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Messages - mr_divac

well folks it is nearing time to begin more talk about next season, and i am sad to say that i myself as well as another talented GC player will not be joining the Quakers this upcoming season. I had thought about making myself play ball, but i know i would have hated specific things about playing at Guilford, the primary thing will remain nameless, but i allowed that thing to take my love away from playing last year at one point, andf it hasn't come back.

When i was first recruited to play at Guilford, i loved everything about it, after my freshmen year things changed greatly, and they were no longer what i enjoyed being around on or off the floor. someone once told me that if you don't love the things you do, then don't do those things, because you won't succeed.

While i will continue to support the players who play for Guilford with all my heart, i couldn't handle another season feeling like i couldn't communicate with some. Will Guilford be successful next year, i honestly believe they will do great, i owuld love to be their to help them do that, but i feel like i would be fighting an unwinnable struggle with certain individuals and its not worth it!! Good louck to all teams and my Quakers!!!
me currently being a neutral party( changing quickly as i prepare to play next season) what are the early predictions for the ODAC standings next year, if someone gets this right i will send them a true special treat, my favorite meal of beenie-weenies and some grape gatorade!!!lol!!!
eh...just call me kid: just letting you know i went to high the same high school as Cameron did before he went to Hargrave, however, i am a true blue fan of the current second place team(in the loss category) Tarheels, I've watched most of Cams games, but last night i was on the other side, good night for the Heels!!

as far as fans go, i agree to some extent down here in Greensboro. Here at GC is primarily other athlets who come out to support each other, the general student body here usaully are busy protesting some aspect of American life.
WOW!!! i get sick for a few days, come back and read about how horrible my school, ouch, however i don't believe in all this back and forth stuff, anywayz, i just wanted to congradulate the Quakers on a mighty fine season, they had some ups and down and any young team would, but they had a great season. i look forward to returning next year, and filling whatever role Coach Palombo has for me. i guess not playing makes you appreciate the game more. i hope to play a large role, and help make Ben even more dominate by taking some attention off of him, but we are full of talent here, so every minute is going to be a battle, hopefully next year we can improve our "non tradition" lol!!
its been fun, hopefully i will see many of you next season!!
aww yes the number 3 seed in the tourney, i'll take that, so here are my picks and scores...

#1   Virginia Wesleyan-81 vs. #8 Eastern Mennonite-63

  Guilford-112 vs. #5 Emory & Henry-105

#2 Randolph-Macon-70 vs. #7  Bridgewater-61

#3 Hampden-Sydney-60 vs. #6  Roanoke-65, here we go folks my upset special, i haven't seen RC play but looking back over stats, this is a strong possibility and i am going to take it, it could cost me, but thats the breaks!!
Tuesday, February 14
Bridgewater at Randolph-Macon (bonus: 142)
Eastern Mennonite at Virginia Wesleyan
Emory and Henry at Roanoke (bonus: 212)
Hampden-Sydney at Lynchburg
Washington and Lee at Guilford

sitting in a tie for fourth i have followed GC's path this year, watch out though, we'll both be trouble for people in the tourney!!
Wednesday's games:
Bridgwater at RoanokeW&L at Emory & Henry
Guilford at Hampden-Sydney, this pick here is going to boost me up, lets go boys!!!
Lynchburg at Virginia Wesleyan
Randolph-Macon at EMU

Saturday's games:
Virginia Wesleyan at Bridgewater
EMU at W&L
Lynchburg at Emory & Henry
Hampden Sydney at Randolph-Macon
Roanoke at Guilford

Total Points  Sydney at Macon
115 point

Tigerfanalso, i feel it is my duty as a true blue tarheel fan, a true fan, through the horrible YEAR, and the glory YEARS!, just about everything to com eout of Carolina should be accepted as good and or law, lol, accept of course for Joseph Forte, and Matt Dorherty (who i don't hate, he did recruit 3 out of those 4 guys who went in the first round last!!
here are my picks for this upcoming week:
[b]Monday, January 3Hampden-Sydney @ Bridgewater
Eastern Mennonite[/b] @ Lynchburg

Wednesday, February 1
Roanoke @ Emory and Henry , i just feel the 3's will be falling!

Saturday, February 4
Guilford @ Bridgewater
Emory & Henry @ Eastern Mennonite
Washington & Lee @ Hampden-Sydney
Roanoke @ Lynchburg
Randolph-Macon @ Virginia Wesleyan if Wansley returns can i chage this lol!!

Sunday, February 5
Emory & Henry @ Bridgewater, E&H lights it up, wins by 13 points exactly, lol!!
Guilford @ Eastern Mennonite
Lynchburg @ Washington & Lee
Wednesday, January 25
Emory & Henry @ Washington & Lee
Hampden-Sydney @ Guilford. 
Lynchburg @ Randolph-Macon.
Roanoke @
Eastern Mennonite. 

Saturday, January 28
Hampden Sydney @ Eastern Mennonite.
Virginia Wesleyan @ Guilford. 
Lynchburg @ Bridgewater.
Randolph-Macon @ Emory & Henry. Upset Special!!!
Washington & Lee @ Roanoke. 

Sunday, January 29
Virginia Wesleyan @ Emory & Henry. 
Randolph-Macon @ Guilford., No OT Needed!!
what are the standings for the pick'em contest? ust wondering!!!
I would really like to come to this game tonight, being that roanoke is only like an hour away, less the way i drive i may try, since i am coaching at a high school, i am doing a pratice tonight, but if i have the time i will try to make it out!
Here are my picks for the up coming games, on a side note the Quakers will right the ship, i have all the faith in them in the world, they are a young bunch...

Monday, January 9
Bridgewater @ Lynchburg
Eastern Mennonite @ Hampden-Sydney

Wednesday, January 11
Bridgewater @ Virginia Wesleyan
Randolph-Macon @ Hampden-Sydney
Guilford @ Roanoke
Washington and Lee @ Eastern Mennonite

Saturday, January 14
Bridgewater @ Emory & Henry, they get there first conference win!
Hampden-Sydney @ Roanoke
Eastern Mennonite @ Guilford
Washington & Lee @ Lynchburg
Virginia Wesleyan @ Randolph-Macon

Sunday, January 15
Bridgewater @ Guilford
Eastern Mennonite @ Emory & Henry
Hampden-Sydney @ Washington & Lee
Lynchburg @ Roanoke
hola everyone, i missed the over break pick'ems so i'm sure i am no longer in first place, but i intend on retaking that position shortly, lol! here are my picks for the up coming games...

Tuesday, January 4
UMass-Dartmouth @ Roanoke

Wednesday, January 5
R-MC @ Bridgewater
Averett @ Guilford
VWC @ Lynchburg
Greensboro @ EMU

Saturday, January 7
Roanoke @ W&L
H-SC @ Bridgewater
E&H @ VWC, here is my upset special, i just feel this one!
Lynchburg @ EMU

Sunday, January 8
E&H @ R-MC

Tuesday, December 13
NC Wesleyan @ H-SC

Friday, December 16

Saturday, December 17
Ferrum @ EMU

Sunday, December 18
@ R-MC, tough pick, i may be alone in this one!!!