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Messages - drucker

Wow Gomer Pyle I do not think anyone knew that MacMurray was 0-9. That was a shocker to I think everyone in the world, I mean a brand new coaching staff like 10 returning players and a total lack of support by most of the IBC.

And bye the way Eureka ran up the score, keeping your starters in when they had the game in hand was a very classy move. I know when I become a coach one day I am going to do that, especially against a team that has not won a game at all this year.

Good Job Mac for not quitting and making it a game. 41-27 losing bye 14 is actually an improvement and I know that you will win your last game salvaging this season.

Hey Mac might not be the best team but they are a team now.
larry why would you post that about the team.

Also larry dont you think that your teammates were embaressed when you came off the field after giving up a touchdown as usual, and cussing out your own teammates. you wanna talk about embarassed!!! That showed how much of a class athlete you were. All you knew how to do was talk **** when the team was gettting blown out, that just shows that mac was not only bad but also shows how classless you were and you made the rest of your team look like crap.

Also larry you want talk about bad mac teams, the past two years mac was a  combined 7-13. those were your teams where they not? your senior year you went 3-7 thats an amazing mark.

I know i quit because i did not want to be a part of a losing team that was relying on you and your mouth to get us another 15 yard penalty.
About the stabbing. It was not a Mac player, but a former player who was trying to stop a towny from acting up, walked over to him and said hey whats the problem and the coward stabbed him in the shoulder. So no it was not a football player. It is sad though that this kid was just trying to help and got hurt.
That is not the only game that they want to win. They are out there competing every game to win. But beating blackburn is something they should want to do.

And the SID is part time and does stuff like pictures for local places as well.

And even though the campus is made up of mostly athletes, the new administration is trying to make the campus look nicer to incoming students. The athletic fields are looking better because the coaches now are actually taking a great deal of care to make the fields look better.

MacMurray college is in a rebuilding process right now in more ways than one. All the sports programs have new coaches with the exception of a few. The campus needs repairs and they are making them.

And one more thing none of you have told me about a team that lost so many key players and a coaching staff, that has come back the next year and had a good year????
If you people knew anything about mac you would know that the is not really the SID. Plus there is more things important at mac than sports. Like most colleges we are trying to improve the campus and academics.

I still believe that you go to college to get a degree and not just play sports. Who cares if our website is not state of the art and up to date on everything. Also we all know mac is not that good this year, but they actually are playing and not quitting or mouthing off. I know that Mac has one thing to do this year, and that is to be Blackburn because we have like a 12 or 13 game win streak against them, give or take a year, that is a good thing for us.

Also why are you all shocked that mac with a lot of freshman lost and lost bad? I would love to know if another team with that many freshman starting or rotating in won the conference title?
Yes Mac did get destroyed but they are starting alot of freshman and why is this a shocker to anyone? You all were saying mac was bad and didnt stand a chance.
I know but I was just wondering is all. I think I have a clue  who it is so I dont care anymore. But come on why does everyone pick on mac? It gets old after three postings. I know we have nothing better to talk about until the season starts. But why cant we find other things wrong with other schools. I know it will be tough but Mac's feelings are hurt  ;D
Catch22 who is your source? I am just curious is all.

And we all know mac is going to have a tough year, its no secret that the college is in some serious trouble and needs all the help it can get. Maybe the alumni could donate more money, because hopefully this new president doesnt screw over the college.
I have talked it over with some ESPN people and they agree with me. Whoever wins the conference title needs to win a playoff game and send the IBC out with a bang. That would be a great treat, then we could get all the former IBC participants together and have a big party, hell Pat you are invited as well.
Now gomer pyle I put greenville up there because I think that its going to be a major upset and that they are going to suprise and pull off a unbelievable season, could make a movie. But to be honest I just said it because i do think its possible.

Who knows maybe Eureka pulls off the conference title this year
So Pat do you know if Mac has a full coaching staff or a close to full?

I also think that Greenville takes the conference this year suprising everyone and then CUW then Mac then the rest fall into whatever order.
Thank you pete, I hope you also have a good life and do whatever it is that you want to do. I could easily see you being a coach and doing a great job. You are a great motivator.
You are right pete i did quit, I knew football wasnt in me anymore. So i left, and I am glad I did because the team was pathetic and I did not want to be  a part of something that was not a team but just individuals who were trying to please mcray. I have no grudges against any off the former players, I enjoyed being around all of you. Ecspecailly you pete, you were a fun guy to be around, always seemed to know what was going on and you were like reno.
Pete give them a break. Its going to be a tough year for them. But giving up the season is just a cowards way out. Im sure you didnt want to give up last year when you found out that the coaching staff got fired. So im sure the current players are not going to give up.

And I believe that there is around 75 players that are reporting to camp.
Gomer  you are such a Smart Ass and I love it.  You make me laugh when you post.

The only thing I want to see this last year of the conference is for the represenitive to win ONE playoff game!