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Messages - BoomerIL

New York Region / Re: BB: LL: Liberty League
March 26, 2012, 11:07:23 PM
Tough way to start the season.  Its a shame, and now it appears to have gotten worse for UR, that they didn't get to play a couple games before the UAA's like they have in the past. Adding RIT to the Liberty League and eventually Bard, may help them in the future (may have two divisions in the Liberty League). Time will tell.

The losses against Skidmore must have been tough, since in the recent past UR has had it the other way. Personally, I like the way UR had their lineups for the last two games against Skidmore. Although I would move Caghan to the three hole and then have either Lesuer, Davis, or Sander lead-off. They need speed in the one and two holes. They also need to have Barnard play third all of the time. No one else seems to be able to handle that spot.

The lineup needs to be consistent, the same, except if someone really falls apart. Players need that consistency so they can focus on their job. Looking over their shoulder hearing foot steps may push them, but consistent play and batting makes them better. It's also a shame that some of the seniors haven't set an example and "step-up" their play. Its all about heart, the team, and not personal wants. A few players can't always carry the team. Maybe if some would put in "extra time" working on their skills, it might help the team, and coaches!!

Every player has class work, and its tough at a school lke UR. But it can be done. Maybe the underclassmen can do some pushing. UR has put many very good teams on the field in the past, only to come up a little short at the end. Maybe these guys can string some wins together and make a push toward the league tournament. Who knows, "stuff" happens.
New York Region / Re: BB: LL: Liberty League
January 17, 2012, 05:37:59 PM
Boy do I miss you two.

I went through some of Andy's articles that I printed out when he was playing, and I'm really depressed to think that those four years went by so quickly, plus another one tacked onto that. Big Ed always reminded me that you have to make every effort to be at your sons games. I tried my best and regret mssing some of the first Florida games Andy's senior year.

All I can hope for now is that someday Andy will get married and have a couple of boys that I can play ball with. In the mean time I'll be watching the Cubs and hope they will do better this season.

As usual, we'll keep in touch, and I'll always follow those Yellowjackets!!!!!
New York Region / Re: BB: LL: Liberty League
January 12, 2012, 07:22:51 PM
Quote from: spectator123 on January 12, 2012, 06:25:17 PM
Quote from: BBFan62 on January 07, 2012, 04:07:23 PM
Well, yesterday was 54 degrees in Chicago; do not wake Mother nature! My son and I played catch; a very rare treat indeed for a Chicago January! Only 63 days until opening day at the UAA!!

Just hope that the weather doesn't catch up to us this coming spring

I don't know about you two!!!  Can't find anything else to do!!!!  Hahahahaha  LOL  8-)

Miss you guys!!!!!!!!
New York Region / Re: BB: LL: Liberty League
May 04, 2011, 11:51:52 AM
The spring weather in New York is always a factor for getting games in, especially the Liberty League games.  Besides the weather, the Yellowjackets have had some injuries this year that really affected the team line-up and chemistry.  Not to mention poor hitting, some noted fielding, and a increase in team ERA.  Again, some of this is due in part to injury.

I'm not saying that the injured players would have made a difference, but it certainly would have helped.  The rookies learned the hard way by being cast into starting roles that by no way matched their high school experiences.  Even if they were a "big fish in a small pond."

These kids hit 64 doubles and 7 triples according to league stats.  Pretty good.  Unfortunately they left 266 runners on base.  The most in the league.  And when you get beat in a 10-1 loss to Vassar and a 5-0 shutout to St. Lawrence, well, having those games lost to weather and then lossing a few games by 1 one run really hurts your chances for the tournament, especially when your conference schedule is finished and other teams control you destiny.

I think that next year will be better once everyone is healthy.  However, the players have to realize that just playing games and not putting forth extra effort on their own to get better doesn't guarantee them success.  The talent level in college is much higher than high school and you can't rest on your laurels.

New York Region / Re: BB: LL: Liberty League
April 07, 2011, 10:25:59 AM
Quote from: airball55 on April 06, 2011, 08:07:12 PM
The truth man is back.  I do enjoy your posts but, you are Mr. Negativety in regard to a certain SUNYAC school.  Good to see you are alive but I do't really see anything wrong with the banter on here.  Heck, we even have the Rochester guys on here calling it down the middle!!  And they used to have the Jackets in the tournament every year.

Before you Rochester guys jump all over me, I have a weird feeling that this may be the year they make their deepest run, if they get in.  Don't really have a reason why, just the game is funny sometimes and when you don't think you have a shot, it can happen.

You're absolutely right in your comments!  I was the big "homer" that felt the Jackets should have made it to the regional tournament the last 2-3 years.  However, when you can't perform in the conference tournament, all respect was lost for UR.  I've eaten my words and been humbled many times believing in those teams in trying to get their first regional bid, tournament win or otherwise.  But, when you win your conference, host the tournament, and then not perform, who can blame anyone for not thinking UR has much of a chance.

Injuries have really hurt the Jackets, especially in some very key positions. The biggest challenge this season was to try and win most of their in-region games, not putting so much emphasis on winning the Liberty League.  Even if they finished 4th in the league, at least they were still in the tournament.  Just like you said, "the game is funny sometimes and when you don't think you have a shot, it can happen."

I'm hoping they put it together and get those bats hot!!  
New York Region / Re: BB: LL: Liberty League
December 23, 2010, 01:05:55 AM
HELLO BOYS.  IT'S ME!!!!!!   ;D

First off, happy holidays to you all!!!  This has been a hard time for me since son graduated.  The only baseball I can watch now is the junk in Chi-town.

Anyway, you boys had better boop over to the National Topics board and check out the prognosticators picks for this coming year. Excuse me, I think Collegiate Baseball Newspaper put something in to start.  Again, no consideration for the Jackets.

See you down the road.

Congratulations to Coach Martel and the Illinois Wesleyan Titans!!!!   Son went to Lyons Township in La Grange and played against a few of the present day Titans in high school, and together with a few in travel ball.  Great job guys!!!!  Gotta love Illinois baseball!!!
New York Region / Re: BB: LL: Liberty League
May 22, 2010, 01:27:22 AM
Quote from: pudge27 on May 21, 2010, 11:34:28 PM
Quote from: BoomerIL on May 21, 2010, 08:58:46 PM
Quote from: trider400t on May 21, 2010, 07:41:04 PM
Quote from: BBFan62 on May 18, 2010, 08:04:03 PM
To add to what Boomer stated, I talked to my son today and he reinforced what Boomer said, that it was not intentional, they just forgot because they knew they had to play another game right away and usually shake hands after a double header. Nobody thought about it, etc. He realizes it was a mistake and told me they were kind of stunned because of how they lost. My son knows and respects the game and his opponents and did feel bad when he realized how it is perceived. Best of luck to Skidmore; let's hope they make it all the way, because after all, they do represent the Liberty League.

Intentional or not, it's up to the coaches to make sure it gets done.  I'm sorry, but it comes off as classless.  Maybe Rochester should go back to the UAA when RIT comes into the league and then it doesn't matter anymore.

You're a douche bag!!!  Now, bring on the negative karma's, because what I said about you was worth it, classless or not.  P.S., you an idiot also.   ;D

AWESOME.  There are very few putdowns as great as douchebag.  A little perspective here.  Maybe a bad move by UR, but until it's a pattern, just chalk it up to a mistake.  UR doesn't have a bad rep in the sportsmanship category, don't give them one for a single misstep.  Mistake is one thing, classless is a whole other realm which doesn't apply here. 

Putdown or not to "trider400t," here's the deal, I talked to the coach, and he said that because the first game ran long he was trying to keep on schedule to get the next game going.  He admits he/they forgot the protocol of shaking hands after the game becaues they felt like it was the usual conference doubleheader.  It was a mistake!!!  Coach apologized for the mistake to the Skidmore coach.  It wasn't intentional and the Skidmore coach understood.  This was explained before to everyone on this site, even to all who read this post.  If the explanation isn't good enough for everyone, it's to damn bad!!!!  Someone always wants to start some crap, and then keep it going.  We're supposed to be educated, intelligent people with opinions, comments, experience, and information about a defined level of college baseball, some more knowledgeable than others.  Nonetheless, some should realize that mistakes happen.  If YOU, "trider400t" want to pick-****-with-the-chickens, go ahead.  I've lowered myself to your level by venting on you, and about your stupid comment.  I've taken my share of shots from posters about UR in the past, but not this one.
New York Region / Re: BB: LL: Liberty League
May 21, 2010, 08:58:46 PM
Quote from: trider400t on May 21, 2010, 07:41:04 PM
Quote from: BBFan62 on May 18, 2010, 08:04:03 PM
To add to what Boomer stated, I talked to my son today and he reinforced what Boomer said, that it was not intentional, they just forgot because they knew they had to play another game right away and usually shake hands after a double header. Nobody thought about it, etc. He realizes it was a mistake and told me they were kind of stunned because of how they lost. My son knows and respects the game and his opponents and did feel bad when he realized how it is perceived. Best of luck to Skidmore; let's hope they make it all the way, because after all, they do represent the Liberty League.

Intentional or not, it's up to the coaches to make sure it gets done.  I'm sorry, but it comes off as classless.  Maybe Rochester should go back to the UAA when RIT comes into the league and then it doesn't matter anymore.

You're a douche bag!!!  Now, bring on the negative karma's, because what I said about you was worth it, classless or not.  P.S., you an idiot also.   ;D
New York Region / Re: BB: LL: Liberty League
May 20, 2010, 08:58:19 AM
Quote from: scscoach on May 19, 2010, 11:29:10 PM
I watched all four regional games today.  Rochester should be here!
Quote from: reddragon00 on May 20, 2010, 07:54:25 AM
Scscoach...I watched them all as well!  I have to agree with you.  I was disgusted by the Oneonta-Farmingdale game.  Didn't think much of Castleton as well.  I liked Keene St. and thought that game was good.  I am pretty sure this makes 3 years in a row that the NCAA has left Rochester out for an at-large.  Granted, they don't get it done in the LL tourney but the NCAA should look at the "Body of work" for the year.  Anyway, maybe I will see you there today.  Should be some good ones!!

It's o.k. that Rochester didn't get in, because UR's record against Skidmore, St. John Fisher, Brockport and their SOS probably kept them out.  Besides, the experts got to see Filak pitch.

Remember these words......."any team on any given day can beat any other team."
New York Region / Re: BB: LL: Liberty League
May 19, 2010, 09:13:01 PM
Quote from: scscoach on May 19, 2010, 02:24:42 PM
Boomer and BBfan, thanks for clearing that incident up. What your sons said makes perfect sense and I feel much better now about what happened. Congrats on a great season and winning the regular seson title.
I would like to add that UR did an amazing job of hosting the LL tourney. Everything ran very well and things were well prepared and organized. Even the programs were amazing. Good job Rochester.

Thanks for the "thanks."  We knew the boys wouldn't do it intentionally.  Sometimes things happen during games that create situations that appear to be mean spirited, but not at UR.  Coach Reina is a very fine person, and wouldn't allowing anything like that to happen on purpose.
New York Region / Re: BB: LL: Liberty League
May 18, 2010, 04:12:21 PM
Good Luck to Skidmore in representing the Liberty League in the NCAA regional.  They will surprise many.  They certainly surprised us, Rochester.
New York Region / Re: BB: LL: Liberty League
May 18, 2010, 04:09:17 PM
Being at the games Saturday at Rochester, and seeing them lose was very difficult.  To hear that the team didn't shake hands after the Skidmore game is a disappointment as well.  Sportsmanship is a part of college baseball, and for that matter, a part of life.  As competitive of a battle that a baseball game may become, the teams need to end on neutral terms.  A handshake, good job, good battle, the best team won today.

I'm not defending what did or didn't happen, but I will say that this is highly uncharacteristic of the team, Rochester, and especially Coach Reina.  They are not those types of people to ignore a handshake.  Something must have happened that made them not think about it!!.  It wasn't because they lost.  They have lost under worse circumstances in the past.  I really think they all either forgot or they were thinking of the next game against Clarkson.  It wasn't done intentionally.  I know those guys were well prepared for this tournament, but didn't come through like they expected to.  I'm not making excuses for the team or the coaches.  I do believe they just didn't think about it.  It is however a "black-eye" for the coaches and for UR.

I know there is a mutual respect for one another as far as the teams are concerned.  After the game, I asked the Skidmore shortstop, Anthony Ferri, what he and my son were talking about when my son was on second base.  He said they were teasing one another because they had played against one another for 4 years.  He said he liked the way my son played and hated when he was on base because of his stolen bases reputation.  He said he played "dirty" as all of you players say in slang terms that mean "hard, nasty, good, etc." like when a pitchers has a dirty curveball or dirty cutter.  Mr. Ferri didn't mention anything about not shaking hands, and none of the parents from the two teams did either.

I apologize for making my comment/opinion long.  I know that not shaking hands was not done intentionally, however it seems to be unfortunate that this happened. 

New York Region / Re: BB: LL: Liberty League
May 17, 2010, 09:27:27 PM
Quote from: reddragon00 on May 17, 2010, 07:18:48 AM
The NY regional shaped up as off this morning.  Oneonta state??????  Kidding me?????  People have to be pissed!  They are a one pitcher team and will be 1-2 in Regional.  I like the 2 and 3 seeds though.  Really can't beleive SUNYACS got 3 in.  Not that good of a conference.  We will see.  Rochester was at the table again for one of the final spots.  I think UR coach should look to move on..  Heard his boys folded like a cheap suit in the Clarkson game.  Fisher job is open!!  look where they are.  Could be a good fit.  Plus he could get some of us SUNYAC phys. ed guys in to play.

Just looking at it.  Thoughts BoomerIL????

Yes, the "boys" may have failed, or folded, as you put it.  That's baseball.  As for Coach Reina, you don't have a dam clue as to what type of coach or person he is.  And, as far as any of your other expert thoughts are concerned, I do believe you don't understand much of anything since you suffer from a cranial rectal inversion, and because of this affliction, have trouble seeing anything clearly. 
New York Region / Re: BB: LL: Liberty League
May 14, 2010, 11:17:04 AM
Quote from: reddragon00 on May 14, 2010, 08:48:39 AM
Looking forward to all the action this weekend to get the Regional set.  I am looking at LL tourney and the matchups look pretty good.  Hope the weather holds in Rochester! 
Ron Ron...good point about coaching staff.  Guy at Skidmore deserves a look but looking at What Rochester lost off last years team and where they finshed... hard to not say Coach Reina didn't deserve it! Skidmore does have one of the best staffs in the country!!

Anyone one know if they have live stats or anything at the Tourney??.. Keep us posted!

Yes, there will be Live Stats for the tournament.  I just spoke to the SID.  He said the link is on the Rochester Baseball site under "key links."  It is not running at this time, since they haven't loaded the software yet.  It will be ready for the first game today.

Good luck to the Rochester Yellowjackets!!  GO JACKETS!!!!!!!!!