Coach P,
How do you know this information about Cabrini Basketball, you must validate your information . I am not saying I don't agree with you, because I do, just wondering how you are affiliated.
Who are the 4 - 5 coaches that will be full time. I know of 1 this year (a womens multi-sport head coach) and 2 more for next year (mens and womens basketball head coaches) which makes 3 total.
And from what I am hearing, Eastern's recruiting has been great! Coach N has added at least 2 recruits who will be impact players from Day 1.
I agree about your frustration towards the All Star game, although I would direct it towards someone who isn't there anymore.
How do you know this information about Cabrini Basketball, you must validate your information . I am not saying I don't agree with you, because I do, just wondering how you are affiliated.
Who are the 4 - 5 coaches that will be full time. I know of 1 this year (a womens multi-sport head coach) and 2 more for next year (mens and womens basketball head coaches) which makes 3 total.
And from what I am hearing, Eastern's recruiting has been great! Coach N has added at least 2 recruits who will be impact players from Day 1.
I agree about your frustration towards the All Star game, although I would direct it towards someone who isn't there anymore.