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Messages - gamefan

Region 5 men's basketball / Re: The PAC Chat Line
April 07, 2007, 12:10:26 PM
Wolf, Coach P and D3hoops community!

Have a Safe and Happy Easter!
Region 5 men's basketball / Re: The PAC Chat Line
April 04, 2007, 04:24:38 PM
Wolf and Coach P:

Either of you make it to the Donofrio last night? Had a prior engagement just wondering how the games went looked like some interesting games by the scores?

Region 5 men's basketball / Re: The PAC Chat Line
March 29, 2007, 10:42:51 PM

Thanks for the correction, I did fall asleep during spelling class once!
Region 5 men's basketball / Re: The PAC Chat Line
March 29, 2007, 08:45:46 PM
Quote from: chizwiz on March 29, 2007, 12:47:54 PM
Quote from: gamefan on March 29, 2007, 11:57:07 AM
And by the way i don't think you can pin the allstar game thing on the Admin it was the coach I am sure as evidenced by all of his other transgressions!

And I do not beleive Pacman or Good belonged in a Pac or college allstar game from Cabrini's team last year Bennett, McMahon and Dailey did though! Good was an marginal player from what I remember! I was able to see them play 4 or 5 games last year when Good was on the team!
Gamefan, you need to be able to admit that you don't know as much about this area's basketball.  That all star game is only for seniors.  So, Good was supposed to be there.  You would know this if you were in any way in communication with a local college basketball program.


If you look at all of my posts I never said I was in contact with a college program, I spoke of a high school coach I know who confirmed some things that were posted by others on this board! But I guess you slept thru reading and comprehending class while you were at Cabrini!

Second I saw you play and you were at best marginal and probably would have missed a lay-up if you played! But I beleive both MacMahon and Bennett belonged in the game!Blame the head coach noone else!

If you are so mad about it why don't you contact your old coach at beersmac@yahoo to get an explanation! don't be mad at the world like you seem to be in your posts. Anyone that speaks positively about Cabrini you attack! Isn't it funny that you support Good???????

As far as the legal advice use it as you please! And if you knew how to read and comprehend you would understand what I said! I said I was in the legal field which last time I checked has lots of different jobs besides attorney's like investigators, private detectives, police!

So get on with your life, get over the nongame and just plan growup!

Peace, i'm out
Region 5 men's basketball / Re: The PAC Chat Line
March 29, 2007, 11:57:07 AM
And by the way i don't think you can pin the allstar game thing on the Admin it was the coach I am sure as evidenced by all of his other transgressions!

And I do not beleive Pacman or Good belonged in a Pac or college allstar game from Cabrini's team last year Bennett, McMahon and Dailey did though! Good was an marginal player from what I remember! I was able to see them play 4 or 5 games last year when Good was on the team!
Region 5 men's basketball / Re: The PAC Chat Line
March 29, 2007, 11:48:52 AM

I agree with some of the things you said in your post! I do think the Cabrini administration is trying to get their coaches on campus on a fulltime basis! And yes you are correct that these coaches will have other duties but it will allow them to be there for the students and I think we can both agree that this is a good thing!

Time will tell what is going to happen!

I personally would love the opportunity to speak to John Dzik to hear his ideas and views but I do not know the man only his legend!
Region 5 men's basketball / Re: The PAC Chat Line
March 28, 2007, 09:57:55 AM
Quote from: chizwiz on March 28, 2007, 08:18:21 AM
Quote from: Coach P on March 26, 2007, 10:01:40 PM

Only some of your information is correct. Dailey was called about coming back next year regardless of who the coach was; but Fitzgerald was not. Fitzgerald told people he was called to because he wanted to feel as if he was missed and wanted back into the program; when in actuality he was not. Fitzgerald was asked to leave the team. Daily left on his own because of the coach. Dailey was welcomed back and asked to several times; to play for whoever the coach may be.
Coach P, considering that you are AllStarScout and Grandizio, we shouldn't have to listen to your baloney.  No respect for you.  You can't coach and post on here.

Please tell us why you changed from AllStarScout.  Were you embarrassed about something?


I guess you really do not read and comprehend Coach P admitted to being ALLstar Scout and also told us he is not the Assistant from Cabrini! Why you continue to badger and try to smear him I don't seem to understand!

You have said many times you know people at both Cabrini and Eastern which is entirely possible but you always seem to want to make people look bad! It has been shown many times that your information is incorrect regarding the Cabrini situation!  A responsible person who wants to post would refrain for putting bad information on this board!

I think you need to think first then post or speak which you don't seem to do! Plus you say he can't coach and post? If that is the case why are there Eastern Coaches posting on this board and you know who they are! You continue to attack someone who you think is a coach but is not that has been confirmed by several people! I guess the next question is what is your point for posting? Is it just to smear good people with poor inaccurate information or just argue with people so you hear yourself speak? I don't get it !

At this point you appear to be an immature and insecure individual and you really need to be smarter with what you say even if you hate Cabrini Athletics for what ever reason!

Peace,  I'm out

One last piece of information I have been involved in the legal field for over 20 years and some of the things you have posted are slanderous and defamatory in nature! These things tend to be frowned upon by the legal system and yes these posts can be printed and used as evidence in a court proceeding! It could be very costly for you and expensive for you to defend! If you continue and this man chooses to bring suit to recover from the damage you may have caused him you will never forget it!  I guarantee it!
Region 5 men's basketball / Re: The PAC Chat Line
March 27, 2007, 04:06:56 PM
Cabrinimom no problem!


I need to make it clear that I understood it to be mental and verbal I did not say physical!

Gotta remember bloodlines run deep! And the parents are always gonna come to help when the scales of justice are weighted against!

As far as Chiz what could he offer the young man at Eastern! He is not part of their program! But I could be wrong! Is he an assistant coach? I would not know?

Anyway Hoopz peace!

Chiz are you an assistant at Eastern?
Region 5 men's basketball / Re: The PAC Chat Line
March 27, 2007, 01:42:09 PM

Obviously you have not read the posts! Verbal and mental abuse are two of the claims this lady has! So in reading your explanation she needed to get invovled! And from the sound of her post she did ask many questions somewhere along the line not sure if she said at the time of her sons recruitment or after not sure?

Please read all of the quotes and then make a post if you feel the need to jump ito a conversation you know nothing about by your own admission!

And a word to the wise, I do not think you want to anger the lady who stays in the 5 **** resorts! Just for good measure! Sounds like she does have people in high places from her posts!

Peace and Cabrinimom thanks for keeping it real!
Region 5 men's basketball / Re: The PAC Chat Line
March 26, 2007, 04:13:32 PM

I feel your pain for Cabrini!

I understand your feelings about Saleem as they seem to be shared by Cabrinimom, but there does not seem to be any love for Bill Leahy!

Again I know Leahy played for Dzik but it seems from Cabrinimoms letter that he is not liked by either the families or the players! I might be wrong but that is what I took from Cabrinimoms posts along with much much more!

Which one was he? There was Saleem, Coach John and then two others? Not sure which one it was as there was 3 assistants and one director of basketball operations and that position is not a coach according to the website! Wow there must have been a resignation because the 3 assistants name is gone! Can you identifiy him so I know which one he was?

Thanks Wolf or Chiz!

Region 5 men's basketball / Re: The PAC Chat Line
March 26, 2007, 09:38:51 AM

You seem to know Saleem and think highly of him, have you ever met the other coaches? And if so what did you think when you met them?

As I said I had the opportunity to listen to Coach John and Saleem talking to the parents and players after a game both seem to be very professional and seemed to really care about the kids and the state of the team! Again I was impressed by them both, I thought the fact that they made themselves available even after one tough loss after another shows some excellent qualities! These are the qualities you spoke of that Cabrini needed!
Region 5 men's basketball / Re: The PAC Chat Line
March 26, 2007, 09:29:29 AM

Does Coach John know the high school and AAU circuit? Do you know if he scouts and coaches at any big time basketball camps?  I know the best are Eastern Invitational, 5 Star and ABCD along with the Nike camps. Do you have any knowledge if he works these?

Do you know why Coach John was told to stay away from the kids  as Coach P said and you confirmed, was it because Coach M was paranoid or scared by his presence? Why would he push him away if he was doing the scouting and was so well liked he really was foolish!  Did he do this for spite! He might have cut off his lifeline to the team? And ultimatley his job!

Again Thank you for your post regarding the Cabrini situation you really have helped us to better understand what is happening!

Region 5 men's basketball / Re: The PAC Chat Line
March 25, 2007, 11:52:30 PM

I would think it will be hard to get kids to committ until the coach is in place! I am sure the assistants are communicating with any prospects in the picture!

Just hope they had some studs identified and waiting in the wings?

Hopefully they move fast to name a new coach or they might lose kids!

Wouldm't you agree?
Region 5 men's basketball / Re: The PAC Chat Line
March 25, 2007, 07:35:57 PM
Way to go Cabrinimom! nothing like a players parent to tell everyone the truth! Way to keep it real! I knew things were bad but not that bad!


Looks like there might be some light at the end of the tunnel at Cabrini!

The AD listened and moved quickly and decisivly to get rid of the coach thus removing a mistake they had made! It takes a big person to admit to a mistake and make the correction nescessary! Glad to see it happened here and i give kudos to the Administration!

Now it is time to put the coach in place and move forward and get back to the old days of PAC dominence!

And remember to laugh at whatever D3fan14 posts since we all know it is someone from Macciocca's family! "I think his wife" !

I think she needs to stick with coaching her high school team! Maybe she can coach a winning team!
Region 5 men's basketball / Re: The PAC Chat Line
March 25, 2007, 12:21:33 PM
quote author=D3fan14 link=topic=4289.msg702078#msg702078 date=1174602062]
"A current player's family sitting in the crowd at a game I attended said he has been a head coach for many years at different levels with the last 2 years at Cabrini.  Others looked too young and inexperienced! Really do not know him though."

Game: I am pretty sure that the person on staff you are talking about at Cabrini is Coach Grandizio. First of all, he does not have head coaching experience nor is he even qualified to get the job because it states pretty clearly that the person needs a minimum bachelor's degree.

Unfortunately, that family had a whole lot of smoke blown up their a**.

I would be very surprised if any of the former coaches were asked to stay on, with the possible exception of Cabrini Alums. Disagreement with the head coach's decisions or not, the coaching profession is a lot about loyalty (Kelly's to Dzik, prime example) so why would any new coach ever want to hire someone who is a known back-stabber?



Your information on Coach G is incorrect he is a college grad. and has been a successful head coach  at other levels! In fact I was told he coached some of the current Cabrini players pror to them coming to Cabrini! I think they said in AAU or High School! A local high school coach I know has confirmed!

Anyway neither you or I will be selecting the next coach at Cabrini! But your attempt to smear Coach G is  defamatory and disgusting "Beersmac"!

Thanks again Coach P for the information!

And Chiz:

Beersmac is Macciocca or his wife for sure! Did you check with Dailey and Fitzgerald about Coach P information?