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Messages - Point Guard

Quote from: Mike Owl on December 23, 2006, 03:32:54 PM
Waaaaa, someone said something about my relegion.   

What's the big deal? Do Christian Scientists have health care?  I don't know but I sure "point guard" will write a comlun about the difficulty finding a health care provider.....

Waaaaa, get over it.

Depending on a person's job, I wouldn't know if all have heath care or not.  My job as a senior producer for sports television gives it to me.  I use it.  If you read my earlier post I stated to each his own.  I happen to go doctors and have always had health care.  My wife and 2 kids are covered as well.  I've never had trouble finding it.  It's always been given.

Hopefully that answers you question.

Happy Holidays.

As far as strength of schedule for SLIAC teams and whether scheduling weaker teams brings the SLIAC down.....I say does it matter?  Is the SLIAC ever going to be respected?  As a former player that never came to mind.  In D3, we play because we love the game.  I wasn't thinking oh we beat STLCOP by 15 that win doesn't mean anything because they suck or had a down year.  A win is a win, loss is a loss whether it's to IC, Rhodes, Knox, STLCOP, Grinnell or any SLIAC team.....Just my take.
Quote from: Gregory Sager on December 21, 2006, 01:57:53 AM
Wow, I had no idea you Principia folks were so sensitive about this particular issue. I apologize.

Sager...Not really "so sensitive" it's just that it's a pretty immature and ignorant thing for you to say.  But no worries I can see the harmlessness in it as well.  We've all heard worse before.

Not to get on any kind of religious posting as this is a hoops forum but I will briefly give my description for those that would like to know.  It is pretty basic in the belief that it's all about mind over matter.  Prayer works.  Turn to God for help with anything and everything.  Not such a foreign concept?  Right?  Now there are I would say 2 levels of Christian Scientists.  1.  The extreme take everything by what the "Science and Health" says.  (it's a book written by the founder.  It is read from during church along with the bible.)  No medicine, no drugs, alchohol, pre-marital sex, go to church every sunday type.  2.  The don't take everything by the book, use it how you see fit.  Do what works for you type.  That would be me.  Do I use prayer?  Yes.  Do I take medicine?  Yes  Do I drink?  Rarely.  Do I go to the doctor?  To each his own.  No crazy rituals or acts, no madatory tything (not sure of the spelling), no mandatory memberships.  Hope that helps for those interested.  We are no different.  Except we can't get a good recuiting class year in and year out.
Pride....very true about the beauty of the campus & the view.  They will indeed have the best athletic facility in the SLIAC as well once that is done.

I will continue checking in.
sliaccommish...thanks for your call for an apology from Sager.  As a former Prin alum and hoopster, I take offense to his comment.  I have been reading this forum I think since about 97-98ish and enjoy trying to keep up on the SLIAC.  While I haven't posted before because I am definatley out of touch with the teams and players.  Being out west since graduating can do that to you.   

Pride does bring up a great point about recruiting.  Prin I feel will always be at the bottom of the conference because they have the toughest recruiting job for a number of reasons....cost to go there (although it was only in the low $20,000's when I played there), location, and finding hoops players that are Christian Scientists.  Most of their players will usually come from the affiliated high school in STL.  But it's still a big step to the SLIAC from the ABC league that the high school plays in.

Keep up the good posts.  I enjoying trying to stay somewhat informed after almost 10 years of being there.  For Prin though I have to go to their website as there are no posters from there.