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Messages - Jim Rome Of The CCC

Med school out of Gordon eh? Don't let them call you out on the "jesus horses" thing....
*Welcome To The Jungle*

What is uppppppppppppp a tremendous Friday to all of you out here in TCCCCCC land.

The extra C's are for Chaotic...Crazy....and .... Chargers....

That's right the CSC Chargers head the docket today as they and the fabled Harvard Of Maine (UNE) are distancing themselves from the rest of the pack....Bill Foti and his ball club are just straight up winning basketball games even...speaking of which where is Ryan he in the freaking witness protection program Bill? Have not seen him much this year at all.

Moving on....The Harvard of Maine has won a bunch of games in a row... That's good because it will mean fans at the game...which means that Igloo that you guys call a student center/gym/coffee shop will have some body warmth in it....Canada

Roger Williams and Wentworth and Roger Williams and Gordon both broke out the leather helmets and played 1930s football this week...Is Roger Williams running the wing T? what is going on out here.

Anna Maria freaking college downs Endicott... That must not be sitting well in the house that Mike Plansky built...a few more games like that and you're going to be hearing Josh Oxton and Matt George's music and seeing them enter like wrestlers....

NEC is still in the league...just telling you all

And while we beat each other up on the Aaron Trigg vs Todd Doyle debate...two very good players...we are overlooking Justin Woodworth of Salve Regina, this kid has been doing his best Stefan Curry of late and is putting up crazy buckets...rack him.

Has anyone ever talked about WNEC on this board...ever?

We are up against a break here so we will be back in a few minutes with former Colby-Sawyer player Chris Condon

...and we are baaaaack

What is going on with Nicholls they are coming out and beating RWU then getting thumped down Salve way. I half expect to see their coach up on the podium doing the Dennis Green ...THE SEAHAWKS ARE WHO WE THOUGHT THEY WERE!!!!

Big weekend coming up with Gulls-Leopards, Bison-Chargers, Pride-Crusaders, AmCats-Harvard, RWU-NEC, Scots-Curry, and 'Hawks-Bears.

We will be back after these messages and we will be giving out Legal Zoom Dot Com information
*Welcome To The Jungle* Plays

Clones...what is up. Back to business in the The T-C-C-C with the T as always being redundant if you also say "the".

*long pause*

What in the name of Andrew St. Clair is going on in our fair league. Gordon might be ok.

UNE is bringing a cast of thousands out of the Southland... they are also apparently rocking it in the class room, from here on out I'm going to refer to UNE only as the HOM. (Harvard Of Maine). Great gloss provided by the Hoops Fan himself. Great Gloss.

Meanwhile up in Colby-Sayer the Chargers were the pre season number one and Duncan Szeliga and Dave Rosso should be enough on any given night to beat anyone...rack em.

Lets read an email:

"Van Smack....I miss Gary Corbett.....signed Gary Corbett....war James Bartelle posts"

Very nice.

*shuffles papers*

And what about Wentworth. They gave up a hundo spot the other night. You'd think the O would fall off with Sherrad Prezzie-Blue not in the stable but they can't seem to stop anyone. That can't be sitting well in that warehouse they call a gym.

We'll be back after the break with some phone calls and an interview with Mike Plansky.

But first the Huge TCCC Email of the Day

"Dear Jim,

If UNE gets to be the "Harvard Of Maine" does that make us the "Duke of The North Shore"

signed Endicott fans who think they go to a good school

war Gordon not being nearly as great as they think either

-The Rest of The CCC"

Wow that is some strong smack.

As always clones all in fun. We'll see ya next time.

Fanatic, couldn't agree more with you, the coach did an excellent thing, and I agree with him full on. I'm just saying if you're players can't hold it together enough to not get thrown out of the last game of the season you probably shouldn't be a post season team. I don't blame Mulligan I blame anyone foolish enough to get tossed in a game like that.

And they did forfeit 2 games, I'm just not sure why we're having a parade for them.
*welcome to the jungle*

Clones what is up....back on the air for the year in review CCC breakdown....ERRRRRR the TCCC breakdown.

Maclom Wynn finally racks himself a TCCC championship....good to see. They straight up layed the wood to the Hawks in the finals and were the best team in the league down the stretch- best of luck to them tonight  against the polar bears.....I'm not seeing it.

Secondly the ECAC- not sure beating a disappointed Emerson team makes you "legit" generally "legit" teams don't have their leading scorer suspended for playoff's good to see a comptetive team in Maine but if you're going to get bounced out of games....and forfeit wins (see link) The I'm not sure you are in fact "legit" ...enjoy the warm season August 5th and 6th.

As for the ECAC in general. Sure it's the northeast version of the NIT but why not play more basketball if you can. Then again the all mighty dollar does rule much of collegiate athletics even our cute little conference here.

...In other news Hoops Fan apparently is not a fan of Van Smack. Which is too bad, I'd like to extend an olive branch to the old sage of the board... Even with his far less frequent posts this year I will take 100 Hoops Fan's recaps over bad Tab puns and 15 random newly registered Curry posters that want to talk about Mark Mastrullo....Hoops Fan keep on trucking and we'll agree to disagree about my relative  merits as a poster.....rack it.

As for WITFAN....don't think your patronizing request means I'm going to go easy on the Leopards...They underachieved   big time this year and with SPB heading out the door they are going to need to figure something out pronto if they want to be back in the TCCC Tournament come next year.....

...Gordon is also pillaged by graduation. All of their viable post players are gone as is their quarterback for the last 4 years. I'm sure they'll bring in some guys, but you don't just lose a 4 year starting point guard and not have a drop off.

....RWU loses its post prescense as well with Barranger and Gumb checking out.

Colby-Sawyer has to be the early favorite looking ahead to 08-09 they have literally everyone on their roster back and were a tough out this year.

Lastly a heartfelt "late" to one of the better senior classes I've seen in this league. Jones, Blue, Barranger, Gumb, Jaziri, Vallee, and Lammare in particular had solid careers in this league and will be missed down the road.

We'll be back after the break with an interview with Nejmanja Markinovic....

*Welcome To The Jungle blares*

...Clones what is up..things are getting testy on the CCC Board and the pimp in the box Van Smack himself is going to have referee yet another skirmish.....

...starting in Henniker...what is going on with the pilgrims. With Ryan "Hibachi" Jaziri and Kinglsey Onyechi in the fold they should be able to throw myself and Jay Stew and T-Rodge in the lineup and be able to win a conference game....are you kidding me?

and what about the Wentworth Leopards. Last year not much expected finish around .500 and blast though the conference tournament. This year all kinds of things expected finish around .500 and do they blast their way through the conference tournament...we'll find out...rack it

..meanwhile down in Rhode Island Rik Smits Barranger and the boys are putting together a big time year the question is the same as it always is for the Hawks....can they finish?

I'd like to be the first to mourn the posting death of the illustrious Hoops Fan...we miss you

*shuffles papers*

I have a huge email here:

"Dear UNE Fans,

we understand you're excited about your team and also about finally having the internet up in there in New Foundland where your school is located


The Rest of The CCC."

That is no doubt to start a border war up in the Northlands. That being said UNE has exactly one quality win so far so maybe they shouldn't be planning their parade yet.
*lust for life plays*

Clones....what is up...back in the CCC for the open. This board is quieter than Bill Belicheck in a room full of people with personalities....ha ha....funny how Scot Fan disapeers when they drop 2 straight and we don't have to hear play by play break downs of the goings on in the Bennet we even have a WNEC poster? J-Stew...lets find a WNEC poster, they're in the league now. A Regis poster would be nice too...they beat the Pilgrims the other night despite Jaziri yelling"hibachi!"...RWU....let me here from you Bristol the Hawks are doing it to the league right now. Pounding the ball into your 7 footer in a D3 conference is never a bad idea! Rack em.

I'm about 4 minutes over so I need to get out to break...but first lets read a couple emails.

Dear Jim,

I knew WNEC was joining the league...I didn't know Endicott was leaving....

signed, Endicott Basketball 2002-2007

yikes...that is strong.

One more email here.

Dear Jim,

I feel that such as US American CCC fans don't have maps and that make's its difficult for them to get to Colby Sawyer and or the Iraq and difficult or them to such as watch games therefore they post lot about such games without really seeing them.

-Miss Teen South Carolina

Sounds about clones are ridiculoussssss...we'll be back with an interview with Jamie Cosgrove.

Getting a little aggro in here. As someone who has profoundly no stance on this I say the Fighting Scotts have all the right in the world to talk to about this last win as they did lay something of a beating.....However the Leopard faithful...which I think is just backboard and maybe CCC Talk can come in and say "scoreboard" and ask how many league titles Schauer and co. have won, because it's 0.

They both end up 11-2 in the league by the way.

*Welcome To The Jungle*

Clones what is up!? I am baaaack.....quick takes not sucking

The newly revamped Tccc is taking some getting used to and I'm not just talking about that nonsense initial at the beginning of the abrev. With the new schedule there were very few matchups of league teams before the break and those were non league games....what in the name of Casey Butler is going on here.

...Up in Beverly Joey Burgos is back in uniform for the Power ERRRRR just Gulls- will he be enough to put them over the top...good question...

..Milton Mass...will someone other than the big 4 score for Curry, more to the point will Bartelle last the season or will he be hoisiting halfcourt shots and playing music by the playoffs...merits watching

The defending champion Wentworth Leopards...which does not sound right have  been all over the map, Sherrad Prezzie-Blue is awfully dangerous will they be able to ride him again?

Up at Gordon the Scots are dealing quite well with the loss of Logan and Herr and seem poised to make a run...WNEC are the new kids on the block and people are pretty scared of them I'm willing to bet, lastly what is up with NEC running the Hawaii football offense, they may score 200 points in a game before the end of the year, of course they may lose 212-203.

Looking forward to some league games finally, seeing what the CCC squads can do against each other.

We'll be back from the break with a call from Pat Quinn and and Eastern Naz email contest.
once again, all in fun,

*welcome to the jungle blares*

Clones what is up....I am baaaaaack its another season of action in the revamped TCCC. Worst abrev ever...even Orenthal thinks so.

Lets start at the bottom with Regis and my dream of seeing a team run the table in reverse. When your own coach is picking you last that is pretty outstanding....rack the pride.

Now lets talk about the The University Of Western New England College ....wait that's 3 different teams....ridiculous....from what I hear WNEC could be the real deal and the new kids on the block could lay some serious wood on the league this year.

Wait we have an email

"Dear Jim
James Bartelle is back at Curry
....signed.....James Bartelle

War The And1 Mixtape tour stopping in Milton"

....crumples paper. Moving on to the North Coast. Endicott jacks up a transfer from in the league and should be good....Josh Oxton is smiling somewhere....and Sam Evans...pretty sure he was Endicott when they were getting the ball down from the peach baskets...he's about as old as Dominqiue Wilkins.

Up and Gordon they lose Jerry Logan which is a much bigger loss than people up there seem to think, he was the engine of that team....Marstaller is back to finish 2nd in the race for another award.

Wentworth.....the freaking favorite? The new world order in the CCC we'll see if the boys from Boston can juice back up after their magical run or if they will do the superbowl thing and just not be heard from ever again like the 2004 Raiders.....also can we get a moratorium on the PB and J thing, lets call the dude by his real name this year

Salve Regina....still in the league

We got another email

"Dear Van Smack
Gary Corbett is the most underrated player in the league

signed....Gary Corbett

war Mike Plansky"

strong smack. We will be back after a short break we are out to Mike Tully for an interview and hopefully will be joined in studio by one of the dudes that jacked up the colby sawyer linolium floor.

I am out
What is up CCC clones?

Since last I posted the subject on most people's minds especially at Gordon has to be WENTWORTH or as I like to say "Wentworth?" Topsy Turvy year in the league has a topsy turvy ending with WIT beating RWU, GC and CC on the road.

I'm hearing a whole lot of silence from Gordon after that 69-68 shocker the WIT layed on them, I liked the diesel picking Fisher by "20 or so" ERRRRR that must mean Gordon would have gone down by "20 or 1"

Meanwhile lets hope for an all CCC final in the ECACs, where the players moms will enjoy that.

On a serious note to the jungle I want to say a heartfelt "late" to the seniors who I did enjoy having around the league this year and the last few years so I appologize if I forget anyone but: Namanja Markinovic, Mike Sullivan, Mike Herr, Jerry Logan, Pat Quinn, Nick Farenyez, Antoine Silvia, Bryan Gaine, Nate Truncellito, Brendan Parrish, Steve Prescod, Matt Grendal, Jon Hazzard, Dan Sadlowski, Bryan Poccaro, Ryan Seaberg, Chris Corey and Dave Duda.....rack them

Wentworth is in the NCAA tournament.......odd

We're up against a break so I will catch you clones later....we are out on the phone lines to anyone that was alive the last time Wentworth won something and also a post interview with the Gordon radio crew and the Salve Regina band leader....

I am out
and we are baaaaaaaaaack

It's all been said about the EC-GC showdown....a 4 point play.....freaking ridiculous....good for the gulls.

How about Hoops Fan running some smack on Brandon Parrish.....I'm loving the idea of the coastie awards.....phenominal

We have an email here.....

...Dear guys don't talk enough about Gary Corbett.......signed......Gary Corbett's roomate.......war Mike Plansky..........I've had about enough of the Corbett talk.....good player....sure he's a fine human being....but why are we talking about random 6th men....let's start talking for pages on end about Mike Wooley ......or Jermaine Baskerville......ridiculous

Let's talk about player of the year because I know you clones love running smack about various awards.....I think there are 3 legitimate canididates stilll......Marinkovich has to be the front runner....Prezzie-Blue has been downright carrying the crew from Boston all year and Marstaller will get some run as well. Will be interesting to see.....all I know is once it's announced I'm going to have to come on here and see fans crying.....Gordon fans crying if Nemanja or Blue wins......EC fans crying if Marstaller or Blue wins....if Wentworth had fans I'm they'd be crying as well.....but you know what as Dan Hawkins said "ITS DIVISION 3 BASKETBALL!"

We really need to establish post game pressers in this league so we could have heard Mike Schauer's thoughts on the EC-GC game:

"The Gulls are what we THOUGHT they were! And we let em off the hook! We played em in January....the GULLS ARE WHAT WE THOUGHT THEY WERE...if you wanna crown em then CROWN THEIR HEINEYS*!"

*Gordon edit, sorry Dennis Green

What is up Clonesssssss

Its Rivalry Week in the CCC....out freaking standing.

I had the look of Reche Caldwell going through the scores and seeing that Eastern Naz had rolled up like that on Roger Williams.....rack Edsen

Do you hear that's the sound of Anna Maria, Eastern Naz, UNE and NEC backing up the truck for next year.....but that dosnt mean that Jaziri can't drop 65 points on Wentworth tommorow .....HIBACHI

.....*shuffles papers*.....

I've had just about enough smack between EC and Gordon.....first Gordon fan is all "Marstalller wahhhhhhhhhhh wahhhhhhhh wahhhhhh" then Endicott fan is all "Nemanja....Wwahhhhhhhhhhh wahhhhh wahhhhh" then they break out their stats...let's be 100% serious....outside of the northshore's outfreakingstanding roast beef places I dont much value the opinions from up there....objectivly speaking I think I'd go with Marinkovich cuz if you took him off the Gulls things would get realllly ugly. Also I kinda hope Marstaller gets it, just so we don't have to hear crying from Wenhem for the next 16 years about it, they're still crying about him not being rookie of the year 2 years ago....end it...

Also I gotta pass some love along to Sherrad Prezzie-Blue.....dude never gets called by his right name on this board....merits mentioning that still dosn't give any excuse for them getting worked on the glass on saturday by Salve Regina.....Salve Regina is going to win a conference tourny game....they just are....rack that.

We have open phones this hour, in the 3rd hour we'll be talking to Josh Oxton about being strong....

Lastly Clones, the GC-EC is getting a ton of run as usual, it reminds me a lot of hell week when the raiders play the chargers....I'm just waiting for some brain dead EC fan with a GPA of 1.7 in swimming pool managment to call up and say something smart like "Gordon sucks, gulls rule GOODNIGHT NOW!" then some beard wearing bible studying aquafina drinking GC fan will crack back with something like "god loves us, gull fans are stupid, hooray" and this will be an endless cycle of madness.....I'm putting a stop to it right now. This is a zero tolerance smack off. I'd rather hear some Curry smack or even *gulp* Nichols Bison smack then listen to GC fan and EC fan take run after run at each other.

If I had to make a pick I'd take Gordon by 6, just too strong for the gulls. Also in all the POY talk where is Jerry Logan....that dude is good.

anyways clones thanks for the time, I'll be back to the board shortly to weigh in on the playoffs and give a slingbox to Bill Foti

I am out.

(this is all meant in jest, I'm taking shots at everyone, I love this league...don't worry about it, nothing personal)

*The Iggy Pop Song "Lust For Life" Plays*

Welcome back...this is Jim Rome on the premier sports radio networks devoting my time today to New England Division 3 particular...The Commonwealth Coast Conference. We have open phones in the first hour so James in Bristol stay on the line we'll get to your R-Dub take and we are out to former Fightin Scot Hayes Murray and "Hoops Fan" on the phones to talk some hoops.

This week may have in fact been the wackiest week of a wacky year in a wacky league...fantastic.

Let's start in New London New Hampshire...anytime you lose what they lost you can't be sure what to expect...not only did they lose the big fella Andrew St. Clair who last I heard was running the pick and pop with a bunch of dudes who in their spare time try to deny William Wallace his freedom, they also lost Colin Bray and Jim Thorpe....All American....Rack That...Coach Foti the salty vet of the league has a new cast of characters and they are starting to play pretty well...let us talk about Ryan Murray ... this kid is grabbing rebounds at a MAMOTH clip. They are getting some offense from Nate "Marty Cordova" Truncellito and from a collection of talented frosh. Outstanding. Plus anytime you have to play in that airplane hanger they call a gym on a bathroom tile floor it's gonna be a rough night. I think things will continue to improve for the Chargers...excellent.

Moving on to Beverly...The Power Gulls ERRRRR just the Gulls still feature Nejmanja Markinovic possibly THE best Serbian player in the entire league and are still dangerous at home in the Post Center in front of their legions of fans who didn't get in to their first choice school...none the less Chris Millette has the boys playing like a tough out. They were able to beat Bridgewater State the other day and as they enter this tough stretch of roughly one million league games in 3 weeks...we should learn a lot more about them...and the play of Gsmizzle22.

Boston...What Is Up?...Who is this team and what have they done with The Leopards...Six wins in a row, are you freaking kidding me? This is Wentworth we're talking about here. Wentworth the team...not Wentworth the player...not that the fact that they have a player named Wentworth isn't ridiculous...rack that...I know most things...and I had no idea this team could even hang with Gordon...let alone beat them. I have no freaking clue what to expect from this team the rest of the way...Prezzie Blue is scary right now, all he and Doyle haven't been able to do lately is build themselves a gym.

Up in Henniker is my one of my favorite stories of the CCC year thus far...Ryan Jaziri is strongly campaigning to have his name changed to Ryan Freaking Jaziri...and as you know that is the highest compliment I can level...We're talking about a kid who was basically a good role playing guard for the last 2 years and all of a sudden he's leading the freaking league in scoring...I mean I half expect this kid to start screaming "HIBACHI" and launching from 25 feet...Plus the fact that a third of their freaking roster was born in Jolly Old England...Rack the English Muffins...I still see good things for the Pilgrims in the second semester even if their gym needs a freaking silo.

*shuffles papers*

How about up in Maine. Or as some would call it "Canada Junior". Noreaster Fan...can not be pumped with the record, but can be pumped with the win over Curry. Freaking outstanding. Steve Belmonte is turning himself into a quality CCC guard right before our eyes and Issac Stickney is in running for MVV...Most Valuable Viking...kid is a warrior. This team will beat someone in the near future...hopefully Matt McManus will call me up for some jungle karma.

Lastly...Wenham...I was waiting until last to get to Wenhem because I know Gordon Fan is taking time off from their cookie baking and inspiration saying recitation to read about the CCC. Don't let that hiccup against Wentworth throw you...this is still the team to beat in the North and I don't see them losing again in league play to be honest...Justin Kaufman and Jerry Logan is about as good as it gets as far as a backcourt in this league and when Marstaller doesn't make faces and just plays he's a freaking force to be reckoned with in the paint...Trigg and now Bajema have the luxury of slowly working their way into the rotation while the vets knock down shot after shot...Couple that with the strongest fan support in the league and you have a win win win situation in Scot Nation...One has to wonder what would happen if they were to win the conference tournament...between Coach Shauer's turned ankle from dancing up and down the sideline and the G rated revelry of the fan base it might be too much for me to take...I do think they'll win it though...If they do boys and girls may even be allowed to hold hands for the weekend at GC.

*shuffles papers*

I have an email here.... It reads "Jim, James Bartelle is the missing ingredient for Curry....signed...James Bartelle.".....hilarious 

Let's move on the South.

Milton Massachusetts....what is up?....Honestly is there anyone in this league cooler than Malcom Wynn? Dude's suits are ON POINT. Also that little fact that he's won a national freaking championship...rack that...As for his squad they are a Forrest Gump team across the never know what you're going to get...Tim Jones is the best guard in the South...and they have a 6'10 dude hanging around that puts up numbers from time to time...I like them to finish second in the South...when they show up...they can take anyone.

Newport...Salve Regina...they have some serious talent on this campus ERRRRRR rich girls...and the basketball team is pretty good as well...Matt Grendel is another candidate for Most Valuble Freaking Viking. I'm pretty sure when they go to Roger Williams they don't even take a bus...they just hitch up Grendel to a freaking yoke and let him pull the wagon. Also honestly if you were a recruit why would you not go to's in Newport...let's see Newport or Henniker?...Newport or Paxton?...Newport or a a housing project? (Wentworth)...I gotta go with Newport...They don't quite have the horses for a home game I don't think, but should be a spoiler night in and night out.

What is up in Paxton...Anna Maria is trying to get after it...on that 6 acre lot they call a campus...Sean Conrad is the coach there now and that dude is tough as nails...They've beaten Eastern Naz twice in the battle for pride and pride alone and just hung a 85 spot on Wentworth...This is another team that could beat someone...also when I am the president of sports I'm having an investigation into what in the hell an amcat is...rack it.

Over in Dudley...Nichols is getting used to life without Justin Lewis...Justin Lewis is a beast...but no longer a beast playing for that team...Coach Sockolnicki is one of the true good guys in the game however and you know he's got something up his sleeve. Vallee despite looking like a civil war soldier/samuri/k-fed on any given night with that ridiculous mane is showing why he has to be a candidate for player of the year...Also Chris Paquin is taking a look at getting his name in the Rookie Of The Year race...I will hopefully be speaking with Casey Butler later in hour 3 on the phones...but only if Jay Stew can run him down for me...

Quincy Massachusetts...Eastern Nazarene is getting close to fulfilling one of my personal dreams...I have always wanted to see a team run the table in reverse...unfortunately I think Coach Yeh is too good a coach and the players are too talented to not get a win somewhere along the line, crushing my dream...none the less Luc Jasmin and John Marcellous can both play the game...and after a close loss to Anna Maria and a closer game than expected with Gordon they will take one somewhere...and when they do they will be dancing in the aisles at ENC...or they won't...not sure if dancing is allowed. 

Lastly Bristol...James stay on the line we will still get to your take, I promise and you may very well win the slingbox...Mike Tully or as I like to call him "The Accountant" has quite a roster this year including Geoff "I'm 7 feet tall" Barrenger...Division 3 Basketball should look into a height restriction...the dude is 7 freaking feet tall, but none the less Dan Gumb is back as well...Great story, love to see a hard nosed kid come all the way back from a terrible injury...Brandon Parish is still around Bristol and hits the glass hard and they have a strong collection of Guards that are among the better backcourts in the league...The only thing wrong with this team is they play in Rhode Island...which has no business being a's like...the size of a decent sized town out in the 909...and probably just as clean...but looking past that, they are my pick to win the south, and probably the entire league.....Scotts and Hawks for all the marbles...they got a good look at it.

*shuffles papers*

So there we are with a quick trip around the CCC, I'll be back next week with more takes that do not suck...for the entire league and the crew in Southern California I am Jim Rome and I am out.......GOOD NIGHT NOW