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Messages - DirkDiggler

Region 3 men's basketball / Re: Empire 8
February 05, 2008, 11:46:38 PM
It surprises me that Fisher has 7 coaches and still can't get a game plan to beat Naz.
Region 3 men's basketball / Re: Empire 8
March 31, 2007, 12:47:41 AM
If Fisher got their tales whipped in the first half then what happend to Ithaca in the second considering Fisher won?
Region 3 men's basketball / Re: Empire 8
March 12, 2007, 04:20:48 PM
I heard Syracuse scheduled Hartwick and Alfred for next year.  That should help their strength of schedule.  But it is at the Dome though.
Region 3 men's basketball / Re: Empire 8
March 10, 2007, 02:15:29 AM
I read alot on these posts but seldom post.  The thing that really gets me is about the refs.  I know I wasn't at the games but it seems like after every big loss for Fisher, or big win, someone has something to say about the refs.  Seriously people, have you ever tried to referee in your life before?  I highly doubt it, and if you have, I highly doubt it was such a high maintance game such as Fisher/Naz or Fisher/Brockport in the sweet 16.  I would love to see you guys make a block/charge call in a fraction of a second.  I bet my life on it that none of you could do it on a consistent basis.  I just have a personal bisas for the refs.

That being said, I tip my hat to Brockport for winning the game.  I wasn't there but it sounds like you guys executed your game plan to perfection.  Being good friends of Dan McSweeney and Dan Mueller and A-Feynen, I wish you guys could have had a better ending to your career.

On to next year season, I think Fishers' success depends on who transfers and what freshman they get in.  I only hope Mckeaver, Keirnan, and Coyne stay around to enjoy another year.
Region 3 men's basketball / Re: Empire 8
March 03, 2007, 01:59:57 AM
Superman, you mean Potsdam right?
Region 3 men's basketball / Re: Empire 8
February 27, 2007, 11:05:56 PM
Superman, have you ever played anything competitive?
Region 3 men's basketball / Re: Empire 8
February 24, 2007, 02:47:17 AM
SuperMan stop living as a SuperHomo, and realize that Fisher is not as good this year.   Please go on to tell me how I have never played sports before and how I am a fool.  I think GoBombers is really the only sensible person here.

Go Fisher.  Go A-Streeet!
Region 3 men's basketball / Re: Empire 8
February 18, 2007, 11:42:57 AM
I don't have a bone to pick with Kornaker at all.  Everytime I see the guy he is always nice to me.  I guess I was just relaying what I heard from friends.  Either way, I don't think he or Goodemote will win.  Maybe Daly should get it for having one of the most talented teams and do nothing with them.

My ROY has to be McAdams.  I don't think Baltz or Newman from Fisher will get any consideratoin really.

POY - I don't know.  I can see both sides of the case here.  With Coco you have numbers on a not so good team.  Without him, Hartwick finishes 0-14 playing the women.  Just looking at the Fisher stats, to me there isn't anyone who has eye popping numbers.  I know last year SOB didn't have any thing that spectacular but he was more vital to that team then his numbers showed.  I guess the only one from fisher that should recieve consideration is Mueller.

Bryant and Herring are my other two top runners but with the recent slide Utica had, I'm not sure.  Any word on Bryant with his injury?

Good luck and congrats to Fisher.
Region 3 men's basketball / Re: Empire 8
February 18, 2007, 03:08:33 AM
I don't post much at all but I think I have alot of knowledge about basketball and Fisher since I go to school there.  And to be honest with you, Coach Kornaker should not recieve coach of the year.  (Yes Superman, there is a "not" in that sentence).  Here are my reasons...

1)  I know they won the league but seriously, Utica choked.  So in my eyes, Utica gave Fisher the league title.  And I know Fisher had a "down" year (talent wise) but many teams would love to have the down year that Fisher had.  With that, I can really only see Fisher having that first loss to Utica.  They had two returning all-conference players and Dan Mueller got a lot of time last year.  That leads me to my second point...

2)  The thing that perplexes me about Kornaker is that he has alot of sophomores and juniors on the bench that don't play.  A good coach to me  works everyone into the system so when they are a junior they can greatly contribute to the team.  I'm not taking anything away from Newman, but I know for a fact that McKeaver and Coyne and Kiernan and the late Kevin Casey could be easily doing what Newman is.  Adrian Fenyn should win the award of most God-given talent that doesn't play.  He dropped 19 tonight but, to me, Kornaker has his favorites and sticks with them.  Personally, I think Kornaker has a few favorites and in my book that isn't the sign of a good coach.  I wouldn't be surprised if half of the 9321 freshman transfer.

3) I'm friends with about 90% of the team and I can say that about 99% of them have a bone to pick with the guy.  How can a coach be COY if he doesn't have the respect of his players.

4)  Watch his actions on the sideline!!!  I laugh at the comments that say he could coach at the next level right now.  THe D1 refs would T him up before he even stepped off of the bus.  He has something to whine about every call, even if it goes for Fisher.  I watch Goodemote and the guy is a gentleman.  He respects the officials and only coaches.  That is a coach.

5)  I'm sorry but a COY should not have 62 people on his bench.  Step up to the plate and let some people go. 

6)  I don't like to focus on the past seasons but look at the two previous years.  The 28-0 year he might not have coached all but 21 seconds.  Then comes Potsdam and Fisher loses by over 25.  Next year...  they barely beat Utica in the Sweet 16 then the Elite 8 was a close game.  I know that Potsdam and Amherst were better then Fisher... but Phi Slamma Jamma was better then NC State.  What I'm getting at is he hasn't had to do any coaching really.  I saw from the stands this year that the assistant drew up the play that beat RIT at RIT during the regular season.  Throw him in the same league and Amherst or the UofR and they might not beat the women's team.

Personally, just watching the games and talking with friends on the team I get the vibe that he isn't a "player's coach"  I can see that though because it seems like he is never happy with anything.

I don't know who really should win COY.  I can't see Goodemote now with the weekend they had.  I might have to agree with GB15 and Mullins?

Good luck to the teams next weekend.
Region 3 men's basketball / Re: Empire 8
January 30, 2007, 05:50:38 PM
I really think I'm dumber now for reading all of PostUp's crap.  PostUp just because you were picked last throughout elementarty school doesn't make it okay for you to attempt to sound intelligent.  Go back to playing Dungeons and Dragons.
Region 3 men's basketball / Re: Empire 8
January 26, 2007, 11:10:49 AM
I think Fisher will continue to struggle in league play if Beigel doesn't pick up the scoring.  I'm not saying he has to drop in 20 a night but last game I think he had 3 and the game before that 5.  I don't think you can win many games with an all conference player not scoring very much.  Yes he rebounds very well and plays hard but I think he has to score it too.  I know he is one of the main focuses for opposing team defenses but he should be able to overcome that.

Moving on, Fisher is finally back at home, hopefully that will get them back on the winning track.  Personally, I think the two league losses comes from believing that other teams won't show up to play because they're St. John Fisher.  Hopefully, they prove me wrong this weekend.

Predictions... Fisher over Elmira by 17 but they will be up big at one point then they will allow Elmira back in the game causing Kornker to whine and complain but eventually Fisher will pull away again.
And on Saturday, I say Fisher over Ithaca by 8

Good Luck
Region 3 men's basketball / Re: Empire 8
January 25, 2007, 05:48:08 PM
New to the board.  Know a lot about Fisher basketball from this years team to a couple years ago.