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Messages - division3hoops

Region 1 men's basketball / Re: NESCAC MBB
March 13, 2007, 07:03:56 PM
Quote from: The Historian on March 13, 2007, 04:40:49 PM
Finally, any truth to the rumor that Sasha Baron Cohen will be singing the National Anthem on Saturday?  I heard the folks down at the Salem Civic Center love him.

I just saw that movie last night!  HILARIOUS..
Also, this link tells a little bit about the St. Patrick's Day festivities down in Roanoke for those of you making the trip:
Hey Wooster fans -
Got an email about this:

The Scot basketball team is back in the NCAA Division III Final Four following a heart-stopping 94-87 overtime victory against Brockport State ( Saturday night. Wooster, which raised its record to 29-3, will take on Amherst, which is 28-2, Friday night (March 16) at 6 p.m. at the Salem Civic Center ( Please join us for a pre-game reception in Parlor A  of the Civic Center, beginning at 4 p.m. There will be a variety of snack foods, bottled water, and sodas, plus hot and cold hors d'oeuvres. Wear your black and gold, and get ready to cheer the Scots on to a national championship. After the game, many Wooster fans will gather at Mac and Bob's Restaurant in downtown Salem. For more information about the reception, contact Sharon Rice at or 330-263-2458. Tickets may be purchased at the box office or online from

For those unable to attend the games in Salem, live video of both semifinals and the consolation game will be provided by the NCAA over the Internet. Links to the live video as well as live stats can be found on the championship home page ( Also, the national championship game will not be offered over the Internet, as it will be broadcast live on College Sports Television (CSTV). According to CSTV's Web site, it has agreements with cable distributors representing more than 52 million homes nationwide, including Adelphia, Charter, Comcast, Cox, Insight, and Time Warner, as well as DirectTV (channel 610) and DISH Network (channel 152).

As always, live audio from the Wooster games can be heard over the Internet (, courtesy of WQKT 104.5 FM.

Apparently between 12:15 and 12:30 tomorrow afternoon (Wednesday) there is a send-off for the boys leaving.  If you plan on going, people are meeting in between Lowry and the PEC to wish the boys farewell. 

ScotsFan -
I was at the game and never thought that the player didn't have control of the ball or both feet on the ground. I remember some people yelling about not being able to call time-out when falling out of bounds and I also remember sitting there disagreeing with them because I was pretty sure both of the players feet were on the ground and that he did have control.  I think a lot of people were confused about the new rule.
I agreed completely with the ruling the officals made.
Quote from: David Collinge on March 13, 2007, 11:28:54 AM
::heavy sigh::

Here we go again.  Somebody come find me when it's over this time.  :-\

I laughed so hard when I read this. 
Quote from: ScotsFan on March 13, 2007, 09:07:12 AM
Quote from: Ralph Turner on March 12, 2007, 08:48:01 PM
I thought that the falling out-of-bounds timeout was not recognized this year.
Yeah, that was the screwy part of that whole scenario.  The technical was awarded to Wooster because Wabash called a timeout when they had none remaining.  I had forgotton about the rule change stating that you could no longer call a timeout when falling out of bounds to save possession.  In that case, Wooster should have been awarded the ball as well due to Wabash losing the ball out of bounds.  Oh well, it didn't cost Wooster the game or anything.  At least the officials got the technical right which iced the game for the Scots in that game.

From my undestanding, you can still fall out of bounds and call a time-out.  What you CAN'T do is jump out of bounds and call a time-out.  I thought both feet had to be on the floor and that it would still be recognized.  Pat or anyone else?  Is this the ruling?
Quote from: Ralph Turner on March 12, 2007, 08:48:01 PM
I thought that the falling out-of-bounds timeout was not recognized this year.

Please help me.  The official recognized the technical even tho' there were none left.

Had Wooster had a time out, and he fell out of bounds/lost possession because of the rule change, would Wooster have lost the ball and been charged with the timeout?

Not sure what you are saying here???
Wabash was falling out of bounds and called a time-out but had none left to call.  They were granted the time-out (sort of, players were off the floor due to deliberation)because by the time the refs realized they didn't have any left, the players were already off of the floor.  There was deliberation of what to do and Wabash was charged with a technical.  From what I remember, Wooster shot the free-throws but was not awarded possession after them.  The ball went back to Wabash.
Quote from: woolax on March 12, 2007, 07:25:51 PM
Any idea were the Wooster team or fans will be staying in Salem/Roanoke this weekend?

Also anyone wishing to view video on Amherst may go to and see video of them playing Williams in the NESCAC Championship game

Answered your question on the NCAC page...
From what I have heard, the team is staying at the Wyndham hotel.  I think all the teams have to stay there and that is where teams usually stay?  Also, I have heard they are completely booked both Friday and Saturday night.
Also, there is supposed to be some kind of tailgate party for Wooster fans on Friday.  Not sure of any of the details yet but when I hear, I will let you know.  The post game celebration on Saturday night will probably be at the hotel the boys are staying at.  Hope that helps. 
I think a lot of Wooster fans are staying at the Holiday Inn Roanoke - Tanglewood. 
I'm sorry I just have to respond to this...

Quote from: ILive4This on March 01, 2007, 12:02:48 AM
The only thing that scares me, is women who know little about basketball often do really well in march madness pools (I have no idea why)

Wow... what a statement.  April, I agree with you.  A lot of women know a lot about basketball, even more than some men :o  And many men who know nothing about basketball do well on polls. 

There may be more women on this website than you'd think... :-X
I called Scott and told him about it, he got a really good laugh and actually wanted me to get on and reply to you!!  Good luck with getting them to lay off the refs!    :D
Hope you can figure out a way to Salem because we need you to get there...the more Wooster fans the better!
On the road again....
Oh Pat - didn't know if anyone mentioned anything to you, but you did a good job with the National Anthem at the sectional.  Couldn't believe it when I heard them announce your name!
Sorry you are right about that!  It was the second round!
Just wanted to quickly say how impressed I was with the Brockport team.  Harris is amazing.  He is unstoppable.  I sat there during the game and really couldn't think of a way to take him out of the game.  I can't believe that they haven't been in the top 25 this year because I firmly believe that Wooster has not played a better team this year.  We played Georgetown (NAIA) and they were extremely athletic but still I think Brockport was the best.  With pretty much all of their team returning next year, they should do extremely well.  Funny seeing how good they were, I think Wooster fans were very taken aback by their abilities.  Good luck next year!
A couple things:
Wooster cut down the nets after winning the conference (the OWU game), the conference tourney (again OWU), the sweet 16 (centre) , and the elite 8 (brockport)! :)

Wooster Booster -
I know Scott Van Horn very well.  Both him and Marty Bidwell (Sr.) were mentally and physically exhausted after the game!!  Scott didn't even have the energy to clap his hands  ;) We were contemplating calling the squad for the both of them!!! :D ;)  Hate to see what the final four is going to be like for them.  Are you planning on coming??  By the way, I've met you.  You could probably figure out easily who I am.