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Messages - PacMan20

Region 5 men's basketball / Re: The PAC Chat Line
February 07, 2008, 03:44:34 PM
Does anyone have any thoughts on the progress (or lack there of) that the league is making? 

Immaculata has seemed to turn the corner, Misercordia is having a slightly above average season. Alvernia is doing ok within the league but there is non-conference record is not as strong as usual.  Cabrini seems to be improving if in small steps.  Eastern and Gwynedd have taken a steps backward. 

Basically what I'm getting at; is the PAC resigned to being one of the worst D3 mens bball conferences in the country? Is an at large bid completely out of sight? 

Just some food for thought to stir some conversation
Region 5 men's basketball / Re: The PAC Chat Line
February 05, 2008, 06:52:04 PM
Quote from: cabrinibasketballmom on February 05, 2008, 12:30:42 PM

In the many years that my family has been involved in the world of sports, I have yet to experience a basketball coach who takes positive criticism or suggestions from players, or for that matter, parents, regarding any aspect of coaching or their personality, either before or after the season.  I have only met one Coach, a football coach, who took that approach to Coaching, and had an open door policy for players, parents and administration.  I guess that is why he was so successful at Oklahoma, and respected by most of his former players. In my opinion, you have to be a secure person in order to listen, without retaliation, and implement change at the suggestion of another.

I wonder if Coach K has an open door policy to players, parents and so on?

Region 5 men's basketball / Re: The PAC Chat Line
May 08, 2007, 08:14:54 PM
Hey all,

The four names I mentioned earlier were given to via a current player on the team.  Obviously due to his situation I will not reveal his name.  He told me that he received an e-mail from the athletic department of Cabrini giving those four names to him.  I can only speak for the info that was given to me.
Region 5 men's basketball / Re: The PAC Chat Line
May 02, 2007, 11:16:41 AM
Here is an update about the vacant head coaching job at Cabrini.

According to my source the finalists for the job are Matt Allen, Jim Casicano, Greg Herenda, Chris Parsons.  Not sure myself any backround info about the candidates.

It is apparent that the athletic department still has no clue what they are doing.  After at least 2 months of no action they decided to schedule meetings for the players with the potential candidates. However this coincides with finals week and some members of the team already heading home for summer break. Unfortunately some will not get the chance to meet the candidates due to geographic reasons and summer committments.  However as we have seen before while the players are told their input matters, it really has no bearing on the situation because the administration of Cabrini is going to do what is best for them, not their students.  Sorry for the run-on sentence.

Region 5 men's basketball / Re: The PAC Chat Line
April 11, 2007, 04:40:19 PM

If you look at all of my posts I never said I was in contact with a college program, I spoke of a high school coach I know who confirmed some things that were posted by others on this board! But I guess you slept thru reading and comprehending class while you were at Cabrini!

Second I saw you play and you were at best marginal and probably would have missed a lay-up if you played! But I beleive both MacMahon and Bennett belonged in the game!Blame the head coach noone else!

If you are so mad about it why don't you contact your old coach at beersmac@yahoo to get an explanation! don't be mad at the world like you seem to be in your posts. Anyone that speaks positively about Cabrini you attack! Isn't it funny that you support Good???????

As far as the legal advice use it as you please! And if you knew how to read and comprehend you would understand what I said! I said I was in the legal field which last time I checked has lots of different jobs besides attorney's like investigators, private detectives, police!

So get on with your life, get over the nongame and just plan growup!

Peace, i'm out

First of all, I brought up the all-star game story just to prove a point of how inconsiderate the prior coach at Cabrini was about his players.  I have never claimed to be an all-pac type performer.  Growing up in the Philadelphia area, I have played basketball in the area all my life so after a while you start to develop a friendship with other players in the area who you have played against throughout the years.  I was merely disappointed that I was not given the oppurtunity by, of all people my coach, the chance to play in this game.  Also, Im not gonna get into a playground argument about the validity of my previous basketball game.  I actually to much work for my job and grad school to get into a petty argument.

As to your point about me bashing anyone that says anything good about Cabrini.  It is just disappointing to see how much things have changes in a span of three years.  I was fortunate to have the oppurtunity to have the oppurtunity to have one year under the leadership of Coach Dzik and the whole dedicated coaching staff.  I am further grateful that I have remained in contact with many members of the staff since they were forced by the president of the institution, which is something that cannot be said for the Coach M's staff except for Saleem.  I am not mad at the world, rather im mad at certain officials who took away the oppurtunity for myself, anthony and jmac to have a great senior season. 

Tuesday night is the only weekday that I do not have class at night, so I figured I would go up to Cabrini to workout.  When I got there, a pickup game was going so i figured the guys from the team were playing.  I was surprised when I walked in the gym that there were 3 people playing that were not even on the team.  I waited for the game to end so I could get on for a run.  When first game started and we had a good game to 12 (I hit three three's and didnt miss any lay-ups) and I was ready for another when certain people decided that they had played enough.  My point is that three years ago when I first transferred to Cabrini, if you were playing pick-up and you lost you would have to wait at least one game maybe two to get on the court again.  Thats how many people showed up and it made the atmosphere extremely competitive.  How things have changed!

Region 5 men's basketball / Re: The PAC Chat Line
March 28, 2007, 03:01:26 PM
Oh by the way my name is Jimmy Good for those of you wondering. Thanks for reading my long post.
Region 5 men's basketball / Re: The PAC Chat Line
March 28, 2007, 03:00:33 PM
Well I took a break from posting for a while and have just recently caught up on all of the recent postings and feel the need to post. (I will reveal my name to those of you who dont already know to give credibility to my insights.

Some thoughts:

Cabrini Mom I commend you for speaking up against Coach M and explaining to everyone in here an in depth side of the story.  I will second your statement that Coach M has only himself responsible for his firing as Cabrini Head Coach.  The statement that was mentioned that Coach M never took any blame for the problems of the program is accurate.  I will recall 2 situations that affected me personally to prove this:

     1) Each year there is a small college all star game for seniors in that played bball in the area.  Coach M asked me and the two other seniors in my class if we wanted to play in the game.  Our response was that we definitely did want to play.  Unfortunately the game came and passed without us ever knowing.  When I confronted Coach M he gave me a little shrug and responded I didnt think you wanted to play.  He has still not apologized to this day.

     2) The second incident still pisses me off to this day.  We lost a backbreaking game at Gwynedd Mercy in which we were up 25 with about 13 minutes to play.  Because of tie-breakers it elimenated us from having a chance to make the PAC playoffs.  It was a bad situation, but would become much worse when another coach within the PAC told me in person about coach M's comment about the game.  His comment was "My seniors just dont know how to win". Never mind that we were woefully under prepared for games and never made any half-time adjustments.  In his mind it was simply that his seniors who have played for the likes of John Dzik, Speedy Morris and Herb Magee did not know how to win.

As far as the debate on Coach Grandizzio
-I will confirm that fact that he is very nice man and without a doubt cared about the well being of the players.  Unfortunately it is completely irresponsible for him to stab his head coach in the back as he did, no matter how wrong Coach M was in most situations.  I will also say that this didnt just start this year.  It occurred almost from the start of the 05-06 season when Coach Grandizzio would let it be known to just about any one on the team of what he thought of Coach M.

I do not want it to seem as though I am sticking up for Coach M.  He certainly got what he deserved because of the way he treated his players.  However there are certain things one cannot due as an assitant coach and in my opinion Coach G crossed that line in an all but to frequent basis. 

As for the future of the program I hope this time that the players opinions are considered.  Before Coach M was hired, the players met with the final 5 candidates for an hour.  The team as a whole all decided in favor of Coach M (Be careful what you wish for).  Myself and another captain were against this decision but we were overruled.  So after all the meetings were finished the current AD called myself and another captain into her office to ask our thoughts on who they should hire.
We explained how everyone but us liked the Maccoica the best and expressed the other 2 coaches we were most impressed with.  The AD's response after we were finished was that they had already decided to hire Maccoica earlier that morning.  So what Im getting at is that we were told that our input would matter when in reality they wasted about 6 hours of my life BS'ing me. 

Sounds familiar to an previouse situation huh Wolfpac?

In my opinion hopefully the house is cleaned and the program can start fresh with a coach that has more than two years experience coaching at the college level.  No disrespect intended to Coach Grandizzio.  I simply feel it is necessary to hire someone with a previous winning resume.
Region 5 men's basketball / Re: The PAC Chat Line
February 18, 2007, 03:18:16 AM
This has been said over and over again but I feel the need to repeat: There is no absolutely no way the cabrini 05-06 team should not have at least made the playoffs when looking at the players and talent on that team.  Maccoica was very inexperienced going into this job but lets hope he learned his lesson  and realizes his mistakes. 

On another note is there the possibility that the Cabrini job will go ful-time.  If so this will be a heavily pursued job.  Hopefully this time around they will hire a candidate with enough experience to jusify fulfilling such a prime job
Region 5 men's basketball / Re: The PAC Chat Line
January 23, 2007, 05:13:19 PM
Speaking of the Cabrini Alumni game and so on:  Its bad enough that many bball alumni players and coaches from Cabrini genereally dont like the present coach due to certain issues (last years alumni game, treatment of some Dzik recruited players).  But How embarrasing is it for a second year coach to have to welcome back all of the alumni while at the same time having a 1- 14 record ( i think).  To me this had to be an extremely humbling experience.

Then on top of that he then shows up to the alumni beef and beer.  The question that needs to be asked is: Has coach maccoica realized his mistake with the debacle of last years alumni game which had to be held at Eastern or does he see the writing on the wall i.e. his job is on the line so he is trying to drum up some support from the alumni.

Unfortunately i think we can all agree that while the alumni may have given him lip service on Saturday evening he better start winning some games if he hopes to save his job because i really cant see him getting their support.

I would like to give him the benefit of doubt and think he was genuine on Saturday, but i really dont know.  Just my thoughts.
Region 5 men's basketball / Re: The PAC Chat Line
January 19, 2007, 02:21:23 PM
Rumor that there is an eagle who used to be a cavalier in here!
Region 5 men's basketball / Re: The PAC Chat Line
January 19, 2007, 02:20:35 PM

I hope you understand that my previous post was quite sarcastic.  Just making sure.

COach C,

Thanks for the information provided.

Region 5 men's basketball / Re: The PAC Chat Line
January 18, 2007, 10:10:27 PM

If the students of Cabrini want to go to a school with a good basketball team maybe they should transfer to a DII college.

Also any Cabrini people on here: Can you fill me in as to what time the Alumni game is taking place on Saturday.  When I originally received the paper in my mailbox I ripped it up shortly after reading it.  Later I found out that some of the alumni would be attending due to the appearance of John Dzik.  Thankfully the Cabrini basketball alumni game does not have to be played at Eastern again this year. 
Region 5 men's basketball / Re: The PAC Chat Line
January 16, 2007, 06:55:05 PM
Regarding the recent Alvernia - Cabrini game: Only 4 assists for Cabrini compared against 16 turnovers.  Not a very good ratio.  I hope for the players sake they can get it together and pull out a win Saturday afternoon with John Dzik and the alumni being in the stands. 

Regarding Marywood, they seem to be the jekyll and hyde of the PAC.  You never know what team is going to show up and they always pull an upset or a close game and are getting blown out a game later.
Region 5 men's basketball / Re: The PAC Chat Line
January 11, 2007, 12:56:30 AM
This is at least the 3rd straight year that one of the EU-Cabrini games has been over school break.  With it being such a heated rivalry one would think that they would try to schedule both games while school was in sessions.  I'm sure a student at the Cabrinis or Easterns would much rather see a matchup of Eagle Road twice rather than see the MArywoods or Misercordias's come to town.  No disrespect to those programs, but the proximity of the two schools makes the match up that much more intriguing even when the Cabrinis cant even get a win against the sisters of the blind.  I just got back from Vegas and the early line on the EU-Cabrini game was cabrini getting 21.5 but it is rising.  Gotta love Eastern coming off a loss.
Region 5 men's basketball / Re: The PAC Chat Line
January 03, 2007, 09:18:30 PM
Just some food for thought!

I am going to use Cabrini as an example.  There were many reasons for the programs success throughout their run with Dzik, but the one I will focus on was the talent level.  Many of their players were guys who weren't necessarily D3 players.  What I mean by that is that they recruited guys that could have played at a higher level, not as stars but still been able to compete.  They were able to do this because of the successfulness of the program and the great coaching.

In the current landscape of the PAC, I just do not see many players that could play at a higher level.  It is easy to see why.  For example, If you are a high school prospect that maybe has Ivy League potential.  Lets just say that the D1 route doesnt work out.  Where is this player going to go? A local PAC school or school like Ursinus which goes to the tournament every year.  I think the answer is clear.

As already said before, I believe that the conference is heading in a downward spiral.  What needs to be done to solve the problem can be debated.  I'm not saying I have the answer, but something has to be done because it would be sad to see the PAC fall completely apart.

Does anyone feel that the decline of the PAC may be due to the decline in talented high school players in the area?