I would agree that recruting is important. I was deciding between UWSP and UWL as a senior. I visited UWSP first, believed some negative comments made about LAX, and ended up at UWSP without ever visiting UWL. After 1 week at UWSP I new I made the wrong choice and went home. After 1 year as a laborer and 1 year in a community college I enrolled at UWL. I wrote a letter to coach Terry expressing my interest to play. Not only did he remember me but he called immediately and invited me to play for him. I learned an important lesson that I use to this day. If one person (or coach) is bashing the competition, they are usually insecure about their own product (or team).
During my last few years at LAX, I was involved in showing players and parents around campus on ther recruiting visits. Even though I had to be up early on a Saturday, I wanted to make sure they didn't make the same mistake I did. I always told my story while leaving out the name of the school I originally went to because I did not want to bash them.
I don't know if this is relevent to the conversation, its just something I am passionate about.
During my last few years at LAX, I was involved in showing players and parents around campus on ther recruiting visits. Even though I had to be up early on a Saturday, I wanted to make sure they didn't make the same mistake I did. I always told my story while leaving out the name of the school I originally went to because I did not want to bash them.
I don't know if this is relevent to the conversation, its just something I am passionate about.