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Messages - Jacket18

DC_Alum and all -

Oh course that "fat QB" is reading this.  Whether I was a "fat QB" or should have been a guard, it worked out okay for us.  Maybe not perfect, but not too bad.  I have been staying up to date with the board, but work and home life is crazy so just haven't had time to post. 

Anyways, I was down at DC for opening weekend and seeing the team in person I would say they just aren't talented or confident enough under center.  My personal opinion is that they needs to make a choice and go with one guy.  Neither has a huge advantage over the other, but I think choosing one would really help them get settled in.  I was more impressed with the older kid, but neither really stood out.  The defense was tough as usual, and the run game was pretty good.  The freshmen kid has the potential to be a star.  Just gets the job done. 

In general, I just don't think DC has the killer instinct that is necessary to compete up there with the elite of the conference.  They shouldn't have had Muskegum down 28 or 35 at the half and it was just a small lead.    There are some good individuals on the team, but as a group they just didn't seem to have that feel of "knowing" they were going to win. 

Just my two cents!

I haven't been on in quite sometime, but I wanted to wish everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year!  I enjoy the banter we all share very much! 

Congrats to TMC and FC both!

What a day of football yesterday.  I don't know about the rest of you, but that Texas/Texas Tech game was pretty damn good!  And that was only one of several amazing finishes.  It seems like there have been a ton of amazing finishes this year.

Oh, and congrats to DC too!  I just can't get excited about anything they do this year. 

There are a few of us out here who are not only proud to be DC grads but even have a good use for our degree!  I don't post nearly as much Has been or 70, but I am out here!

You guys got the wind and lost electric, but we got the rain up here.  We recieved over 10 inches, yes i said 10 inches, of rain last weekend.  Our lake, about 225 acres, is up about two feet and everything around here has been flooded for a few days.  Luckily for me, our camp and my home is on top of a hill.

When is the next BIG game in the region, I need to get the hell out of MIchigan and would like to see a great DIII game so if there is a gathering taking place I would love to try to make it.
M and L

This winter sure has been a really long and Sh*** one.  I just doesn't want to end. 

I can't even imagine things being flooded like that.  Up here where I am at we have lots of lakes, but it is pretty high ground, so it would have to be second coming of Noah for us to get significant flooding like you guys are having.  We get local flooding, but nothign wide spread like is happening down your way.  They said on the news last night that places in Southern ILL had gotten over 10, let me say that again, 10 INCHES of rain in about 36 hours.  Holy hell!

No matter where pyror chooses to go, I just hope it works out for him.  Ya never want to see someone fail, and beside, it is recruiting battle like this that help to keep rivalries healthy. 
I personally just wish Tyrelle Pryor would make up his mind and get out of the spot light.  I wasn't recruited highly and never really had any type of fanfare like the kids go through, but this whole fiasco has made me really leary of the type of kid he is.  He might turn out to be  really big deal and be a great kid.  It just seems kind of unnessecary to me that this has be drawn out and be such a big deal.

I blame the media just as much, but at the same time, for a kid who says he doesn't want to be in the spotligh, he sure nows how to get in front camera and make a big deal of things. 

Hopefully for his sake as well as the school(even if it is OSU) he chooses it works out and he is a great player. 

Damn has it been slow lately, we need to figure out something to talk about.  I have to waste time some how.
I tend to agree with Adam for the most part.  In a great majority of careers it doesn't really matter where your degree comes from, but at the same time I think there are several career fields that it is a big deal.  I think mostly it comes down to the demand that is happening in the particular feild.  If there is a over abundance of applicants, I think the administrators can be a little more picky, if there is a shortage they will take what the can get.  Just my two cents! 
I would also like to second Has_beens thoughts about DC.  DC was a great place for me to attend school.  I am sure many of the other posters feel the same way about there schools and I wouldn't expect any different, but I can honestly say that the school was a perfect fit for me.    DC allowed me to experience some of the best times of my life.  Football was just a small part of the picture, as I also was part of the track team and enjoyed the friendly campus atmosphere.
Decision08 - When I was in Defiance I was very impressed with the positive vibe coming from the entire Athletic Department.  I spoke with a few coaches and they all seemed very up beat about how things were going.  I also got the feeling that they "new" coaches that were hired last summer will have a great effect on the team after having a full year to get in the groove.  Although Mt. St. J and Franklin have a leg up on things, I wouldn't bet against DC having a great year.  Yes they lose a lot, but they also have a lot returning.

Cave2bens - I was only passing along a little info that I come upon, and didn't mean for any rumors or hearsay to start.  I have no idea what his reason for leaving school is and wouldn't speculate on it either, I just thought it would make for good discussion amongst this group.  I hope that both Dillion and Vetter both decide to get back to school at some point to get their degrees.  Hopefully Hans changes his mind and returns to DC for his senior season.

Hey Has_been!

That'd be me!  I always keep up with the conversation on here, but never really get involved, but I thought I would start!  I definitely remember those 6th string time in life. 

I agree that it would be a shame if Dillion doesn't get his degree one way or another.  Time will tell I guess.   I have no idea about why vetter left, but I was told by a pretty good source, so unless he is planning to reenroll in the fall it is going to be an interesting story to follow.  Hopefully they can/have gotten a crop of good young QB's.  They should have been focusing there as Hans was going to be a Senior anyway. 

It is good to be able to talk a little football!
Hey Fellas!

Here's a few HCAC football tidbits!

I was in Defiance for the BB game last weekend and got a little info about the DC Football Program. 

-Mr. Dillion is definitely thinking he has a pretty good shot at the NFL, he quit school and hasn't finished his degree.

-Mr. Vetter doesn't have to worry about who he will be throwing to, as he has left school also!

Sounds like it could be an interesting few months leading up to camp.  If I am not mistaken, DC didn't even have a young QB who got experience last fall.  So not only do they have to make up the production that Dillion provided, but also all that Vetter gave. 

Hopefully I can start posting a little more often and get into the mix!
Congrats 70_DC_Alum!

I am only at number 1 right now, but definitely looking forward to #2!

I hope all goes well!

Go Jackets!
DC_Alum_70, The thoughts of the Jackets family up in Kazoo are with you and your family!  Hope all goes well!

Go Jackets!  Kick some beaver arse!