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Messages - The Historian

Region 1 men's basketball / Re: NESCAC MBB
November 22, 2008, 10:51:52 AM
Just wanted to briefly chime in to congratulate Skidmore for their win last night in the second game of the Ken Wright Classic.

Sets up an interesting -- dare I say, historic -- match-up today between Luke Flockerzi and Hixon.  Shades of Washington leading the British to victory in the French and Indian War only to turn around and lead the colonist forces against the redcoats just a few years later...

While I'll never waver in my support for Amherst, it's a great thing to see Coach Flockerzi pacing the sidelines of Le Frak once again.

LET'S GO, LUKE!!  (I hope you only lose by a close margin)
Region 1 men's basketball / Re: NESCAC MBB
February 19, 2008, 02:47:28 PM
Quote from: Hahaha on February 19, 2008, 01:38:14 PM
First of all let me start off by saying this site is very smart, and the people on this site for the most part know what they are talking about.

And as always, kids, there's always an exception to the rule...

Hahaha, I actually volunteer myself to be your next target.  As others on this board have often pointed out, I often have no clue what I'm talking about -- except, of course, on issues of grammar and punctuation.  I know a lot about those topics and would be more than delighted to help you out.  I've often found that a disjointed, ill-informed diatribe can be much more effective if it is written well.
Region 1 men's basketball / Re: NESCAC MBB
February 10, 2008, 02:11:14 PM
Quote from: NortheastHoopsGuru on February 10, 2008, 11:33:21 AM
baseball- the move has actually been considered before, not necessarily to the Ivy League but for Amherst to bump up into scholarship level, most likely D-2 on the onset.

This is just silly.  Perhaps it's been discussed late at night by drunk students wishing they had an athletic scholarship.  But I guarantee you that the Presidents and Boards of Trustees at Amherst (or Williams or pretty much any other NESCAC school, for that matter) have not considered offering athletic scholarships or moving out of DIII any time in recent history.

Quite the opposite, in fact.  If anything, there's been discussion about trying to de-emphasize the role of athletics at these schools.  And there's absolutely zero chance that Amherst and Williams would move away from their need-based and need-blind financial aid policies.
Region 1 men's basketball / Re: NESCAC MBB
January 17, 2008, 06:00:04 PM
Quote from: Bluesky on January 17, 2008, 03:01:34 PM
Nescac Hoops-I enjoyed the silence from Friar T and the Historian after the great run Williams had last season.  Thanks for the reminder of my warm welcome to the board.

Hahaha.  Thanks for the walk down memory lane, guys.  How long did it take you to look all those up?

But I do recall making at least one victorious post after returning from Salem.  Otherwise, you're right.  I sort of let the results of both Williams' and Amherst's great runs speak for themselves.
Region 1 men's basketball / Re: NESCAC MBB
January 08, 2008, 08:56:41 PM
85-63 - Amherst wins by 22.

Walzy, you are a superhero.
Region 1 men's basketball / Re: NESCAC MBB
December 17, 2007, 06:29:10 AM
Quote from: frank uible on December 16, 2007, 06:54:03 PM
99 44/100% of the people on this earth don't know that Amherst or Williams exists.

Thank god for that 0.56%.
Region 1 men's basketball / Re: NESCAC MBB
November 29, 2007, 02:31:34 PM
Congrats to the NESCAC - 3 teams in the top 10 of the first Sears Cup standings of the year.  Amherst - 1; Williams - 6; Bowdoin - 7
Region 1 men's basketball / Re: NESCAC MBB
November 19, 2007, 10:19:52 AM
Friar, yeah, Carcieri did not dress for either game.  He was carrying crutches, although it didn't appear he was using them all that much.  I haven't heard any specifics about his injury.  Hope he's able to recover soon; however, Meehan looked to be a more than capable backup at the point.
Region 1 men's basketball / Re: NESCAC MBB
November 09, 2007, 11:33:43 AM
I know I pissed off a lot of people with my postings a few weeks ago about crediting press releases.  While I admit that my postings were not as diplomatic as they could have been, I stand by my conviction that it is important to give the original writer -- or, at least, the source -- all credit due.

In that vein, and to show that I don't just point out problems, I openly applaud d3hoops for crediting all of their front page stories on conference previews.  That simple step -- giving a byline that says the article came from someone else's press release -- is all I sought.

Good job.
Region 1 men's basketball / Re: NESCAC MBB
November 05, 2007, 09:40:10 PM
I know this is a basketball forum, not football.  But I wanted to share the news that ESPN College Gameday will be at the Amherst-Williams football game this Saturday.

Watch my karma drop for posting off subject...
Region 1 men's basketball / Re: NESCAC MBB
October 14, 2007, 12:36:49 PM
Thank you, Pat, for rectifying the situation.
Region 1 men's basketball / Re: NESCAC MBB
October 14, 2007, 04:33:54 AM
Pat, did you remove my posts from the other regional forums?  Why would you ever do such a thing?  Do you feel a little guilty?  I mean, go ahead and destroy my karma points for simply pointing out the original author of your front page story.

But but by censoring my comments you only add to my case against you.  If you felt comfortable about your actions, then you should have no problem with my postings.

Just to clarify, do you deny that Alex Kantor wrote the article about Adolphe Coulibaly on your front page?

If not, why do you refuse to give him credit?

If so, why don't you simply acknowledge that you got the article from an Amherst College press release?

Censor away.  You know best.
Region 1 men's basketball / Re: NESCAC MBB
October 13, 2007, 05:28:22 PM
I just wanted the readers of this board to know that the front page feature article on Adolphe Coulibaly and the included photo were stolen from a feature article written by Amherst College's Sports Information Director, Alex Kantor.

You can find the original article here:

Pat Coleman has been asked to give credit to the original author of this article, but he has refused to do so.  He has even refused to post a byline to the article saying that it first appeared in an Amherst College release.

I love this website and enjoy the attention it gives to d3 basketball, but I am seriously disturbed by this complete and utter disregard for journalistic integrity on the part of Pat Coleman.

Alex Kantor is a professional SID, and his professional work should be rightfully credited.  He was never asked permission to have his words posted to this commercial website, and his personal request to Pat Coleman to have his name added to the front page of the website was promptly rebuked.
Region 10 men's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
October 13, 2007, 05:27:55 PM
I just wanted the readers of this board to know that the front page feature article on Adolphe Coulibaly and the included photo were stolen from a feature article written by Amherst College's Sports Information Director, Alex Kantor.

You can find the original article here:

Pat Coleman has been asked to give credit to the original author of this article, but he has refused to do so.  He has even refused to post a byline to the article saying that it first appeared in an Amherst College release.

I love this website and enjoy the attention it gives to d3 basketball, but I am seriously disturbed by this complete and utter disregard for journalistic integrity on the part of Pat Coleman.

Alex Kantor is a professional SID, and his professional work should be rightfully credited.  He was never asked permission to have his words posted to this commercial website, and his personal request to Pat Coleman to have his name added to the front page of the website was promptly rebuked.
Region 1 men's basketball / Re: NESCAC MBB
October 13, 2007, 01:05:15 PM
Pat, I'm quite sure that my students are in good hands.  Thanks for your concern.

I had hoped that you would see my post and simply think to yourself, "Oh wow, he's probably right.  d3hoops borrowed a story written by Alex Kantor that was originally posted on the Amherst website with his byline.  We didn't get Alex's permission to use the story; we didn't even notify him that we put it up.  Let me rectify this right away and simply add Alex's name to the byline.  It wouldn't take anything away from the story or the d3hoops website and it would be the honorable -- and probably legal -- thing to do."

That's what I hoped you would do, Pat, but instead you try to defend yourself.  In my opinion, this just makes your act more pathetic.  Nixon-esque.  Just admit that you should have given credit to Alex, a professional SID who spent a lot of time crafting that article.  Just add his name to the website.  Don't waste your energy trying to defend yourself on minor technicalities.

I dare you to ask any SID in the nation about this issue.  Would they like it if they wrote an in-depth public interest article that was subsequently stolen by your website, posted without their permission, and given no credit for their work?  I dare you to ask.

I'm sure they would be flattered to have their work featured on the front page of d3hoops, but I'm also sure that they would want their due credit.

Also, for what it's worth, when a website or newspaper uses an article from a press release, credit is still given to the source.  The "from staff or wire reports" (to use your example) such as the AP or Reuters IS the source.  So at the very least you could have given the article a byline of "from an Amherst College press release," which I have seen your site do for box scores and game write-ups in the past.

Moreover, I never did say that you had claimed the article as your own.  My only point was that it "came across as an original d3hoops article."  I stand by that contention, and again I dare you to find a neutral party who would disagree.  When I go to a website and see a feature-length article with no byline, I assume that it was written by the site's staff or editorial board.

I challenge you to provide me with an example of a commercial site like yours that regularly posts stories -- not game releases or minor press releases, but full-fledged, in-depth articles -- that originated on another site without giving ANY credit -- even a hyperlink to the original -- to the author.

Again, I ask you if would allow you to post an article you found on without giving credit to the original author?  Would they?

I hope, Pat, that this is my last post about this.  I hope that you just eat some humble pie and admit that you should have given Alex Kantor credit for his fine article.  I hope that you rectify this asap and put his name up there.  And I hope that you would simply post a short apology to Alex on this message board (which I know he reads) or, even better, on the front page of d3hoops.

I know better than to expect such professional and mature behavior, but it is my hope.