I have never posted on here, and until now, have had no real desire to. This chat has always been a great barometer for what happens in the CCIW, and since I no longer play in the CCIW and cannot find as much time as I would like to attend the games, this chat is the best way to keep track of how everyone is playing.
I have followed this site religiously since the end of last season, and much to the chagrin of CCIW coaches, I can tell you that a lot of players check this chat occasionally to see what outsiders think. I have come to value some of the opinions on this board, as they have proven that they are very intelligible resources to the D3 basketabll, and more specifically, the CCIW fans. But to be honest, I think the debate going on right now is rather childish. It doesn't really matter if someone is biased for their team, I think that makes this chat more spirited, and enjoyable to read. April, you should not stop posting because of this, and if you don't agree that your presence on the board is not only welcome, but desired, then just look at the reactions that the posters had when you returned from your last hiatus. And Sager, no one here is saying that you don't know what you are talking about, and obviously there aren't as many people as lucid about D3 basketball as you are, so there is no need to come to such a strong defense. April was not intentionally calling you out, or admonishing your opinion, she was merely coming to the defense of her team.
I think everyone will be happier if we all held hands and sang cumbaya.
By the way,
Titans make the conference tourney, and win it to give the CCIW an extra team in the NCAAs.
I don't even care if I am biased.
In other news, Zach Freeman plans to run for President in the next election, and defeat Barack Obama.
I have followed this site religiously since the end of last season, and much to the chagrin of CCIW coaches, I can tell you that a lot of players check this chat occasionally to see what outsiders think. I have come to value some of the opinions on this board, as they have proven that they are very intelligible resources to the D3 basketabll, and more specifically, the CCIW fans. But to be honest, I think the debate going on right now is rather childish. It doesn't really matter if someone is biased for their team, I think that makes this chat more spirited, and enjoyable to read. April, you should not stop posting because of this, and if you don't agree that your presence on the board is not only welcome, but desired, then just look at the reactions that the posters had when you returned from your last hiatus. And Sager, no one here is saying that you don't know what you are talking about, and obviously there aren't as many people as lucid about D3 basketball as you are, so there is no need to come to such a strong defense. April was not intentionally calling you out, or admonishing your opinion, she was merely coming to the defense of her team.
I think everyone will be happier if we all held hands and sang cumbaya.
By the way,
Titans make the conference tourney, and win it to give the CCIW an extra team in the NCAAs.
I don't even care if I am biased.
In other news, Zach Freeman plans to run for President in the next election, and defeat Barack Obama.