Doesn't it seem odd to see so much talk about a decision that will not even be announced until Wednesday Jan 3. You can only assume that someone felt it necessary to gain attention for themselves and not the betterment of the program by posting it. If the information was leaked from a member of the staff then you must question the loyalty of that member to the program. Teamwork and Respectful Trust go hand in hand. The leak of this information shows the true character of the individual that ran to others with their jaws flapping. That's just the person I would like on my team. (Ha) I agree with "Eagle Alum" who logged in just to tell you about the courage of Athletic Director Plinske. He has treated people with the utmost dignity by allowing them time to digest the information before the public. Allowing them time to prepare how they would deal with the student athletes and program they claim to care about. Instead it looks like someone has chosen to "Flap their jaws" thinking only about their own feelings and not thinking about how all of the people they claim to "Lead" would react.
I believe that Dr. Plinske and Coach Berezowitz have shown great courage and respect for the staff in preparing them for the changes ahead. Thank you both. Yet someone did not have the insight or forethought to understand what true leadership means. So to the person or persons that made the decision to open their mouth(s) "shame on you" for not caring about the students, the program and not showing by your actions that you truly care about UW-Whitewater and only care about your own personal feelings. There are many of us that actively support the fact the Post-Secondary education means not only teaching in the classroom but, in teaching but our actions.
Take a page from the team that beat you for the National Championship (twice)...Do you think that LK told you everything that was going on with his Mount Union team during the playoffs before the game. Right after the game a television reporter asked LK what his secret to winning was he made the following statement: "If I told you what my secret to wining is it would not be my secret anymore." LK never took his eye off of the goal (winning a national championship). After watching the game do you think that some of UW-W staff may have jumped ahead a week too soon and took their eye off of the goal on December 16, 2006? I am sure that the person that opened his mouth knows who he is, and the people that "passed on" the information to anyone who would listen, thanks for your assistance. Maybe you should go support Mount Union and you can babble their secret in winning!
To the Players and their Parents that read or post on this board there are supporters that you do not even know you have. This Warhawk Family numbers in the tens of thousands, of devoted people that pay money and travel many miles to see you play a game that you love to play. They want nothing more than to see you succeed in your goal to be a #1 team, which is part of a #1 athletic and academic organization. You have a great opportunity to take your program to an outstanding level. I as a supporter of the UW-W would love to see a MUC vs. UW-W rematch every year for the next decade or two.
If the rumor is true then Welcome Home Lance Liepold, you have more support than you will ever know. To any member that does not want to be a part of winning team and can't respect the needs of the team over the needs of yourself, See you around...we know your number and will be able to beat you and any team that my have you, because you are so predictable.....
I believe that Dr. Plinske and Coach Berezowitz have shown great courage and respect for the staff in preparing them for the changes ahead. Thank you both. Yet someone did not have the insight or forethought to understand what true leadership means. So to the person or persons that made the decision to open their mouth(s) "shame on you" for not caring about the students, the program and not showing by your actions that you truly care about UW-Whitewater and only care about your own personal feelings. There are many of us that actively support the fact the Post-Secondary education means not only teaching in the classroom but, in teaching but our actions.
Take a page from the team that beat you for the National Championship (twice)...Do you think that LK told you everything that was going on with his Mount Union team during the playoffs before the game. Right after the game a television reporter asked LK what his secret to winning was he made the following statement: "If I told you what my secret to wining is it would not be my secret anymore." LK never took his eye off of the goal (winning a national championship). After watching the game do you think that some of UW-W staff may have jumped ahead a week too soon and took their eye off of the goal on December 16, 2006? I am sure that the person that opened his mouth knows who he is, and the people that "passed on" the information to anyone who would listen, thanks for your assistance. Maybe you should go support Mount Union and you can babble their secret in winning!
To the Players and their Parents that read or post on this board there are supporters that you do not even know you have. This Warhawk Family numbers in the tens of thousands, of devoted people that pay money and travel many miles to see you play a game that you love to play. They want nothing more than to see you succeed in your goal to be a #1 team, which is part of a #1 athletic and academic organization. You have a great opportunity to take your program to an outstanding level. I as a supporter of the UW-W would love to see a MUC vs. UW-W rematch every year for the next decade or two.
If the rumor is true then Welcome Home Lance Liepold, you have more support than you will ever know. To any member that does not want to be a part of winning team and can't respect the needs of the team over the needs of yourself, See you around...we know your number and will be able to beat you and any team that my have you, because you are so predictable.....