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Messages - warhawksrock

Barber Greene,
If it is so embaressing why hasn't anyone stopped it in Madison or Whitewater. I am not a betting man. However I would put money on it that the students will once again be doing there chants and no one is going to get kicked out of the student section.
It just won't happen, because they want the students to be there as it was not too long ago that the students never showed up.
If it is that embaressign to coach Brez Chancellor Saunders,The AD Plinske, then why don't they send out a mass email tot he students asking them to not do it. Oh wait chancellor WIley tried that at Wisconsin and what happen, they just chanted there things louder.
Also Duffman, The Hawks awill be on top of the WIAC for a while we have Beaver for another year and we will reload not rebuild.The Warhawks are here to stay.
I wouldn't even put Lacrosse in the same class as the Johnnies. The eagles lost and congratulated us and then left us alone. The Johnnies are still crying over the fact that they lost. Worse then that they are complaining about things that didn't even happen on the field.
Stop crying Johnnies, your season is over because the Warhawks got it done on the field. I am not the brightest bulb in the bunch, however you  might have won if you just threw the all to your real tallWR as our DB's were much shorter then he was. However you didn't and you Losy.
SO GET OVER IT ENJOY WATCHING THE HAWKS BRINGING BACK THE STAGG BOWL TROPHY BACK TO THE WEST, and having the Johnnies just another W in a long list of them for the legend Bob berezowitz and the best QB ever Justin Jacobs.
Okay I am of to get my 2 for 1 tickets and I am paying good hard money for these tickets,and if I want to swear well I think thats my first amendment right in the constitution.
So with that EARMUFFS EARMUFFS YOU Fu**ed UP,You Fu**ed Up, Bullsh*t,Bullsh*t.
;D ;D ;D ;D :D :D :D :D
Face it the Johnnies lost to whitewater AGAIN, and know they are mad and they are just pointing out the fact that the students were chanting BullS**t and You F***** Up.
I am a senior at UWW and you know what I am going to say whatever I want as it wasn't that long ago the students barely showed up. Also I have had some of the football coaches as teachers and one of them swore all the time and he also has the reputation for dropping the F-Bomb every other word on the practice field.
Either way the students are at he games let them express how they feel; we pay a lot of money to go to UWW. Which we feel is the Harvard of the Midwest. Also we are much smarter at least we think we are then the kids in Madison as some of them don't care if they even make it to the games on Saturday's why because they would rather drink all day. Well the UWW students who don't go home because we are a suitcase college are going to drink but we are also going to show up on time.
I know sometimes what we say is inappropriate. However it is what it is, and I would like to see them kick the entire student section out of the game, yeah that would make the stands go from" You F***ed Up and BullSh*t to
GO WARHAWKS GO clap clap.
Even though the second one is more appropriate. The first one comes the students of the school, and this is our team our school and we are going to have fun the way we want.
I never thought U Dub Dub would ever make it this far once in my years here but twice that's even cooler. Let the students enjoy it, as we are only in college once, and I am sure there are people who did worse when they were in college