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Messages - Green Hornet

I hear that ROJO was mad that his high school coach was taking messages from other schools, Florida, USC, and then not passing along the message...

Therefore, he backed out of Michigan whenhe heard other coaces has been calling. He didn't show up for a home visit this past week!
Wow! Adrian stunk it up tonight. To bad though, I would have liked them to give the home crowd something to cheer about.
I can't wait for the game on Wednesday. I can just imagine the Adrian players staying up late at night dreaming about this game.  Hope is ripe for the let down. THey better be ready to play.
Region 7 women's basketball / Re: MIAA
January 14, 2007, 10:35:57 AM
What a sad loss. Sitting courtside let me see that Hope just expected the win. No intensity. What the heck? They came out flat and Morehouse didn't have them ready. I think their plan was flawed. They have good shooters. Let them shoot. Jordan needs to let the ball fly.
Yep! I can't wait for Hope to play the East side school. If Hope beats Calvin today then Adrian is waiting sneak up on them.
Patridge is the key to the game. He needs to play starter quality minutes. Let the senior play! Free Patridge.
What an awesome Story. How fun that would have been to be at. This week a similar thing happened at a high school game. However, the refs really screwed things up. The fans rushed the floor after the first shot was made, thinking the game was over. However, the student had to take the second shot. The refs, idiots if you will, assessed a tech to the team for their fans being on the floor. Therefore, the other team had a chance to tie the game.

Dumping shirts is a terrible idea. It kills local economies in Africa. Local clothing makers can't compete when people throw huge quanities of unwanted clothing on the third world.

wait...not a political website.
Thanks for the great support SAC. Where did you get all that data?  The box score?

What is the system offense tri-state ran? The 5 guy at a time thing?
Should be an excellent week.

I talked to someone who heard the conversation between Glen and the Olivet coach.  The Olivet coach thought Glen was running up the score. hmmm...

Up by 25...Got your third string in, Olivet is pressing, how are you rinning up the score. Yes, the crowd wanted 100. However, 3 pointers were not being taken or set plays to get the last points. Olivet kept following our third string center with their best players.


Can't wait for the game this weekend. Going to be good. Real good.

I predict Partridge puts up 25points. Why is he not starting?
Actually, yeah it does.

However, it's for a much lower lever. 

I deal with crappy parents like that all the time.  :o That's why it's a sore point for me.

Let's gets back to the point ... I don't care what level you coach at you don't have to act like a butt head who can become a crazy man at one missed judgement call. For example, Bob Knight. I don't respect him. Don't tell me about grad rates. He throws chairs on the court. Is that what we teach kids???? The MIAA coaches should be examples for kids who come to games and those who play. They shouldn 't rant and rave like they are little Napoleans.

Actually, wouldn't it be great if we could go nuts at our jobs like the coaches.

"Hey, you didn't tip me enough for that Gregordog. Get your tail end out of my store!!!" Then proceed to chase him all the way to the peanut store.

hmm... I love the peanut store! Those different color sour balls.

I would like to see Partridge go nuts one day on the hoop!  Go up with a windmill, like the great dominque wilkens, and just destory the rim.
I agree. The parents should discuss the coaching tactics.

I love your idea's Crow. Why do you think Glen gets so match crap.

I can't wait for the Calvin/Hope game on Satruday.

Man, I really want to know what the Olivet coach was steamed all up about after the game.
Hmmm....thought it was a discussion board. Not a,"Let's leave the coach's alone board."
My point exactly. The kids in college. Let him fight his own battle.

Now, if he wants to complain about over schemes or play calling I understand. However, he was not, he was complaining that his son was not in the game during a blowout.  Crazy. Also, Hope is deep. Very deep. I love watching the 2nd or 3rd string play.