm sure FL to DU or even BC still sounds weird, at least you know why now. - maybe that's how Garcon ended up in New England and then Ohio?
I can't find the story again, but I am 95% sure I read yesterday that another student from Stout was killed in a snowmobile accident. My condolences to the Stout family, once again.
Quote from: SNCOLDAD on January 06, 2009, 09:29:16 AM
But remember, this is a parent talking that realizes that is his sons last season and wishing does not make it so.

UWWFan, you don't like SNC's football facility? Come on! How many other D3 facilities have "Fly Overs" before, during and after the game???? ::)   Dropping gifts for the opposition!    :P

Tousche, sir, tousche..... I know Oak Creek has those same flyovers before, during and after the games. Allways fun to coach there. But, you're right, as spacious as their 'locker rooms' are, I don't know what I'm complaining about. :P ;D

St. Norbert got another $1million donation towards the new athletic conference. Jsonline, here says that donation makes it a total of $7.4m raised. It seemed to me that they were farther along. Is that where they are? ??? I hope they get it soon cause De Pere is a great city, but no offense, that FB stadium kinda blows.
Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: Midwest Conference
December 24, 2008, 12:18:35 AM
Quote from: oldnuthin on December 23, 2008, 05:34:06 PM
I was wondering if any one here could answer a few questions for me. I am helping my nephew look for a college and was wondering what is the difference between The MWC and the CCIW. I have looked at some of the websites like Monmouth and IC who both seem to have nice new facilities. Any information on schools and level of play would be greatly appreciated

Oldnuthin...Great questions on a very important decision. Like I said a couple pages ago, I have some experience with the MWC. However, limited with the CCIW. Choosing a school depends on what your nephew wants. As far as facilities, those are pretty straight forward. Playing time? or System. To answer your question, I believe that the CCIW is going to have the higher level of play. I know teams like North Central, Carthage and Wheaton have won a few games in the playoffs in the past couple of years. In the MWC, as far as top teams you're gonna be looking at Monmouth, Ripon, Carrol and St. Norbert with a couple other teams that seem to be on the rise (Beloit comes to mind). Unforunately they haven't won many playoff games (Monmouth won the first for the conference this year in a number of years). I believe the conference has gotten better as far as being able to compete with confernces like the Iowa conference and the CCIW. Hopefully this helps. If you have anymore questions I'll be happy to do my best to answer.
Quote from: BoBo on December 22, 2008, 12:04:15 PM
Quote from: Blutarsky on December 22, 2008, 09:49:31 AM
I'm usually on the OAC boards, but needed to come on here to make a comment.....Our son, who plays for MUC, made a comment after the game about how classy the Whitewater players and coaches were.  They played hard, but did it the right way (with #3 being a possible exception ;) )  I needed to pass this on to the WW faithful.  In my humble opinion, these are the two best programs in DIII.....  Congratulations on a great year.  With the players you have coming back, it looks like more purple next year!

I've noticed a number of posts here and on the OAC board from the Mount supporters picking on #3 for the Warhawks, mainly innuendo...I only heard the audio stream of the game and I didn't hear anything negative regarding his behavior on or off the field from the announers during or after the game.  Could someone please explain what all the fuss is about regarding #3 and why he has caught the ire of the MUC fans?  Is it payback for the negativity shown toward Garcon after the previous years contests by Warhawk fans?  Someone help me pleez!

#3 and one of MUC's corners got into it after a couple of plays. I did not see anything beyond what they were flagged for. (remember, both guys were flagged) I think the refs did a good job of stopping that from escalating. To me, it didn't look like anything more than just some regular emotion from a big game. However, IMO they both deserved what they got flagged for. Obviously, I couln't hear words being exchanged, but from the looks of it, the late hits seemed to be a little retaliation for legal, aggressive hits.
Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: Midwest Conference
December 22, 2008, 11:22:50 AM
Quote from: SNCOLDAD on December 22, 2008, 09:13:04 AM
This is GREAT conversation going on. I am not sure if all is valid but there are a lot of good possible points being made by a lot of people. And most important in a very constructive way.  :D

Interesting comment on the "spread Offense". I think I know what you are referring to but is Monmouth the only MWC team that runs it? I think you said you have seen most of the MWC teams. I have to ask if you have seen the SNC offense much? Maybe it is not as spread as you would like to see but I think if you check the stats you would see that it is balanced. 3 or 4 receivers out on most plays, (this includes TE and RB) and running from a shotgun a substantial amount of plays, I think you could say this is well balanced and spread. Maybe not 4 wide outs and no RB is what you are referring to. If that is the case, that is fine.

I also recall some post in the way past that talked about UWW and the number on the roster vs. the number of players that actually work out with the team but are not listed. That post did not go into the detail on the rules as this recent post did. Very informative.

Thanks all and Happy Holidays.


I do know that St. Norbert runs a version of the spread. Most teams in the MWC run a version of the spread, in fact many of them are similar. I was writing on how I thought Monmouth could be the one to contend with the WIAC so I just tried to focus on them. In my (convoluted) mind I was thinking a balanced spread in this case as opposed to a spread that just throws the ball like a Hawai'i or wishbone or double wing offense. I have nothing against the other offenses it's just that, at the moment you aren't going to out speed or out power most of these WIAC teams, so you need to keep them on their toes. The reason I didn't include St. Norbert out is that I feel Monmouth has a better situation set up to do this. I am not saying the St. Norbert can't, it's just going to be tougher for them. I can expound if you want, but I don't like being negative. (anywhere to go to see pictures of how the new facilities will look?

As far as the roster number and participating number, they actually have only like 95 on their team because of a title IX incident in like '94. And, no, they don't dress extra for a scout team. Yeah, they have more for camp, but they get down to this number by the time the season rolls around. A couple things that you may be thinking of: Grey shirts. I don't know that this is an official term, but basically think of it as a redshirt, only the players aren't associated with the team during the season. They get a workout plan from the trainer and work on gaining weight/agility during this time period. Then, during offseason workouts and spring practices they rejoin the team (I don't believe there are roster limits for during spring). Also, during offseason workouts, there may be some more that work out with the team but not head out in the fall.

Hopefully this answered your questions. Sorry if I swung and missed on spelling, not my strong suit.
Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: Midwest Conference
December 22, 2008, 04:29:33 AM
Now, I'd like to chime in on something I read in the Daily Dose predictions for 09 that a couple of you made. I have a couple personal ties to the MWC and in the past couple of years have been able to see all the teams up close. Some, more than others and unfortunately Monmouth is one of those 'others'.

I think where the MWC is behind the WIAC is in overall speed and technique. Now, some say speed can't be taught, I believe you can make someone faster through training and some of the facilities and resources available to MWC schools are second to none, especially at Monmouth, those facilities are right up there near UWW. So it is possible that you can catch up on that part (more on inherant speed in a tick).

Technique is what may keep the MWC teams behind for a while. The reason is that you don't have spring ball. Yes the players are just out there in their 'underwear' (what my HS coach called it). But they get that time to practice their technique under the direction of their coach in an organized fashion. In terms of competing on the national level in FB I believe that is the biggest hit. However, I do think the ability for students to do multiple sports is important.

Now, the positive part :) I think if any team in the MWC could concievably catch up to the WIAC teams it is Monmouth. The reason is that their facilities (including academic) (If only I had known you had a climbing wall, you might have another alum ;)) are right up there with the WIAC schools. This helps draw in recruits, which is where the inherant speed comes from. Furthermore, you don't have to compete with the WIAC schools like most other MWC teams do, so I believe that gives you a step up on the others as well. Finally, the offense is designed to be a nicely balance spread offense (from what I can remember).

All that said, after UWW, I pull for the guys from the MWC because like I said, I have some ties there. I hope to see you and your schools grow and wouldn't mind seeing a Monmouth/UWW rivalry come out of it (with UWW getting most of the wins, but a healthy rivalry none the less).
Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: Midwest Conference
December 22, 2008, 04:10:41 AM
Quote from: scottie on December 21, 2008, 12:13:40 PM
Quote from: BoBo on December 21, 2008, 04:25:51 AM
Quote from: scottie on December 21, 2008, 01:51:12 AM
Quote from: SNCOLDAD on December 20, 2008, 11:10:15 PM
I assume there are D3 rules for this but they do not set up what schools are or are not allowed Spring football. But I have also had my eyes opened that this is also a selling point for some programs. This allows the student athlete to study abroad in the spring semester knowing he is not missing practices.

An additional "selling point" of DIII schools is that athletes can consider participation in multiple sports.  A football player might be a natural in track & field for example.  Or, a football player might wish to participate in a winter sport - as does the MWC offensive POY.  In either case, spring football would hinder such an opportunity, or at least be very impractical.  Schools with larger enrollments may have the flexibility of allowing (or forcing) their student-athletes to specialize.  Smaller schools do not.   

Jeff Donovan, UWW's starting QB you saw today in the Stagg Bowl, is also the first basemen on the Warhawk baseball team that finished 3rd in the D3 World Series last spring.  He doesn't participate in spring football drills.  Maybe you saw this the other day on the Road to Salem feature.

Yeah, I did see it.  The fact that it was a Road to Salem feature almost implies that it is unique.  Is Donovan the norm at UWW or the exception to the rule??

I know there are (at least were, when I was a little closer to the team) a good number of student-athletes who participate in two sports. Mostly just track as the second sport, but some others as well. I also have a few friends who were recruited to UWW to do two sports (One FB and Basketball, another Football and Baseball). To be honest, I know Coach Vodenlich (baseball) does not particularily enjoy having two sport athletes (I'd prefer not to go into details, but I do know this), so in this case Donovan is the exception. I know Stanley, Alex Thompson, Lance Douglas all did Track and Field (I know I'm missing a few).

Scottie, I do agree with you though that having the ability to do two sports is certainly a selling point for alot of D3 schools as most D1's want kids to specialize because not everyone is a Bo Jackson. I also think it is a stronger selling point for schools like most of those in the MWC where they sometimes struggle to fill rosters in various sports. Whereas a WIAC school may not need that extra body on the track team. So to wrap it all up and make it maybe a little more clear, no, Donovan is not the exception, but yes, Scottie I do think that schools in the MWC can and have used the ability to do multiple sports to their advantage in recruiting.
Quote from: BoBo on December 20, 2008, 10:45:03 PM
Quote from: bleedpurple on December 20, 2008, 10:31:15 PM
Quote from: Shark on December 20, 2008, 10:08:19 PM
I just got back from Salem. What a game. I won't go into game details but I simply wanted to tip my hat to the UWW Warhawk faithful.  You should be very proud. What a terrific and classy team. I saw many UWW players, who applauded and congratulated Mount and were extremely gracious after losing such a hard fought game. The UWW fans I met were great as well. This has turned into a fantastic rivalry.

I see UWW as a force for many years to come. Leipold has done a great job. Almost the entire team is back next year. The defense was stalwart against the run and your O line controlled the line of scrimmage. I fully expect the Warhawks to be in Salem next year. Hopefully Mount can replace some key players and be there as well.

For the rebuilding that UWW did this year, it was a remarkable run. Congrats on a great season and Happy Holidays to all.

Thanks for the classy post Shark. Congratulations on the championship. God bless and Merry Christmas to you and your family!

If you had told me before the game that Whitewater would control the LOS and not win I wouldn't have believed it.  Those first 7 offensive plays by Mount won the game; the warhawks played pretty decent after that!!

So, we're stuck in Lafayette right now. This weather blows! Hope everyone had/has a safe ride home. We saw three accidents and about ten cars in (or go in) the ditch between Indy and here. The car behind me actually went in the median, I felt bad but couldn't stop to help and had to keep goin. Luckily we got a hotel here cause I think I heard Purdue is having graduation this weekend.

Anyways, to the game. Bobo, you hit it right on the head. The first seven Mount plays killed us. I also have to commend Mounts defense on the bend don't break 'strategy'. I think our play calling may have had something to do with it, but it seemed that every time we got near their 25 on a first they stopped a run play cold it seemed. I know you guys aren't big on excuses, BUT if you could humor me for a second here and if you don't like it just tell me to shut up. ;) I heard that the players got up at 6:30, which is obviously 5:30 UWW time. I definately don't think that helped, but does anyone else think that could have affected that start?

MUC, you guys did enough to win, and that's the sign of a champion, so my hat is off to you. But as the saying goes, I don't think we lost, we just ran out of time. ;) You guys are a classy bunch (still don't like that Garcon guy for whatever reason though) and I really hope we can get a fifth round next year (best out of seven, anyone?)
Oh, I heard someone say that next year the game is at Roanoke College, which is the first I heard of that. Is there any truth to that?
Quote from: raiderfan1983 on December 18, 2008, 05:00:07 PM
How long of a drive is it to Salem from Wisconsin?  Have most of the Warhawk fans already left?

Like I said, we left early so we hit some Chicago traffic. At the moment, we are in Charleston, WV after about ten hours. It's about four hours then tomorrow. We stayed ahead of most of the cruddy weather (wanted to use a stronger adjective but dulled it down for the boards here). We made it back on the turnaround a couple years ago in 13 hours, so....

On a side note, driving all the way here gave me some time to think (watch out!). This matchup kinda reminds me of the first one. No tangible evidence, but here goes.....If I recall MUC had a young, unproven quarterback who dominated that game (won mvp, no?) and a freshman RB who had just shown up during the playoffs. Against a team that had some upperclassmen leading them (Warhawks), and managed to show up and win. I know it's a stretch, but like I said, tons of time to think.
Just wanted to wish safe travels to everyone traveling down to Salem. Especially if you're driving, be safe with this weather coming. We moved up our departure (driving) by 12 hours cause my dad said it's supposed to start icing before the snow comes (and by extension, ice in Chicago and Indy as well, from what I've seen). >:( So just be careful, we don't want any bad reports coming in Salem.

Oh, and I'm hearing it's supposed to snow Saturday too (in Wisconsin) so be careful with that too if you're turning right around like us.

Anyways, see you all in Salem and go 'Hawks!! :)
Quote from: BoBo on December 16, 2008, 11:37:57 AM
Newspaper article out of Temple, Texas showing still photos of the 2nd half kick-off hitting at the 41 and going backwards before being touched at the 24.  Also has quote from UMHB Head Coach saying he doesn't want to cry over it, but does anyway (sound familiar?) - now calls it a blown call by the SCIAC officials - and wants the NCAA to have instant replay at significant games like this (good luck with that  ;) )

Good luck with that is right. I just don't see it happening as it would cost way too much money. Besides, you start looking at the teams throughout d3 and how many of them have the infrastructure to add this? I would say St. Norbert, no (long shot to make, it I know, but still, and example of a perennial playoff team that I know). But once again the bottom line is the NCAA won't spend the money on it, IMO.

I hope I don't get killed for this, but from these pics it looks like UWW got away with one. Coach Fedenburg is right though, you can't really put too much blame on the officials, maybe if it hit the 45, but it's pretty close.