nescac hoops:
i obviously understand your sentiment. human beings are 99.9% the same, yet everybody focuses on differences. sure, in a perfect world, we'd have the "all human" team and nothing else.
but you seem to have no problem with an all american team. all state? why does that have no stigma? to me, it all seems arbitrary. what about the front page of this website. we, as the "division 3" family, are proud of one of our own who succeeded in becoming an NBA GM. "division 3" is a distinction we have created that is just as arbitrary and anything else. but we feel an undeniable pride, apparently.
i agree with wydown blvd. 1000 percent. we live in a world of subcommunities, and to be honest i do not think that is an awful thing. i think all human beings are equal, but i do feel a special pride when i read about somebody from MY family succeeding, MY high school succeeding, when i hear about an alum from MY college doing well, MY state, and MY religious community. like wydown said, it's all positive. in all of the previously stated examples, it's pride, it's tradition, it's history. i think you're harping on all the baggage that comes with "organized" religion. i think you're saying an all jewish team is closer to an all white supremacist team (ridiculous), when it is really closer to an all state or all region team. please just drop the white supremacist point it makes no sense. in your last point you assumed that "If there were to be an "all white" or an "all christian" team most would assume, and rightfully so, that it was made or construed by a white supremacy-eque group and would rightfully create an uproar." you can be proud without being "zealous" in the sense that we see on CNN every day. you're associating religion, which in its iteration here is merely a defined community of shared ancestry/tradition and nothing else, with ideology and proselytizing . and you seem to ALWAYS tag negativity to it. it's not an issue of "supremacy" and nobody is being demeaned. jews aren't claiming to be better athletes by putting their team out (obviously...the whole team is from d3... they would get killed). it's like rooting for your own team without rooting against the other team, the sportsmanship credo we all learn as children. take this stuff for for what it is, or ignore it.
i obviously understand your sentiment. human beings are 99.9% the same, yet everybody focuses on differences. sure, in a perfect world, we'd have the "all human" team and nothing else.
but you seem to have no problem with an all american team. all state? why does that have no stigma? to me, it all seems arbitrary. what about the front page of this website. we, as the "division 3" family, are proud of one of our own who succeeded in becoming an NBA GM. "division 3" is a distinction we have created that is just as arbitrary and anything else. but we feel an undeniable pride, apparently.
i agree with wydown blvd. 1000 percent. we live in a world of subcommunities, and to be honest i do not think that is an awful thing. i think all human beings are equal, but i do feel a special pride when i read about somebody from MY family succeeding, MY high school succeeding, when i hear about an alum from MY college doing well, MY state, and MY religious community. like wydown said, it's all positive. in all of the previously stated examples, it's pride, it's tradition, it's history. i think you're harping on all the baggage that comes with "organized" religion. i think you're saying an all jewish team is closer to an all white supremacist team (ridiculous), when it is really closer to an all state or all region team. please just drop the white supremacist point it makes no sense. in your last point you assumed that "If there were to be an "all white" or an "all christian" team most would assume, and rightfully so, that it was made or construed by a white supremacy-eque group and would rightfully create an uproar." you can be proud without being "zealous" in the sense that we see on CNN every day. you're associating religion, which in its iteration here is merely a defined community of shared ancestry/tradition and nothing else, with ideology and proselytizing . and you seem to ALWAYS tag negativity to it. it's not an issue of "supremacy" and nobody is being demeaned. jews aren't claiming to be better athletes by putting their team out (obviously...the whole team is from d3... they would get killed). it's like rooting for your own team without rooting against the other team, the sportsmanship credo we all learn as children. take this stuff for for what it is, or ignore it.